Sun God Marvel

Chapter 467

“What did you say, Shirley is missing?”

Listening to Aretha’s account, Serana became not knowing what to do Up. What happened not only made the intruders who had died be unbelievable, even she herself could hardly believe that such a bizarre thing would happen. But she knew that Aretha did not lie at all, because this child has never had such a problem. She just needs to be sure.

“Are you saying that Shirley was taken away by a faint yellow gem? A gem here?”

“It’s the thing inside, a It looks like a stone with upright eyes. Serana, will Shirley be okay?”

“Trust me, dear! She will be okay. Let’s go find your father. , I believe he will know where Shirley is, and then bring her back.”

Looking at the helplessness on Aretha’s face and the distressing worry, Serana took She hugged her tightly into own arms, and then comforted her gently.

Arysa has been scared enough. If she can’t comfort her at this time, it will only leave an indelible wound in her young heart. Therefore, although Serana Oneself is also very worried about Shirley’s safety, she must be strong enough at this time.

However, no matter how hard the outer mask is, it can’t change Serana’s weak heart. At this moment, she was actually very helpless, she desperately needed an existence that he could rely on. In other words, at this moment, she extremely hoped that Zhou Yi could be by her side.

But Zhou Yi is not here now, now he is in front of two other helpless women.

10880 Malibu Street. Tony was in his private residence by the sea. Zhou Yi stood silently beside the two women who were in a coma, looking at their haggard and pale faces with a look of pity.

For him, this is one of the biggest mistakes he has made in his life. He shouldn’t let these two women go to the battlefield, let alone leave them without permission just because the owner is momentarily arrogant. Now he finally paid the price, and the price really made him heartache.

This kind of inner pain even exceeds the pain of the body and even Death. If he can, he really hopes to transfer all of this to the owner, and exchange the pain of the owner for their safety. thing. However, this is just a wishful dream for the fact that has already happened.

“Don’t worry, they will be fine. I will heal them!”

Although they are rivals in love with these two women, but looking at Zhou Yi’s face This kind of sorrow and grief, Jean Grey couldn’t help holding Zhou Yi’s hand so he assured him.

“Please, Jean. They will leave it to you!”

And listening to Jean Grey’s guarantee, Zhou Yi finally showed a slight smile on his face . With Jean’s help, it is indeed a comforting thing for them to recover. He believed in Jean’s methods and believed she could bring them back to own.

Even more how Jean is willing to help them is something that deserves his comfort. He really has carried too much, and he really doesn’t want to lose anything.

And just when the two of them looked at each other silently and everything was silent, Tony walked over quietly with two wine glasses.

He seemed to not at all meant to interrupt the tenderness of these two people, but he knew that oneself would only be more embarrassed if he didn’t speak out, so he could only cough twice and walked forward. Said to them.

“Don’t worry too much, Buddy. I have asked Jarvis to scan their condition. They just have some mental problems, and they will get better after training.”

“I know, Buddy. By the way, I haven’t thank you yet for helping me take them to a safe place. This is what I owe you.” With a smile, he took the wine glass from Tony’s hand, Zhou Yi Thanks to him.

And listening to what he said, Tony was just shrugged and replied.

“It should be said that we were even, you saved me twice, and I helped you save your two women. So on this issue, none of us owes anyone.”


“Then as you said, we don’t owe anyone.”

I raised my own glass and drank the wine in one sip. In this way, Zhou Yi expressed his gratitude to Tony for his friendship. Looking at Zhou Yi, it has been a bit of vicissitudes, and even compared with oneself, it has settled down the appearance of the years. Tony asked with a regretful expression on his face.

“Buddy, is it worth it?”

He is really curious at this moment, who has already given up his heroic identity, how Zhou Yi will answer him. He wanted to know what drove this friend to do those heavy things that were almost unaffordable.

Listening to Tony’s question, Zhou Yi pulled out a smile, and put his own eyes on the three women beside him.

“It’s worth it, why not!”

“Buddy, you almost died. They are the same! For a group of strangers, you really have to do this to the extent Is it?”

Tony’s tone suddenly became intense, just like when he heard the news of Zhou Yi’s death. As a guy with few friends, he very much cherishes every friend of his own, which also made him abandon everything oneself is proud of at that time without the slightest hesitation, just to protect the most important thing of Zhou Yi.

“You think I’m very good, Tony. In fact, to me, they are the most important. My family, love, and friends are the things that I cherish the most, for They, no matter how much they do, are not too much. So, there is nothing worth it or not!”

“What about those ordinary persons? Don’t forget what they did to you, They betrayed everything you did to them. They owe you all of this. I really don’t know why you have to help them and help these guys who to forget favors and violate justice . In my opinion, they are really not worth it for you to do this.”

Tony’s tone has become bad, not to Zhou Yi, but to ordinary persons, even to oneself . He Abomination those ordinary persons who to forget favors and violate justice, but he hates oneself who can’t hold on to the end. He personally left his own pride, and if he wanted to pick it up again, it would not be so easy. He needs a reason, a motivation to change his idea of ​​oneself. And this motivation can only be drawn from a guy like Zhou Yi.

Perhaps he saw Tony’s meaning, saw the confusion in his heart, his hesitation and his struggle. Zhou Yi thought and thought, then opened his own mouth and said to him.

“Buddy, I don’t know how to answer you. But I can only tell you that I don’t really think too much about many things. This is not a measurable thing at all. Many times, you I have to rely on my own feeling.”

“I know what those people have done to me, and sometimes I also know that what I have done is not worth it. However, it’s not because of someone standing by your side. Is it? When I was abandoned, condemned, and cursed by everyone, also people stood firm by my side, supported me, and believed in me. This is actually enough, isn’t it?”

“Also, sometimes think about it. They are just a bunch of helpless poor people. Although they make a lot of stupid mistakes, sometimes I really don’t feel the need to own everything. Rage to them. Like me, they also have family members, lovers and children. If I let them die and let them die in the hands of those villains, then the tragedies that can be brewed through my hands will not be too much. Already? You know, I always hate tragic words.”

Tony smiled helplessly with Zhou Yi’s answer. He fiercely punched Zhou Yi on the shoulder, and then Said to him.

“You know, Buddy. What you say makes me feel like you are a contemporary Saint. I understand why you want to be a god. You are like this Guy, I really have the qualification to be a god!”

“Thanks to your praise, Buddy. If I plan to build a temple, I will give you the title of honorary bishop, which will make you cool I feel like a clergyman. I know that you have a lot of resentment for the priest who kept chattering with you when you were a kid.”

“Oh, then I really want to thank you, Buddy Hey, I want to write this down, did you hear me, Jarvis! I really want to know what nonsense the annoying priests can have against me in bishop suits!” With a witty smile, Tony transferred his own. topic. “By the way, what do you think about the future?”

“I have already told Captain, I will put aside everything I am carrying now and live a normal life with them.”

“That is really enviable! But what about this city. Now New York is no longer suitable for human habitation!”

“I know, so I I plan to move my family to Huiyao City. You know, that is where my foundation is, and that is the city that belongs to me alone. Of course, if you want to be a neighbor with me, I will also welcome it very much. .Better, you come with Pepper!”

“Forget it, this is my hometown.” Through the window, Tony shook the head and glanced at the still-smoky New York. Said firmly. “Anyway, I will not leave it behind. I will rebuild this place and restore it to its old look again. No, I will make her more beautiful than before!”

“Good idea, but It will be very difficult!” Zhou Yi was about to say something, but Jarvis suddenly intervened.

“Mr., there is an external communication from Medusa. She asked to contact Mr. Zhou?”

“Medusa, what’s the matter?” Hearing Medusa’s communication request, Zhou Yi instinctively felt an ominous premonition. He immediately connected to the communication, and then asked.

And then, a bad news came into his ears. This made his already silent heart raging again.

He was so angry that he couldn’t restrain it.

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