Sun God Marvel

Chapter 468

“You mean, a group of guys dressed like me ran to your house and wanted to snatch those two Little Brats. How could this be?” Sitting on the sofa, listening Follow Selana and the others. Tony immediately defended oneself. “Buddy, you must believe me. I have never done such a thing again, let alone let people do such a thing. And I can guarantee that I have never sold my technology, whether it is right No one.”

Seriously, when Tony heard everything Selana and the others said, Tony’s first reaction was that oneself was going to take it away. As Iron Man, once this special armor appears, it is almost bound to be connected with him. Because he is recognized in the world as a person with this mature technology. This used to make him feel proud and proud, but now it can only make him feel endless trouble.

As a result, if Zhou Yi’s family has any misunderstandings about oneself, it will really make people cry without tears.

“I know!” Suppressing oneself’s inner tyrannical mood, Zhou Yi accepted Tony’s statement. He knew that Tony would not do such a thing, let alone sell this technology to others. He is a narcissistic guy, and such a guy will never share the capital of oneself with others. Therefore, this kind of thing must come from the hands of others. But who is this guy who dared to reach oneself’s house? Zhou Yi thought and thought, but couldn’t get a reliable answer.

And at this time, a report about White House appeared on TV that Tony had never turned off. The temporary Mr. President appeared on the TV and spoke to all the people in front of the TV.

“I’m happy to tell you that the chaos in New York has completely stopped. Whether it’s an invasion from aliens or a riot from a chaotic army outside our control, it’s now It is no longer a key factor that threatens the peace and freedom of this city and even this country. Of course, the problem has not been completely resolved. The first question before us is how to rebuild this city. As far as we know, the entire Manhattan city has been It was completely destroyed, and Queens and Brooklyn were severely damaged to varying degrees. This is a serious damage this city has never had since its establishment, but I always believe that the brave and strong people of America can survive all of this. From the pain.”

“The American government will spare no effort to support the reconstruction of New York. At the same time, we also need the joint efforts of all sectors of society. In addition, before the reconstruction of New York, We also have an urgent task that needs to be resolved. Here, I call on all New York Mutants. This is among which is included gentlemen and ladies who have participated in the work of defending New York and saving civilians. I call on you to consciously cooperate in moving into New York. The troops, complete your registration and filing work.”

“I’m very grateful to everyone in this city, this country for extending your helping hand when the country needs help the most, and using your strength to help her out of the plight Come out. But, for the future peaceful development of the world, to prove your innocence and innocence. I hope that you can put aside your own prejudices and cooperate with the work of the government. In addition, Professor Charles Xavier, I guess you may also be watching this News. If you are watching, on behalf of the Supreme Court of America, I would like to inform you that I hope you can participate in the investigation conference on the murder of the president in two days. If you say, all of this and you, and those activities in New York If it’s okay for Mutant, I hope you can show up on time and clarify all of this.”

This news came at an untimely time, or the content he reported was simply a mess. No one knows what they have done better than Tony. It can be said that, compared with bastards who don’t know they are doing something and so on United States Government, these Mutants, who have been discriminated against and suppressed, have done what a noble person would do. Compared with them, the bureaucrats of these governments pale in comparison, even as different as heaven and earth.

But this group of bastard guys who didn’t do anything, now let go of their words, keep on saying pointed the suspicion at the professor’s group. This caused Tony in front of the TV to curse immediately.

“It’s hell, what damned thing these bastards are pretending to be, ****?”

Different from Tony’s curse, Zhou Yi is just cold Watching all this. In other words, he has unconsciously connected some of them. He felt the problem, and the interim president who was blaming the words on the TV set before him was a key crux.

I want to know who is trying to oneself, who wants to kidnap own child, and manipulate oneself through them. Maybe through this so-called interim president will get the answer he wants. So at this time, he has already made up his mind.

“Serana, you and Yuriko will leave after tonight and go to Huiyao City! Go there to find Clarice, there is one of my mansion houses. You temporarily settle down there, I will I will go there to look for you in a while. Remember, I can’t leave there anyway before I go, understand?”

“But what about Shirley? Also Ada and the others, What should they do?”

After hearing Zhou Yi’s words, Selana’s first reaction was to object. She didn’t know what Zhou Yi was going to do, but she keenly felt that he must be doing something dangerous. Just as he did before.

Looking at his current vicissitudes of life, watching him change from the one familiar to oneself. Selana really didn’t want to let him leave oneself like this. This time is like this, what about next time? What will happen next time, she really can’t accept the blow of watching him disappear from oneself’s eyes.

Zhou Yi can understand Serana’s feelings, but for him, what he is about to do is absolutely necessary.

He has repeatedly indulged human behavior and indulged their evil deeds. That is because he is unwilling to impose own will on humans. In human nature, good and evil are always inseparable. No matter how evil people are, they will have a good side, and similarly, no matter how good people are, they will have the moment of Evil Thought. He is unwilling to use his own likes and dislikes to characterize a person’s future, characterize a person’s good and evil, because it is unfair to life itself.

At best, he is just advising people to be good. And even if oneself suffers more injustice, no amount of criticism and attack, it’s just that’s all for those human beings to laugh. The sun does not care about other people’s slander, because he himself is radiance ten thousand zhang. Zhou Yi also thinks so, as long as he does what oneself should do, the rest can be left to future generations to comment.

However, reality gave him a loud slap in the face. The result of his indulging in humans is that those humans who are ambitious think he is soft and deceptive, and in order to achieve his own purpose, he even reached out to his most precious thing.

And this is tantamount to touching Zhou Yi’s reverse scale.

If it is against him, no matter what he does, as long as some principles are not involved, he can mostly tolerate it. That is the measure of God, the mind of the sun. However, once it involves his family and his closest person in this world, then it is something that cannot be forgiven.

To make a choice in front of his family and the world, Zhou Yi will choose his family without the slightest hesitation. If it’s for them, what if it is an enemy of the world? So at this moment, he already has a resolution.

“If Shirley, I will get it back. The gem has a special origin. It shouldn’t be any harm to Shirley. I will try my best to bring her back as soon as possible. As for Ada and the others, Jean will protect them. When they wake up, I will let them go to Huiyao City to meet you together.”

“But, Yi, if you are not here… ….”

“There is no that many but, Serana. I have to do something, and I have to let those who dare to hit you with evil thoughts know that this is a price , And this price is something they can’t afford. Their survival or destruction is within my mind, I will let them know what terrible consequences their wrong decision will bring!”

“Hey, Buddy. What do you want to do?”

The angry Tony who had never seen Zhou Yi heard everything he said, and immediately smiled stiffly, facing He asked. To be honest, the current Zhou Yi really has a shuddering feeling, just like facing a violent myth of rare beast, as if oneself could be torn apart by him at any time.

If he can, he really doesn’t want to intervene at this time. But he was really afraid of what stupid and reckless Zhou Yi would do at this time.

This country is already plagued by disasters. At this time, she really can’t bear the anger from Zhou Yi anymore. It would be a huge disaster, a disaster that might even disintegrate this country. So he must try to stop him, or to make him more sensible.

“I will go to the survey conference two days later. As Dawn Knight, but also as King Ming. I want to see how they can give me an explanation!”

“Damn it! Buddy, you don’t think these things were done by politicians who are full of ****. I swear that these guys who only know nothing but the vernacular can never do such things. Come. It’s not because their character is trustworthy, but this group of guys are simply impossible with this mind. Listen to me, Buddy, there must be someone else doing tricks. If you run there so impulsively, you will only call them. His mind. Maybe they dream of wanting you to break with the government completely?”

Listening to Zhou Yi’s words, Tony immediately said to Zhou Yi dancing and dancing. He cited various reasons, and only hoped that Zhou Yi could change his mind a little. But the current Zhou Yi can’t be shaken decisively.

“Tony, you say it with your own conscience. What happened in New York, White House will not be known. Those rebellious troops, those nuclear bombs, those special soldiers who sneak attacked my family. You can guarantee that, not Someone in White House did it?”

“I…” Tony couldn’t guarantee, he certainly couldn’t guarantee. Because he himself knows very well that one of the three craziest people in this World, apart from scientists like them, there are only politicians and religious fanatics. No one can guarantee whether a certain politician went crazy and wanted to target Zhou Yi desperately. So he could only open his mouth in embarrassment and couldn’t say a word anymore.

“Before this, I was too kind to be deceived. This seems to give these people an illusion, making them think that I can always tolerate them. But now I want to let them know that this It’s impossible. This time, no matter who it is, as long as he has a little bit of contact with this matter, I will let him know what hell looks like. This time, I can do what I say!”

Looking at Zhou Yi who had already said this, Tony never had the courage to dissuade him. He knew that the friend own was really angry. And what his anger would look like, he really didn’t want to see it. In other words, this World does not want to see his anger.

Anyway, the devil has been released. He can only pray, not too many innocent people will die in it. But how can prayer be useful. Feeling that Own could not do anything, Tony had already begun to make up his mind about what he must do.

In any case, this country cannot be destroyed. Absolutely not!

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