Sun God Marvel

Chapter 469

Nick.Fury is very busy now, very busy. When other departments are busy rebuilding New York, gathering up the endgame, and busying themselves with the livelihood assistance of New York refugees. He has to put his own attention to other places. That is to investigate the origin of the army that caused the riot in New York and was officially declared as completely out of control.

Although time has passed not very long, all the clues of intelligence about these troops seem to have been artificially swept away, leaving only scattered pieces of broken information that cannot be linked at all. And this is really very difficult for them to find the truth.

And precisely because of this, Nick. Only then did Fury keenly feel the barriers. Things are not at all as simple as the outside world imagined, and they will not be as one-sided as White House explained. Obviously there is a bigger conspiracy in this, and there is a huge unimaginable organization that manipulates all of this behind the scenes.

This made him feel scared, a kind of fear that someone was watching by his side. And when he reported the news to the above for joint analysis by White House and the board of directors, he got a cracking a joke response.

White House actually thought that he had nothing to do, and the council thought that everything he said was baseless. This made him think whether oneself was locked up with a group of pigs.

The members of an army are all made up of temporarily transferred members from major units, and all weapons, equipment, and vehicles are transferred from other troops stationed in the name of secondment. If this is not questionable, then what is also questionable?

At this moment, he was really worried about whether this group of bastards oneself did the bastard thing, and then threw the pot on Mutant. If that were the case, he would really have to take a look at these bastards.

And when he started to be suspicious and set all the targets oneself could think of as suspects, Commander Hill walked to his side and said to him.

“Sir, call!”

“I don’t have time now, no matter who it is, tell him that I am very busy now and there is no time to talk to him!”

When someone suddenly interrupted his own thoughts, Director Fury naturally did not have a good attitude. But Commander Hill showed exceptional determination.

“I think you should listen to this call, sir. This is from Tony Stark. He said that he has something very important to talk about. It is about Zhou Yi.”

Today is different from the past. It involves Zhou Yi’s problem. In the eyes of Director Fury, it is a big problem that must be taken seriously. Not only because of his strength, but also because of his identity, also everything he encountered.

I believe that no matter who it is, after being struck by a nuclear bomb twice, he will not have a good temper, so Director Fury has been worried since then, worried that Zhou Yi would issue this to those The person who ordered, launched a thunderbolt against the government of this country to strike general revenge.

That is definitely not something that makes people get up easily. Because after seeing the power that this guy possesses, you will find that all the power in the world is actually no threat to him, and on the contrary, he can threaten everything in this world, even The world itself.

The guys in the space agency are not eating rice. After so long, they have also discovered the disappearance of the fire star, and the reason for the disappearance of the planet can be guessed without thinking about Director Fury, for sure. It has something to do with Zhou Yi and the battle of the alien giant. Under such circumstances, no amount of guard against Zhou Yi can be overstated.

So he immediately picked up the phone in Commander Hill’s hand and said to Tony on the other end.

“It’s me, Nick Fury. Let’s talk about what happened, and how could it be related to that guy!”

“Listen, Cyclops. No matter what you think of, We must not let the group of White House idiots hold an investigation conference at this time. It is better for the temporary idiot president to publicly declare that oneself is an idiot and let him give up all the previous assumptions of oneself, understand?”

For a while, Tony had no beginning or end and immediately made Director Fury frowned. He didn’t know what the hell is happening to Tony, but from his tone he could hear that it seemed very urgent. So he can only be patient and ask him carefully.

“Let me say it again, what the hell happened? You have to make it clear to me, otherwise I can’t help you, Stark!”

“Okay, what a hell Now. Listen, Cyclops. Things are really making a lot of trouble. A group of special soldiers wearing equipment similar to my Iron Man Armor invaded Zhou Yi’s home and tried to kidnap his two children, and the most terrible thing was one of them. Child has disappeared because of this. This makes him feel like a volcano now, and I can feel that he may erupt at any time.”

“This is really the hell, which bastard would be Do something like this at this time.” Upon hearing this news, Director Fury’s first reaction was to suffer. But he still didn’t understand what the interim president’s resolution had to do with it. “Wait, Stark. What does the survey launch that White House is about to hold? Don’t tell me, he thought it was White House’s hand.”

“You really think this Does it have nothing to do with the bastards in White House? Or can you guarantee that none of them knows about this? Save it, Cyclops. You and I know that this is definitely a lie Things you don’t believe. Let alone lie to him with such nonsense!”

As always, Tony didn’t give Nick Fury any face.

“He has now determined that this matter is related to the White House side, and this time he is already planning to add everything together to calculate a general ledger. I don’t know this. What the hell is that idea of ​​the group of bastards, why would they still think about provoking him at this time. But I want to tell you, if you can’t give an explanation, United States is completely dead. When he returned, he was really ready to kill. If you don’t want the entire White House to be dumped, you’d better think of something!”

After that, Tony hung up the phone. He can only remind them to this point. What to do next depends on their own. After hearing his news, Nick Fury fell silent immediately.

For him, this is really big news. The two nuclear bombs of New York, those crazy army who don’t know the real origin and the main messenger, also tried to hold Zhou Yi’s daughter and provoke him. These were linked together, and immediately displayed the outline of a huge enemy before his eyes.

At this moment, he even believed that oneself had spied the conspiracy of this hidden enemy. Obviously, what these guys want is chaos, causing huge chaos in this country and even this World. As long as the chaos breaks out, they can show up in the chaos and rise in the chaos.

And it can cause such confusion and stir up such incidents. Their tentacles must have reached a very high place. At this moment, Nick Fury even wondered whether there was a leader of this organization at the temporary meeting on alien invasion that he attended at the time.

To take this suspicion one step further, Nick Fury even wondered whether those special guys would be a member of this organization. As an agent, suspicion is his nature, and at this time, he has every reason to doubt anyone. But to let him confirm who is the lurker, he really doesn’t have the confidence and courage to do so. Because once he starts investigating and identifying someone, it means to cast aside all considerations for face thoroughly with someone, regardless of the result. For the current United States, the implications are too broad. The turbulence that can be caused will make this weather-beaten country shake again with wind and rain. And this is what he didn’t want to see.

After thinking and thinking, he can only bury this suspicion deeply in his heart. And now, he also has other important things to do, and that is to warn those stupid guys. If this conference can be prevented, it is of course the best. If not, then White House must be fully prepared. At the very least, it is necessary to think clearly about who should be the scapegoat.

“Commander Hill, prepare a plane to go directly to White House. I have very important things to tell the interim president!”

With my own coat, Director Fury Instructed towards Commander Hill. Without asking why this time, Commander Hill went down to prepare everything. There are some things that don’t need to be too clear, because that would be no good to anyone. Hill oneself knows this very well.

While watching Commander Hill’s reaction, Director Fury sighed. Isn’t he so? If you can, who would want to get involved in such a terrible thing. However, in this situation, he can no longer choose the own position. He has already been in it, and it is impossible to get out of it.

Just as he got on the plane energetic and bustling and was going to the White House to lobby the interim president to change his mind, on the other side, Tony, who just hung up the phone, encountered a rather embarrassing thing.

Zhou Yi is looking at him. I don’t know when he has stood behind the owner, watching him finish the call. Although he didn’t say anything, Tony couldn’t help defending his behavior.

“I just made a phone call to chat with the cyclops, so there is no problem.”

“This is your own choice, Tony. You don’t need to come for this kind of thing. Ask me!”

Looking at Zhou Yi’s face with almost no change in expression, Tony could only feel increasing pressure. Facing Zhou Yi, he already had a feeling of betraying him. However, for the stability of this country, he must do so. This was a dilemma for him. Although he had made a choice, he still felt a guilty conscience when facing Zhou Yi.

Just when he wanted to find some excuses to explain all this. He discovered that Zhou Yi had already quietly walked away when he was distracted. He obviously didn’t listen to any excuses. But such a move only made Tony raised his own hand in embarrassment, and then quietly lowered it. At this moment, he could only say to oneself in such a self-deprecating manner.

“Tony Stark, what the hell are you doing! You are just a jerk!”

This is not regret, because he will not regret this matter. He just regrets, regrets what oneself might lose. Because some things, once changed, can no longer be restored to their previous appearance.

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