Sun God Marvel

Chapter 470

The Supreme Court of the United States, the sacred place that represents the justice of the United States, is now ushered in the most noisy and lively court session in 50 years. It is hard to imagine that this is just an investigative hearing, rather than a public hearing of a major influential figure incident. But in any case, there are already vast crowds outside the courtroom at this time.

These people outside received news from the TV and came to witness the final results of this hearing. At this time, they can be said to have been divided into two square arrays entirely differently.

In a phalanx, signs such as “Mutant go to die!”, “Don’t Mutant”, “murderer, conspirator” and so on. Obviously, they still belong to the traditional side, the human camp that discriminates against Mutant and targets Mutant.

The other phalanx is slogans like “Mutant, partner of justice!” “We trust you, Mutant!” Most of these people have come from New York. Obviously they have been separated from the original humans and become a new human camp willing to understand Mutant and willing to coexist with them.

This is undoubtedly good news for ****Mutant, who has been committed to the harmonious coexistence and equal living of humans and Mutant. But for mankind, it is the beginning of a new dispute.

Those traditional anti-Mutant camp guys who think that Mutant murdered the president and even planned a series of conspiracies think that these fools from New York must be crazy, and they are the little favors shown by Mutant Confused his own eyes, and even simply couldn’t see their evil face.

And for the guys on Mutant’s side, they feel nauseous when they see the guys yelling Mutant to die. This is a group of ignorant and arrogant people who simply don’t know what happened and just throw everything for granted on Mutant. They even said that because of their jealousy, they believed the government’s lie without the slightest hesitation, and even waved the flag for their lies. Like this kind of person, you say he is like a pig, maybe it’s an insult to the pig.

Based on the different positions, humans in the two camps are simply impossible to communicate with each other. And just before this hearing began, they had begun to shell each other and fought a war of words. This kind of controversy is not uncommon in a free country, but it will happen outside a hearing, but many people did not expect it.

Listening to the noisy and painful sounds outside, Logan pushed the professor’s wheelchair and barked his teeth and said to him.

“If you regret it now, I think we still have time to go back. Seriously, professor, you really don’t need to bother these politicians. It is not their turn to comment on everything we have done. “

“don’t be impatient, Logan. If we go back now, we will only make people think that we are guilty.” Compared with Logan’s irritable appearance, the professor behaved very much. Calm. In other words, because he has a clear heart, he has nothing to fear. Even in this case, he was also in the mood to preach to Logan. “Furthermore, imagine the stakes in it, Logan. If we don’t attend this meeting, it will only wipe out everything that Rogue and the others have done. It took so long and so much effort for these children to get those Human support. Even for them, we must be here!”

The professor knew very well what Rogue meant to Logan. That is the intimacy between father and daughter. If it is not a last resort, which father is willing to sacrifice oneself child’s efforts? Logan thought he couldn’t do this, so he shut his mouth altogether, pushed the professor into the court, and walked to the seat of special significance.

While watching the appearance of Professor Charles, the host who had been waiting for a long time, that is, the interim president who had planned all this, immediately smiled.

“Professor Charles, I have long admired the name. I thought you would not show up today!”

“The clear one clears himself, the turbid one is turbid. Your Excellency! I don’t think I have any reason why I dare not come, so why would I not be here?”

Listening to the interim president, Professor Charles immediately replied. And these words immediately changed the face of the interim president, and he smiled apologetically and said to Professor Charles.

“Sorry, Professor. I didn’t mean to target you. I just want to ask you to tell yourself and prove your innocence. After all, Mr. President’s Death is really weird. If you have the ability to do all of this, if you don’t give an explanation, I believe many people will not be satisfied. Of course, as long as you explain clearly, you can say everything.”

“I understand What do you mean, sir!” The interim president’s tone of almost accusing Professor Charles on the head caused Logan behind the professor to immediately violently violently, showing a hideous expression. He couldn’t wait to go up and talk with the temporary Mr. President at this moment. But the professor held him so hard that he couldn’t act blindly without thinking. At the same time, the professor said to the interim president with a calm and smiling face.

“Your Excellency, I am ready. Can you start?”

“Of course, the time is just right!” I glanced at the clock as this hearing The host of, the interim president immediately knocked on the gavel in front of oneself. After everyone was seated and the audience was quiet, the meeting he had planned for a long time began.

“Gentlemen and ladies. I am very glad to be able to participate in this hearing. This is a support for America’s justice and judicial justice, and it is a promotion and help to the peace and development of the world. Here I want to On behalf of the federal government, on behalf of America, thank you for your support.”

“As for the reasons for this hearing, I believe you all have an understanding. And here, let me introduce you to this time. The presenter of the hearing. Professor Charles Xavier, one of Mutant’s leaders, is also the biggest suspect in controlling the President.”

“In addition, the hearing committee members are mainly composed of the Ministry of Defense, The Supreme Court, union representatives, and randomly selected gentlemen and ladies are formed on the composition of the committee. Professor Charles, you have no objections!”

“No! You can continue, sir!” shook the head, Professor Charles smiled slightly at all the members of the hearing committee and motioned to the interim president.

“Very well, then I announce. This hearing has officially started. First of all, in accordance with the process, I need to ask you a question, Professor Charles. Can you tell me if you are against Mr. President Thought has been invaded and manipulated, making him give orders to use nuclear bombs and even massacre citizens?”

“I didn’t, sir. There is no doubt about this!”

On this question Above, Professor Charles answered resolute and decisive. But the interim president smiled slightly and asked back.

“Then how do you prove that you did not do this kind of thing?”

This questioning law is against common sense, because the United States judicial system has always followed the process of guilty determination. You must have enough evidence to prove that this person is guilty before he can be tried in the name of the law. And now, this sentence of the interim president is like asking Professor Charles oneself to provide evidence to prove oneself’s innocence, so as to prove his innocence and wash away his grievances.

This sounded like an unreasonable act. But the interim president did just that, and he did it in a stately manner. There is no hesitation or embarrassment at all.

Faced with such an inquiry, Professor Charles glanced at the interim president who was smiling on the stage, and then at the hearing committees who were silent and just watched. A heart sank immediately.

He knows that it is impossible for oneself to get fair treatment here. His idea of ​​dignified coming in right away and going out cleanly has also been completely disillusioned. He underestimated the filthiness of politics, and this underestimation immediately hit him head-on at this time, leaving him with no idea what to do to get better.

In court, silence is no different from Death. Even if the situation is not good for oneself, Charles can only reluctantly defend oneself.

“I have no reason to do this, sir!”

“No, you do. If the president under your control again and again undermines this country without a bottom line , Your students with special status can play a bigger role and build a better image in society. This seems to be your dream until now. Isn’t it normal to do these things for your dreams? “

“Then I have no reason to control the president!” Fucked his own eyebrows, Charles tried his best to make oneself behave more convincingly. “My students are doing well until now. If I want to do what you said. With their efforts, there will be one day soon, right?”

“That said, Professor. But not everyone can have this patience. Especially for an old man whose time is limited. How long will it take to rely on your students to realize your dream? Ten years, 20 Years or 30 years. They can wait for that long, how about you? Professor, can you wait for 30 years? I understand that a person wants to see oneself’s dream come true with his own eyes, Professor. Moreover, the alien invasion is such a good opportunity, if If it’s wasted, isn’t it a pity?”

The interim president cleverly set a trap, and every reason Charles said could become a conspiracy. Excuses. At this time, under the premise that humans generally suspected Mutant, Professor Charles discovered that oneself had nothing to say.

It is not that there is nothing to say, but that there is no more to say at all. Because he was afraid that the more oneself said, the deeper he would sink into it. Even the students who own may also fall into it. Therefore, he could only be silent.

“Is there no reason? Professor. Or, you have chosen to give up?”

Looking at the expression on Professor Charles’s face began to become stiff and dull. The interim president smiled on his face. Since he dared to let Charles attend this hearing, he was naturally well prepared. No matter what he said, it was useless. This is his place, and here can only listen to him.

And just when he wanted to swing his own hammer to give a qualitative answer to this hearing. The entire court hall suddenly became ablaze. A light suddenly came down from in the sky ****, penetrated the dome of the court, and mapped to the center of the court. Let this court become brilliant and bright, just like the world of light.

As the only shadows in this World, the interim president sitting at the highest point is gnashing teeth, looking at the bright and dazzling figure that suddenly appeared in the center, giving out like It was a low bark like a jackal.

“Dawn Knight, you actually came!”

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