Sun God Marvel

Chapter 499

“If there is no problem, it is impossible, but it depends on which aspect!” Ada smiled slightly and gave Zhou Yi’s answer.

“Which aspect is the problem?” Zhou Yi’s answer made Zhou Yi frown. Huiyao City is his last base. To a certain extent, this place is absolutely not to be missed.

“Don’t worry, it’s not a matter of urban construction. With you two here, no one dares to make an idea about this city yet. I’m talking about your mother, she has great opinions on your affairs. . You better explain to her oneself!”

Suddenly hearing this news, Zhou Yi immediately smiled bitterly. Although this was something he had anticipated long ago, he felt a headache when he thought that Zhou Lan was going to settle accounts with him.

“I will find a way to explain to my mother, this is not a problem. How about you, is getting along with my mother still in harmony?”

shrugged bladder, Ada face A strange expression appeared on it.

“It’s okay, at least your mother is not too disgusting with us. But, you know. She still remembers the woman named Susan. Especially… “

“Okay, okay, I see. You don’t have to say so in detail.” Zhou Yi, who has been annoyed by this matter and is not one or two times, raised his hand. “Slowly it will get better, and I will make it clear to her.”

“You should do it as soon as possible. I don’t want your mother to talk about Susan and Susan in front of me. . She almost sees me as a third party. It’s all your fault, whether you hear it or not, it’s your problem, you are in trouble! No matter what you do, please let me end it all quickly , Do you understand!”

Ada’s performance looked like she was deeply troubled and distressed. Obviously, getting along with Zhou Lan is not very pleasant for her. There are many reasons for this, but Zhou Yi understands that the main reason is Zhou Lan’s prejudice. His mother is a person who likes to be preconceived. With Susan in front, it is not so easy for her to accept other people.

This will be a long process that requires long-term efforts. And this is what Zhou Yi likes to see. It is better for Ada and the others to spend time on cultivating relationships with Zhou Lan than open strife and veiled struggle between them.

But this kind of thought can’t be said directly to Aida, so Zhou Yi can only hold her shoulders, and said with relief.

“Don’t think too much, Ada. As long as you take this kind of thing slowly, she will naturally accept you. If you feel any pressure, you can put more thoughts on work . In this case, even my mother can’t say anything to you!”

“I’m afraid this is what you want!” Zhou Yi gave Zhou Yi a glance, and Ida saw it. Zhou Yi’s careful thinking. But what if he knew his careful thinking? In this case, Ada can’t help but admit it. Zhou Yi’s method is indeed the only way to get her out of the current dilemma. “Forget it, just follow what you said first. Your mother you yourself can do it, I don’t have that many skills!”

“Okay, I’ll do it!”

Holding the shoulders of Ada and Jean Grey, Zhou Yi stepped into the mansion.

This mansion that once belonged to Umbrella has now become Zhou Yi’s private residence. The reason for using this outbreak of Resident Evil is because of its concealment. Even in the current Huiyao City, not many people know that there is such a mansion in the suburbs forest.

On the other hand, it is because of its internal structure. The mansion on the ground alone surpassed Zhou Yi’s original mansion on the ground, and the underground part of the mansion that has been invested with huge sums of money will only be better than the original Umbrella’s after being transformed by the internal personnel of the corona. The secret base Hive is bigger.

This huge underlying space is more conducive to Zhou Yi to protect his family and keep his secrets. At the very least, in this place, wanting to break through the layers of obstacles to attack Zhou Yi’s family is already impossible.

Of course, the most important function of a foreign mansion is still home, a place where their family reunite. So here, what you can see is mainly what a home should have.

Clean and tidy environment, elegant and warm decoration, and the existence of family members that a home must have.

Pushing open the door of this new home, Zhou Yi’s first sight is the mother sitting on the sofa in the living room, and Serana sitting next to him.

Reuniting after a long absence, this should have been a happy thing, especially after Zhou Yi’s identity was revealed. But Zhou Lan’s expression is very subtle, at least from her eyes, Zhou Yi can see more than just happiness.

“You are finally back, my child! Should I ask, besides this identity. Also what do I not know?”

” Mother, I’m sorry. I didn’t hide some things from you deliberately.” Even Zhou Yi became anxious in his heart when the own mother watched like this. If anything in this world also scares him, probably only this mother.

“Can you please make room for us so that I can have a good chat with my son?” Looking at oneself’s son’s face that familiar to her, a little cringing His expression, looked at the obvious change on his face. Zhou Lan turned his head and said to Serana next to oneself and Ada next to Zhou Yi.

When she suddenly said that, neither Ada nor Serana obviously had the courage to defy her meaning, even Jean Grey. They all looked at Zhou Yi with sympathetic eyes, and then quietly walked out of the living room with Shirley.

For a time, Zhou Yi and Zhou Lan were the only ones left in the living room. These familiar but unfamiliar mother and child existed.

“Sit down, let us have a good chat! At least let me know, what is on your mind?”

Zhou Lan’s words made Zhou Yi realize This is an unavoidable question, he can only sit next to his mother. Said with a bitter smile to her.

“Mother, you should know that there is a reason why I didn’t tell you this.”

“The reason?” Zhou Lan sneered immediately upon hearing this. . “My child is carrying me to do that dangerous thing, but I don’t know it. If one day, you never come back, then what do you ask me to do? Should I even be a oneself child I don’t know whether I’m alive or dead!”

“Sorry, mother! At that time I really didn’t think about that many. I knew I could guarantee my own safety, so I just didn’t want you to worry about it. Keep all this hidden from you.”

“Since you don’t want me to worry, don’t you ever let me know about this? Don’t you know, when I know that you are that When I met the ghost of Dawn Knight, how scared was my heart? You and Clarice are my only sustenance in this World. If something happens to you, how can you let me live!”

Speaking of which, Zhou Lan’s tears have flowed out uncontrollably. Since knowing Zhou Yi’s identity, she has been in awe. Occasionally, she woke up at night, and she dreamed that her son was dying in the hands of terrifying and weird monsters. That kind of panic made her toss and turn, making her increasingly gloomy.

As a mother, she is also impossible to think about other issues without seeing the safety of one child. This is why Ada finds her difficult. Not because of any prejudice against her, but because she now has no intention of paying attention to it. Even if Ida and the others are pleased in every way, it will only make her more uncomfortable.

Zhou Yi, who has started to be a parent, understands the pain of oneself mother very well. So he quickly hugged oneself crying mother, and comforted her.

“I’m sorry, mother. I’m really sorry. I promise, I won’t worry you again, never again. I won’t do anything Superhero, nor will I do anything else I will fight for my own life. I will only stay in this home from now on, obediently and honestly to be a son, a big brother, a husband and a father. I won’t have any other identity! Never again! Yes!”

For any mother in the world, there is no reason why one child cannot be forgiven. So after Zhou Yi made the own guarantee in this way, Zhou Lan immediately let go of oneself’s cold face. She stretched out her hand and stroked Zhou Yi’s sideburns with some shaking. An expression of pity and distress began to emerge on his face.

“You must have suffered a lot of pain that you shouldn’t have. Look at your appearance, it has become like this. My poor child, you are less than thirty now, why have you changed It’s like this!”

“It’s just that, it actually makes me very satisfied. Mother!” Zhou Yi answered this question with a smile. “To be able to trade this price for your safety is already the greatest gift for me. Really, if there is destiny, I really appreciate destiny for such an arrangement. They did not treat any of you People are taken away from me, this is enough!”

“You!” Looking at the son who smiled openly at oneself, Zhou Lan could only laugh helplessly. Just like Zhou Yi said, it is the greatest gift for him that the person he loves can exist safely by his side. For Zhou Lan, wouldn’t it be the greatest happiness to be able to watch his son return to own safely?

Of course, although Zhou Lan’s heart has been filled with this immense joy, she will not express the meaning of forgiving him so easily. So at this time, she immediately picked up other questions and interrogated her own son.

“Well, let’s put this aside. There is one thing you have to tell me, who are you going to marry? Is it Ada or Serana, or Jean Grey What about Susan, what do you think. Hurry up and tell me the answer!”

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