Sun God Marvel

Chapter 500

“This kind of thing, no matter how you ask, I can’t answer it!” Facing Zhou Lan’s sudden question, all Zhou Yi could do was a wry smile. And his answer naturally made Zhou Lan dissatisfied. And the kind that is very unsatisfactory.

So she directly picked up Zhou Yi’s ears, and said to him like a hate iron for not becoming steel.

“You can’t answer what it means. You have found so many women and put them at home. Haven’t you ever thought about who you will marry? You know you are almost thirty now. If it’s Jean Grey, she’s already in her thirties. She’s still not married at this age. Do you want to learn from Tony and be a playboy for the rest of your life!”

“Listen, I No matter what you think. In short, this matter must be resolved for me as soon as possible. Hear no. If I can’t see my grandson in one or two years, you bastard guy just wait for me! “

This is not the first time Zhou Lan has raised this question. And now when she mentions this issue again, it obviously means that she has no patience and let Zhou Yi continue to delay.

When she put this question in front of Zhou Yi in this ultimatum, all Zhou Yi could feel was a headache. At this time, he can only explain as much as possible.

“Mother, you need to know. In my current situation, it is really not suitable to talk about marriage or not. No matter who you choose, it is unfair to others. So, if you can’t If there is a way to get the best of both worlds, then this thing can only be dragged on like this!”

“Damn it, do you still want to marry four or five women at once? Zhou Yi, you are committing a crime , Do you know?”

Zhizi Moruomu, Zhou Lan knew what Zhou Yi meant when he heard Zhou Yi’s words. As a woman, she obviously cannot accept Zhou Yi’s idea. In any case, the marriage of a man and four or five women has exceeded her psychological expectations. This made her feel like a sacred marriage was tainted.

“Not as serious as you said, mother. In this world, the law can only affect those who are willing to be restrained by him. If you ignore it in your heart, it will naturally be lost. So, whether it is a crime or not, the answer to this kind of thing should be determined by ourselves. For me and Ada, we are all you wish, so naturally it is not a crime!”

“You are sophistry. Oh my god, are you not afraid that a group of policemen will rush in and arrest you at the wedding?”

Give a glance at the white owner’s son, Zhou Lan has begun to fantasize about the most terrifying thing oneself can think of. If that kind of thing happened, it would undoubtedly be a nightmare for her.

“Don’t worry, mother. No policeman dares to do this to me. Even if the entire world stands opposite me, they can’t stop anything I want to do. The human law can only restrain humans. For me, and even for you, it is just a blank sheet of paper.”

Speaking of this question, Zhou Yi immediately showed absolute confidence and confidence on his face. Very clear disdain. Obviously, his attitude towards humans and human laws is already completely negative. This change naturally worries Zhou Lan from the bottom of her heart. She knows that her own son is very powerful and unimaginable in both power and influence. But without having witnessed such a powerful situation with her own eyes, she was always worried. I am worried about the serious consequences of hostility between my own son, this society, and even the entire human race.

She has lived in the human world for more than 40 years, and all human dogmas have been carved into her heart. In her eyes, human beings are all of the world, and there is no good end to being an enemy of humans. So Zhou Yi’s performance in her eyes immediately turned into a performance of arrogance and ignorance.

She really wants to say something to Zhou Yi to let him change this scary thought. But at this time, she couldn’t open her mouth. If it was before, when she didn’t know the identity of Dawn Knight, she might have some opinions about Dawn Knight. Especially after he was considered by the public to have become the fallen dark Knight.

However, when this hero became the own son, all she had was regret and sadness. Everything that Dawn Knight has experienced is not a secret. Experiencing these as a hero naturally makes people feel that this should be a training. As a son, his experience made her feel painful just thinking about it. In this case, no matter how depraved, it is a thing that can be forgiven. Even if she is really an enemy of the world, it is a matter for her.

What her son gave is something that those people cannot completely compensate. Her son has never owed anyone else, this World. It is this World, and the humans in this world owe him. This kind of thought stuck deep in her heart, allowing her to quietly identify with oneself’s son’s performance.

So, she sighed helplessly and took the hand of oneself son.

“Well, this is your own thing. Now that you have an idea, then do it according to your idea. As a mother, all I can give you now is support.”

“Don’t worry, mother!” He took oneself mother’s hand and kissed the owner’s mouth gently. Zhou Yi smiled. “I will satisfy your wish and let you hold your grandson as soon as possible.”

“This is what you yourself said, don’t let me remind you of the second time!” Zhou Yi gave him a glance. Zhou Lan said to him. “Okay, don’t accompany me anymore. Go and see the little girl Aresa. During your absence, she has become depressed a lot and can’t even eat anymore. It’s a pity. The child.”

Hearing the change of Aretha from his mother’s mouth, Zhou Yi also felt nervous. He didn’t want Shirley to be okay, but another daughter had a problem. So he immediately stood up, and while talking, he walked upstairs.

“Then, mother. I will go to see Aretha. If there is anything, we will talk in detail during dinner!”

“Go!” responded softly In one sentence, Zhou Lan turned his attention back to the file in front of oneself. Zhou Yi’s arrangement disrupted her plan, and now she can only transfer the own industry to Huiyao City as much as possible. Although her industry is simply one hair from nine oxen relative to the assets owned by Zhou Yi, it is also something that oneself struggled for anyway, and she has not thought of discarding it casually. Naturally, this kind of thing will keep her busy for a long time.

I walked upstairs quietly and opened the door of oneself’s two daughters’ bedrooms. Zhou Yi immediately saw two little girls laughing and playing around the huge Black Panther. Seeing the big black cat, Zhou Yi glanced at the direction of the window sill subconsciously.

As he expected, the window sill is completely open. And the above also has very obvious traces of being crushed. This made him immediately raise his eyebrows and said to the two daughters.

“Hey, girls. Although I have promised you to keep pets, I have not promised that you can put it in at will. Don’t you think it’s too big Whether it’s for the balcony or the bedroom!”

“father!” Zhou Yi’s words made the two daughters react differently. Shirley naturally complained helplessly, while Aretha immediately jumped off the shiny fur of the big black cat in excitement, plunged into Zhou Yi’s arms, and hugged him tightly.

It can be seen that seeing Zhou Yi makes Aretha very happy, even a little too happy. However, this is a good thing for Zhou Yi, so he just touched the cute daughter’s hair, smiled at her and asked Hehe.

“What’s the matter, Aretha. Does it make you so happy to see father?”

“Father!” He hugged Zhou Yi’s waist hard, and Aretha did too I don’t know what kind of mood oneself is now. The feeling of reuniting after a long absence was too deep, and the feeling of being lost and regained was too unforgettable. So that at this time, she has already started to cry tears. “You finally came back, I thought you would never come back again!”

“foolish child, you are here, why won’t father come back?” Feeling her daughter’s attachment to own, Zhou Yi A gentle smile appeared on his face.

“I’m just scared, father. I’ll dream at night that father goes to a place that all of us can’t see or touch. Father alone is very lonely and painful. , The feeling of sadness……”

Speaking of which, Aretha couldn’t talk about it anymore. Her tears were already like a stream, Zhou Yi completely drowned. Listening to her story, Zhou Yi was surprised, but didn’t think much. He knew very well what kind of nightmare the child had in his past. So all he can give her is a guarantee.

“Don’t worry, Aretha. Father will not leave you! No matter where you are, even if you are in hell, as long as you need it, I will crawl out and return to your side. You are my most cherished baby. I haven’t watched you get married, get married and have children to form a new family! How could I have the heart to leave you!”

Zhou Yi’s words finally made Aretha face She smiled relievedly, and at this time, Shirley had already walked up to him, looking at him with the same attachment eyes.

“What’s the matter, I don’t worry about Little Brat. Do you also need a warm hug from father?”

“Cut, I don’t want it! I’m not Ai Resha’s kind of bun with tears.” Shirley couldn’t help but make an own request after tweaking such a sentence. “Hey! Father, can I make a small request?”

“What do you want to do?”

until now, Shirley likes to mention some weird things Requirements. These requirements are really not easy to do. Even for Zhou Yi, it was the same, so after she said something like this, Zhou Yi immediately raised her mind.

“Nothing!” Carefree touched the back of owner’s head, and Shirley’s face began to show a sorry smirk. This makes Zhou Yi more alert. The more sorry Shirley is, the more outrageous her request is. It also meant that he had to be cautious about twelve points, don’t accidentally agree to let her take advantage of the loopholes.

“You speak out first, and I will decide to disagree after listening to it!”

Father was not fooled, this is really a frustrating thing for Shirley . But she still told her request to see if there was any hope in case.

“Actually, I want to say, can I make a home for the big dog in the bedroom. I want it to sleep with us at night!”



“What about the living room? The living room is fine too!”

“I don’t agree anywhere except the garden.”

“Father, please!”

“If you say no, you can’t do it! Hey, don’t think that if you bite me, I will agree! I’ll tick you again!”

The negotiation was fruitless, father and daughter three The people immediately became a group. For them, this is already a rare family happiness.

Is it really worth it to let go of all these things for the things he was obsessed with before? A question arose in Zhou Yi’s heart, and was quietly suppressed. He knew that oneself had already made a decision and should not regret it anymore.

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