Sun God Marvel

Chapter 501

“Are you free, there are some things we need to talk about!” Ada suddenly pushed open the door, and then suddenly saw the black leopard sitting in the room. This made her temper immediately. “Shirley, or Aretha. Who put this pet in? Didn’t I say that there can be no pets at home?”

“It’s father!” For the two daughters , This kind of pot that can be thrown must be thrown away, and who is the most suitable? Zhou Yi as the father is obviously the most suitable candidate. So Shirley pointed her hand at Zhou Yi without the slightest hesitation.

“You let them keep pets?” Seeing Zhou Yi following Shirley’s fingers, Ada raised her eyebrows immediately.

“Uh, it’s me. The children want to keep a pet. I thought about it and there should be no problem. So I agreed!”

“No problem, that’s you It’s just an idea. Have you ever wondered, if these two Little Brat take such a thing for a walk, will there be any consequences if they are seen?”

“Will anyone see it? “I glanced at the two Little Brat, who were trembling with Ada’s lust. Zhou Yi shrugged laughed, and pushed Ada outside the door. “Okay, okay. There is no need to be angry about this kind of trifle. Don’t you have something to ask me? Let’s do business, do business!”

Ada hasn’t had time to say more, just He was taken to the study by Zhou Yi. And it wasn’t until this time that she reacted.

Shaking Zhou Yi’s hand away, Ida rolled her eyes and said to him.

“You just pamper them like this, one day you will regret it.”

“Okay, okay. I will pay attention next time, this Let’s just forget it this time. By the way, what is it that you are looking for me?”

Zhou Yi started to change the topic of own while sloppy. And listening to what he said, Ada could only sigh, and talked about the so-called business according to his rhythm.

“Let’s put aside the child’s affairs first. Let’s talk about business first!” While saying that, Ada took out a document from the drawer of the study and placed it in front of Zhou Yi.

“This is the company’s internal plan for future urban development and construction. The most important part of it is about future urban immigration. The current decision-making department’s idea is to absorb refugees from New York City. It is because the federal government has now planned to transfer refugees from New York City to various states and other large cities. If Huiyao City is willing to accept these refugees, it can get a lot of convenience and preferential policies.”

” On the other hand, it’s because refugees in New York will recognize Mutant and your identity a little bit more. Although your true identity has not been fully disclosed yet, it is better for us to plan ahead anyway. Now this country Here, the human beings who don’t hate you are probably left behind!”

Listening to Ada’s explanation, Zhou Yi thought about it in his heart. He understands that population is a key restrictive factor in the development of Huiyao City. Especially when oneself and those Mutants begin to become infamous, it is necessary to be more cautious in absorbing foreign population. Because if you accept a bunch of guys with unpredictable minds, it will be a huge challenge for the development of Huiyao City or the control of the corona.

And this opinion put forward by Ada is obviously the best solution to this problem. New York is different from other cities. Most of them, like oneself, have a distrustful attitude towards the federal government. If they were allowed to choose, maybe oneself, the already depraved Superhero, would be more dominant. This also gave them the most sufficient conditions to become residents of Huiyao City.

Holding the file and thinking for a while, Zhou Yi nodded did not find anything wrong, so I replied it.

“There is no problem with this resolution. You can recruit as many refugees as possible within the company. It doesn’t matter if the storage capacity of the entire city is saturated.”

“Too If there are too many, I am worried that it will touch the nerves of those guys in the government. They must know your current identity, and now maybe because of your power, they dare not do anything to you and the city, but once our If the action is too big, they will definitely not be as silent as they are now.”

“Do you think they will wage war on this city? Or as they did on the battlefield in the Middle East, What decapitation action was launched?”

When he heard this, Zhou Yi sneered. But his sneer made Ada frown, pressed his shoulders directly behind him, and seated him on the chair in the study, so that he could only look directly at oneself.

“Listen, Yi! I know that you are very dissatisfied now, whether it is the federal government or the entire human race. I also know that you are very confident in own power. But this cannot be a reason for you to despise them. You have to admit that humans are the main body of this World. We can override them, but impossible to break away from them.”

“Once our behavior goes beyond their psychology The bottom line, even if they are more scrupulous about the power we have, they will recklessly launch a war against us. This is not possible, but affirmation. Our informants in the federal government have sent us back information. New The former Secretary of State is ready to do something against us! It’s just that no one is willing to respond to his call for the time being. If we do, then we will really give them an excuse for them to go to war on this!”

Ada’s concerns are not unreasonable. Anyway, they are still on America’s land. No matter how privatized Huiyao City, it is only a city in this country in name.

If this city behaves calmly and guards itself, perhaps the rulers of this country will also look at Zhou Yi’s terrorist power and turn a blind eye to the existence of this city. But if it behaves too freely and even affects the rule and stability of this country, then even if it is afraid of Zhou Yi’s power, in order to protect the own interests, those leaders will inevitably declare war directly on Huiyao City.

A city is impossible against an entire country. Even if Zhou Yi had the determination to go to war, most of the human residents in this city would not want to be part of the war. In this case, the only result of arbitrarily arbitrarily is the inevitable result of treason. And if it gets to that point, their so-called peaceful life will only become a bubble and will no longer exist.

Zhou Yi oneself also understands this point, so after a moment of silence, he can only give up the idea of ​​oneself before.

“Well, this matter is as you said, I will not intervene indiscriminately.”

This kind of disguised surrender performance of Zhou Yi made Ada come from the heart happy. Because she knew very well in her heart that Zhou Yi’s willingness to admit defeat meant that he was really willing to take refuge in a peaceful life. Only for this reason can he let go of the arrogance and prejudice in oneself’s heart, and let go of past grudges.

You can see a person’s attitude from small things. Zhou Yi’s attitude has been thoroughly expressed in his choice. And this is what Ida wants to see most now.

In this case, she hugged Zhou Yi’s neck, and the cold face that had always been reserved began to show a bright smile.

“That’s right, don’t worry. Although there are some constraints, no one can prevent us from developing Huiyao City. In our hands, it will become a more A better and more beautiful place. This is our home, our city. No one can treat it like this. I can assure you about this!”

“Of course, I believe you. I have always believed in you!” Zhou Yi said to her with a smile while stroking Ada’s back. Since Ada accepted the entire business empire from him, she has never let oneself down. With this alone, Zhou Yi has full confidence in her. even more how, they also have a special relationship. On this premise, believing her is even more inevitable.

On the issue of urban migration, the two as urban rulers have reached a consensus. However, the problem facing Huiyao City is more than just such a point. Before she can stay for too long, Ada has to put the business in front of the two people again.

“There is also one thing about Mutant. Before you came back, the Mutant special police from New York sent representatives to communicate with me and they showed me an intention . I think it’s necessary for me to discuss with you!”

“What is your intention, let’s hear it!”

“It’s about their future. You should also know because of the nuclear bomb. The reason is that the entire New York is no longer suitable for human habitation. So naturally, both the residents and the administrative units must move elsewhere. The ordinary government employees are naturally arranged by the federal government, but the Mutant special police They are not within their arrangements.”

“After all, they are just the product of a unilateral cooperation between you and Chief Stacy. If New York is still alive, Chief Stacy can still use his prestige to continue to maintain the Mutant Special Police But in the current situation, Chief Stacy is already powerless to defend himself, and the establishment of the Mutant special police will naturally be cancelled by the federal government. However, the children seem to be reluctant to accept this arrangement, so they send People contacted me, hoping to continue their work in this city.”

The Mutant special police is a product of Zhou Yi’s painstaking efforts. To some extent, its existence did play a role in Zhou Yi’s estimation, which eased the relationship between Mutant and humans to a certain extent. Although Mutant is still not completely accepted by humans, they have made great progress compared to before.

Whether it comes from the maintenance of one’s own works, or the sympathy for those children. Zhou Yi had no reason to refuse this request, so he was nodded and said to Ada.

“I don’t think there is a problem, Huiyao City should have their place!”

“This is the problem, according to our agreement. We have no right to arrange their work , If you want to receive them into this city, you must talk to your old friend. Only if she is nodded can this matter be confirmed.”

See Zhou Yi nodded, But Ada changed the conversation and led the problem to others. And thinking of the old friend she said, Zhou Yi also fell into oneself thoughts.

It’s been so long, and even oneself has become oneself and I almost don’t know each other. So, is the so-called old friend the same? Can they really be called friends? Inexplicably, Zhou Yi is a little eager to know the answer.

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