Sun God Marvel

Chapter 533

“get out of my sight! Monster, you never want to get close to me!”

Magneto’s growl is hoarse and low, but it is as full as a king’s command Unimaginable power. He shouted angrily, and immediately let him protect the own metal shields begin to stir, and greeted the Hulk who rushed straight to oneself again.

Those valve-like metal layers are stacked on top of each other, one layer after another blocking in front of Hulk. Although Hulk’s fist has the destructive power to destroy everything, just a single blow can turn the metal blocking oneself into flying fragments, molten gold mud. But the speed of his destruction is not comparable to the speed of Magneto’s creation and regeneration.

In an instant, the destroyed metal gathered in front of him again, and attached to him in a quick and incredible way, wrapping him layer by layer like armor. stand up.

The heavy metal has a load-bearing mass of one hundred or ten tons with just one layer, and when it is heavily pressed on Hulk, it is impossible to make him feel comfortable and relaxed. Because the load on him is far more than a layer of metal, but layer upon layer, it is almost impossible to distinguish the number of horrors clearly by naked eye. Such a number represents a terrifying weight, and under such a weight. Hulk’s movements inevitably become sluggish.

Earth’s own gravity made him inevitably begin to fall toward the surface. If he was able to temporarily get rid of the attraction of Earth’s gravity by relying on oneself’s powerful explosive force before, he could attack Magneto in a jumping posture equivalent to flying. So now he is absolutely impossible to do what he did before.

He was falling, falling toward the sea under their feet at an absolute vertical angle. Although Hulk was roaring and continued to explode the power of oneself. But no matter how he explodes, it is impossible to violate the most basic laws of physics.

When Magneto didn’t provide him with an immediate foothold, he was simply unable to make any effective resistance after being chained to him by tens of thousands of tons.

He can only allow oneself to be wrapped in layers of metal, dragged, and plunge straight into the deep sea.

When the terrible waves of the tsunami swelled from the feet of own, Magneto finally let out a sigh. Hulk caused him tremendous mental pressure. At that moment, he really had the illusion that oneself might fail. Fortunately, everything is still under the control of own.

Subconsciously glanced at the deep sea under his feet, Magneto waved it and stopped a shield flying towards oneself with a sky-splitting sound. And after doing this, he looked at the Captain America on the ground glaring at oneself with a disdainful look, and made such a mockery.

“Captain Rogers. I remember that you seem to have reached an alliance with Charles. So have you communicated with his subordinate Logan, and ask him clearly whether Adamantium is under the control of my ability? “

He shook his own fingers as he said, making the world’s unique and unmatched Adamantium shield synthesized by Vibranium begin to tremble with high frequency on his body. Although this does not affect the structural stability of the shield, it is enough to prove that the most advantageous weapon in Captain’s hand is nothing to him. In front of him, Captain didn’t even have the ability to threaten him.

This situation naturally made Captain feel discouraged, but he was more angry. Angry at Magneto’s words and deeds, angry at his determination to fight the Avengers.

“Magneto Erik Lanchel! Why do you want to do this, tell me, what is your reason for doing this!”

“The reason?” slightly shook the head, A playful expression appeared on Magneto’s face. “If I say that all these are coincidences and accidents, do you believe it?”

“Coincidence? Accident?” Looking at Jennifer, who was suppressed under the metal mountain in front of oneself, he looked at Hao G the sea surface at the location of the fall. Even Captain, who was well-maintained, began to flush his eyes and let out an angry growl. “Do you think it is possible to prevaricate with such an excuse? Magneto, don’t take me as a fool!”

“Why don’t you want to believe this? Mr. Captain!” Seeing Captain’s angry look, Magneto is serene, shook the head apologetically. “You must know that at first, I really didn’t have the idea of ​​taking your surgery. It was you who found me oneself and pushed things to this point. I just made a special decision at a special time. If it weren’t for your presence, none of this would have happened, would it?”

Although it is said, it is definitely not true after careful consideration. The original protagonist in this struggle was actually only the Avengers and Hydra, and Magneto was the third party who suddenly intervened. It was his appearance that made the situation complicated, and it was his appearance that made the Avengers face the current situation.

There is a dilemma, this is Captain’s most real experience at the moment. In, he is impossible to defeat such a Magneto. When he retreated, Jennifer was still controlled by him, and Hulk was even more uncertain about his life or death. How could he retreat under such circumstances. Therefore, in this difficult situation, he can only choose negotiation, the only possible solution to the problem.

“Let’s talk about what you want, so that you are willing to stop your behavior. Let us go!”

“What do I want, this question is somewhat interesting. Captain Rogers, did you make a mistake? You know, but you were the first to attack me. I have never threatened or blackmailed you. It was you oneself cannot tell good from bad. First, what? Now you know that you are afraid Do you want to compromise and beg for mercy?”

“Stop talking nonsense, Magneto. This time we admit defeat and tell me what price you need to let them go!”

Listening to Magneto’s confusing black and white words, Captain frowned immediately and waved his hand fiercely, interrupting his words. Arguing right or wrong with this kind of wily old fox is a pointless thing. Captain naturally didn’t want to waste his time on this. So he immediately ripped off these things and put the real deal in front of him.

Looking at Captain’s determination, Magneto smiled slightly and thought of lion’s big mouth in his heart.

“It’s not a problem to let me let go of this giant girl. Even I can help you fish out the Hulk from the deep sea. However, I have the conditions. I just don’t know. , Are you willing to agree to this condition of mine!”

“The condition?” This sentence made all the Avengers blow up, especially Tony, through the headset in Captain’s ears There was a screaming noise. But the clamor was not without value, because he quickly let Captain make up his mind. “Tell me, what are your conditions? Money? Or technology? Or what political preference?”

This kind of question has a typical Stark style. Almost as soon as Captain said it, Magneto guessed that there must be Tony Stark’s support. Only a person like him can offer such a price so unscrupulously.

However, this is not what Magneto wanted. He just shook the head and said to Captain.

“Don’t treat me like an ordinary person, Captain Rogers and Mr. Stark, what you said is impossible to arouse my interest. My condition has nothing to do with these!”

“Then what do you want! Say it!”

Captain, who no longer wanted to play any paradoxes, asked him resolutely and decisively. Looking at his angry look, Magneto smiled slightly and revealed the own price.

“I want you to release all Mutants, whether it is those special prisons where Mutants are held, or what so-called research institutions or medical institutions. All of them will be released!”

“Then impossible, I absolutely disagree with the release of any criminal!”

Faced with such a request, Captain not even think directly shook his head and expressed rejection. But his refusal immediately made Magneto’s face cold.

“Mr. Captain, you should know that not every Mutant who is imprisoned is a criminal. Many of my compatriots were arrested by humans for no reason. I don’t think you will either Deny it. If you think you are the righteous party, you can choose not to release the Mutant who committed the crime. However, those of my compatriots who were arrested by you for no reason, you must release them!”

Is this request excessive? Of course not, especially from Magneto’s perspective, this requirement couldn’t be more reasonable. But for the Avengers, this request is really unreasonable and extremely troublesome.

They are not a government, but an independent Superhero organization. They have no right to ask the government to do anything, let alone reach out their hands into the forces of those huge monsters. Magneto made this request to them, to some extent it can even be understood as completely embarrassing them.

So Captain immediately spoke frankly.

“We can’t do this kind of thing. We have nothing to do with the government, and we are even more impossible to order others to do something. I know there are many injustices in it. But we don’t have the ability. There is no reason to intervene in this kind of thing.”

“No, of course you have reasons. Am I just giving you such reasons now!”

coldly snorted, Magneto He controlled the metal left in oneself’s hand, wrapped Jennifer under the metal layer by layer, and lifted it into the air.

“Don’t forget, your teammates are still in my hands. To save your teammates, do something you shouldn’t have done. Isn’t that a good reason?”

Hearing this, Captain’s face immediately turned green. His eyes not at all saw a trace of cracking a joke on Magneto’s face, then it means that he did think so. And such an idea is obviously not acceptable to Captain.

The Avengers are not an organization that uses power for personal gain, and they will not do anything wrong because of their own power and identity. If a precedent is now set because of this, it is a matter that no one can tell whether the Avengers can maintain their current position and status in the future.

Captain impossible to do this kind of self-destruction of the Great Wall, but he can’t watch his own teammates get torn off like this. Therefore, he can only fall into silence in embarrassment.

And at this time, mutation has suddenly emerged again.

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