Sun God Marvel

Chapter 534

I don’t know when, the sea that had already restored calm began to become like a boiling soup pot, the blue waves ten thousand zhang, the waves were pouring. Layers of white waves surging up from the depths of the sea filled the sea with incredible weirdness and irritability.

As soon as this natural phenomenon appeared, it immediately attracted Magneto’s attention. And when he penetrated oneself’s perception of magnetic field into the depths of the sea, his face immediately became ugly.

“It’s really a disgusting cockroach that undying!”

When he said this, a harsh roar suddenly erupted in the sea. The huge mountain-like steel suddenly sprang out from below the sea level and flew away towards the sky above Magneto in an imposing manner of thunderbolt.

However, even this sudden attack is so terrifying. But it has no effective effect on Magneto. He just beckoned, and the magnetic control from above his instinct penetrated into the huge steel, and immediately set its galloping body in the air.

“It’s useless, idiot. Your attack won’t work for me.”

Controlling a huge piece of steel with one hand, while facing the depths of the sea The shouting Magneto squeezed his own fingers tightly. And with his movements, the waves on the sea immediately began to become more turbulent.

Layers of huge waves extend from the depths of the sea toward the sea level, and countless sea waters are stirred and crowded, and loud and deafening sounds are emitted on the sea level. At first glance, it looks like a giant beast from the deep sea has awakened and is about to reveal its own figure from the depths of the sea.

However, this is of course impossible what deep sea rare beast. It was a steel prison that was just sunk into the deep sea by Magneto. It’s just that now these things have become messy pieces.

Tens of thousands of tons of steel became a hard armor for prisoners, locking Hulk firmly inside. But its role is very limited. It’s not just about function, but also about time.

Even if Magneto made this prisoner tightly closed, there was no room for Hulk to exert any strength. But as Hulk’s anger increased and his power exploded, the prison-like armor was still forcibly torn out of a gap. The appearance of this gap immediately caused the entire prison to become a weak spot, and with a prison with a weak spot, it was naturally impossible to imprison a monster like Hulk in it.

As soon as his power exploded, he split up and in pieces of the entire prison. This gave him a short period of freedom, and the moment he got this freedom, he immediately picked up the broken steel and projected it towards Magneto above the sky.

The humiliation Magneto gave him was something he could not forget. But if he didn’t defeat this great enemy in one day, didn’t completely tear him to pieces, Hulk was impossible to get peace of mind. He will continue to fight, until one side is completely down. And this is exactly what no one wants to see.

If possible, Captain really hopes that Hulk can sneak away to a safe place after his birth. Don’t run out against a guy with terrifying ability like Magneto. This is of no benefit to either of them. It will make things worse.

On this point, Magneto and their opinions are the same. In fact, he didn’t want to continue to fight with Hulk, not only undying, but the more fights the more brave is, the more powerful guys continue to pull. Because if that continues, even he can’t guarantee that they can continue to maintain this kind of casualties.

Once Hulk’s power grows to a terrifying state, he is impossible to show mercy in this way. He still doesn’t want to die under Hulk’s fist, so if Hulk continues to make any actions that threaten his life, he will surely kill him here at all costs.

For this kind of enemies who can grow in Infinity, but don’t have enough reason. Magneto knows exactly what oneself should do. But now, Hulk’s choice has forced Magneto into a dead end.

When Magneto summoned those tens of thousands of steel fragments from the deep sea, Hulk, who was still in the deep sea, immediately cled to those fragments with his own wild beast-like instinct. Then with these things, he returned to the sea level.

As soon as he returned there, he immediately uttered a crazy and terrifying growl at Magneto above the sky, and then rushed towards Magneto again with scarlet eyes.

The wind howls, the roar is thundering. At this moment, the Hulk is almost like a demon crawling out of the depths of hell. His whole body is exuding the crazy aura that chooses people and eats people. And looking at such Hulk, Magneto knew that oneself could no longer keep his hands on him.

He slammed his hands together, and pulled out all the steel in oneself’s body, and then transformed it into a dragon-like look of steel poison, facing the figure that Hulk was leaping over Rushed over.

These poisonous Dragon’s Might lines were fierce and ferocious, with their scales spreading, one after another blazing electric light leaped on them like water patterns. This kind of natural phenomenon means that Magneto has increased the own magnetic force control to a certain limit, so that the static electricity that exists in nature begins to be affected by these magnetic forces and is attracted to these metals.

This makes these metal Poison Dragons add a bit of formidable power out of thin air, but they are still not the enemy of Hulk.

With only one punch, Hulk smashed the head of a steel Poison Dragon that came first. The turbulent electric light shot at him, making him howl in pain, but it also aroused the fierceness in his heart even more. In full anger, he grasped the body of the still twitching steel Poison Dragon, took advantage of the momentum, stepped on its back, and continued to charge towards Magneto in the sky.

After eating, I gained a lot of wisdom. Hulk, who had been tricked by Magneto a few times back and forth, finally moved his mind, not caring about the steel that was entangled with the owner’s manipulation, but directly killed Magneto, the real enemy.

But he just stepped on the body of Poison Dragon, only to find that the body of the steel Poison Dragon whose head was smashed by him was twisted and turned into a semi-hard and semi-soft stickiness. The form entangled his body.

This situation made him furious as it should be by rights, and his strength has almost grown to infinity. He directly pulled the metal shell in front of him and vented his own infinite brute force. .

Suddenly, the entire steel Poison Dragon was torn apart, making it difficult to preserve even a complete form. But this is still useless, because in this little free time, the rest of the Poison Dragon has been entangled one by one.

Almost the same method as just now, countless metal layers once again wrapped the Hulk. It was tight, and he didn’t even leave a place to breathe. Even this time, also the extremely high voltage wandered among the metal, whipping Hulk frantically, bringing him the most extreme painful experience.

However, this kind of pain cannot make Hulk give in. And this kind of imprisonment is impossible forever. The example just before, even if this time has been improved, it is just buying a little more time.

And Magneto wants this time. He has seen Hulk’s weaknesses, and naturally knows how to deal with him instead.

This is a guy who can only use brute force. In addition to strength, his vigorous life force is a bit troublesome. Magneto, who hadn’t caused Hulk to be obviously hurt after several attempts, wisely gave up this unrealistic idea and chose another method to deal with him, imprisonment.

Being imprisoned in the depths of the sea was his first attempt, and this attempt almost ended in failure. After ignoring the heavy pressure of the deep sea, Hulk broke free from the cage, it was equivalent to being unharmed, and even becoming stronger.

For Magneto, this is definitely a slap in the face. But it does not mean that this method is not working. In fact, on the contrary, this method is absolutely feasible. As long as you can find a correct way.

And this way, Magneto has found it.

Looking at Hulk, who just struggled to make the newly-built steel prison jitter, Magneto’s cold light flashed, and raised his own hands to the sky. And following his movements, the steel prison that wrapped the Hulk immediately flew out towards the endless sky at an incredible speed.

This situation frightened Captain immediately, and he shouted quickly.

“Stop, Magneto. What do you want to do!”

“What are you doing? Can’t you tell?” Seeing the metal prison tear open the clouds in a flash , Rubbing a dazzling red fire in the sky at the extreme speed, Magneto sneered and just said. “I’m banishing this guy. Since the sea can’t accommodate him, then let me see if the endless universe can accommodate his existence. After leaving Earth, I would like to know, what is his ability, and come to trouble me. !”

“Are you crazy? Or do you not intend to continue this transaction, but choose to be our enemy completely?”

After hearing his explanation, Captain Immediately spoke to him in a threatening tone. At this time, he can no longer control Magneto’s terrifying, nor can he control their previous scruples. Once Hulk is thrown out of Earth like this, then he really only has a dead end.

Not who can survive in the universe out of thin air. No matter how powerful Hulk is, it is not as powerful as Thanos or Zhou Yi, able to move freely in the vacuum of the endless universe. Once he enters the universe, he can only become a large garbage, floating forever in that empty and vast place without any vitality. At that time, everything is really finished.

Captain’s anxiety and threat not at all can change Magneto’s mind, he just grinned and said to him.

“Captain Rogers. Are you really willing to fight me and Brotherhood of Mutants for this guy? Don’t forget, that guy is just an irrational wild beast. His existence is for It’s not a good thing for you. Think about it carefully, do you really have to pay so much for him?”

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