Sun God Marvel

Chapter 555

“He’s the kind of guy who can play tricks if he doesn’t win. I’m so fed up!”

Looking at the gallop in front of oneself As the Rhine River is moving, Zhou Yi has an indescribable disgust at this moment. He had already scanned the entire Asgard Rhein with his own ability, but he could not find the trace of the so-called evil dragon at all.

This means that it is not in this world, and this is undoubtedly the news that Zhou Yi is most reluctant to hear now.

“This is normal, isn’t it?” Standing next to Zhou Yi, Aurora, who placed a hand between her eyebrows as a look, smiled lightly and said to Zhou Yi.

“But Master Aurora has already thought of such a thing, and even I have a way to deal with it. How about it, bad guy, as long as you are obediently and honestly begging me for mercy, say oh Lord Ruola is the best. I’ll tell you this method!”

“Ha, do you think this threat is useful to me? Don’t forget! The one saved is your elder sister, if If you are not in a hurry, why should I be in a hurry?”

As soon as this sentence was said, Aurora immediately changed her face.

“How can you be like this? Don’t forget that you promised my Royal Father to save my elder sister!”

“Yes, but That is also based on the fact that you don’t give me problems and stumbling. Now the situation is that I clearly want to find our goal, but you don’t want to tell me when there is a way to find the goal. This method, so if there is any problem, it is impossible to blame me!”

As soon as this sentence was said, Aurora immediately puffed up his own face.

“Hey, you bastard. Don’t forget, I’m a lady, don’t you mean to humble a lady?”

“Sorry, in my eyes You are just a naughty child who has not grown up, naughty guys like you, there are also two in my family. And for a little girl like you, I never knew what Qianrong means!”

A trip to the spot, by the way, I picked an unnamed wild fruit from a Fruit Tree not far away. Zhou Yi took a bite and closed his eyes to enjoy it in a pleasant way. The sour and sweet feeling in my mouth started.

And his appearance made Aurora’s eyebrows jump even more angry, and he felt like he had blown up his lungs.

At this time, she really had a kind of sword that took out oneself’s body, fiercely, fiercely put a few swords on this guy who made her a few times wrong, and opened a few big swords on him. The idea of ​​a little hole. But considering the military force he showed, also the terrifying means of torture, she finally gave up this tempting idea.

“This is all for Brynhild’s elder sister, all to save the elder sister!” After reciting a few words in Own’s heart, Aurora still gave up this meaninglessness Struggle. Because she knew that oneself’s struggling like breathing was meaningless. Her little tricks are useless in front of Zhou Yi.

So instead of this, it’s better to speed up and help him rescue Brunhild. As long as Brunnhilde’s elder sister is rescued, she must be able to fiercely teach this pesky guy with her power.

Aurora with such thoughts didn’t even think about whether Brunhild could preside over this justice for her and accomplish the things she imagined. In her opinion, Brunhild, the Martial Goddess elder sister whom she admired since childhood, is the most powerful warrior in the world. Even the two stupid guys Thor and Tyr will not be Her elder sister’s opponent. Except for their Royal Father, her elder sister is the best in the world. So, a trifling of Midgart’s bastard, simply impossible is a big problem.

“Okay, okay. I said it, can’t I tell the way!” A kick on Zhou Yi’s body, instead made Aurora, whose own feet twitched, crying. Tell the secret of relying on oneself.

“The dragon of the Rhine is called Fafnir. As the incarnation of the Rhine, and as a greedy dragon, it possesses the most precious treasure of the Rhine. One is called The treasure of Rhine’s gold. It is said that this treasure has the power to acknowledge allegiance, and even possess the power of Supreme, and the evil dragon has occupied this treasure for thousands of years!”

“Treasure is touching, not to mention people, even God once hit Rhein’s golden idea. But after seeing the power of the dragon Fafnir and its difficulties, most people chose to retreat There is only one person, or a dwarf who chooses to persist until the end!”

“As a race in the world that is stubborn and loves to waste time on an insoluble or insignificant problem, once a dwarf becomes greedy, We must get the thing that made him greedy. For this reason, we Asgardians have played these dwarfs how many times. Even though they have understood our methods in so many games, But I have never escaped from this strange circle. I have to say that dwarves are all big fools! And this dwarf is like this.”

“This dwarf named Mi Mei is the most skilled dwarf craftsman. One of the masters. But because of the greed for Rhine’s gold, he has been stationed on the Rhine for hundreds of years. In these hundreds of years, he has been trying to deal with the evil dragon Favnir. So I think, if someone can guarantee to find the dragon, this ridiculous dwarf is the only candidate!”

Aurora’s words let Zhou Yi’s eyebrow raised, and then drwsily raised his own eyelids and glanced at Aurora.

“This time you should know where to find the dwarf named Mimei! If not, I think you’d better ask it before telling me this method!”

“Don’t worry, I know that silly dwarf Mimei. So I know how to find him. How about it, annoying fellow, this time we can start acting!”

Zhou Yi gave Zhou Yi angrily, and Aurora said with her lips curled. And hearing her say so, Zhou Yi stood up obediently and honestly.

“Then lead the way, little girl. Do you still expect me to go ahead and find that idiot dwarf?” Looking at Zhou Yi’s face, Aurora has a sword drawn again impulse. She desperately suppressed this evil thought, and while muttering, she walked down the Rhine River towards the lower reaches of the river. After a long journey, she finally brought Zhou Yi to a place he could not think of.

Wattheim, the country of dwarfs, is also one of the three worlds that the Rhine runs through.

For this little Martial Goddess, the world of dwarf is not unfamiliar. In fact, she and her own elder sister came to this weird place several times. Sometimes it’s to chase some monsters, and sometimes it’s to find the skilled craftsmen among those dwarfs and let them build some treasures for oneself.

as everyone knows, most gnomes are very good craftsmen, most of the treasures in the nine kingdoms come from them. Because of this, most of Odin’s craftsmen come from these magical dwarfs. But not every dwarf is willing to serve Odin. Among them, many outstanding craftsmen are willing to stay in Wattheim, in exchange for own crafts to let those Gods and giants work for oneself.

The dwarf Mimei was once a member of this group of craftsmen, but because of oneself’s obsession with Rhine’s gold, he became a typical dwarf who is not doing business.

So when Zhou Yi and Aurora stepped into the dwarf’s unique tree cave, what he saw was this scene.

Large tracts of blueprints were scattered on the ground, and a quick glance revealed that they were mostly textual research on the Rhine River, as well as records of hydrology and coastal geography. If you look around again, you can find that under the dim candle lights, there are river creatures with weird shapes and features, as well as various hunting traps.

Though the creatures in the river are of different shapes, they are native aquatic animals after all, and naturally they will have a pungent smell. In addition, most of the corpses here are only a few living creatures. Therefore, there is a smell of rotting corpses.

This makes Zhou Yi instantly feel unbearable. And he looked at Aurora who was about to be smoked to death by oneself. It was simply a wave of a big hand, and a hot flame directly burned all the dirty and pickled corpses to ashes, and by the way, it purified the air in the entire crypt.

Maybe Zhou Yi’s movements are a little too big, or the dwarf’s sensitivity to the flow of power is too high. So that Zhou Yi had just finished all this when a shrill voice came from the depths of the crypt.

“Who is it, which guy with no eyesight broke into the territory of Master Mimei. You are bringing about one’s own destruction, you know? I have ten thousand kinds of mechanisms and traps that can instantly Beat you up. Get out of me if you know it!”

“Mimei, you short-eyed old man. It’s me! Come out quickly, I have a pen I want to talk to you about business!”

Faced with the dwarf’s unceremonious words, Aurora showed more aggressiveness. When she heard her words, a little dwarf with a bald head and gray temples came out of a hole under the floor.

He first glanced at Aurora, and then the complexion changed, and said to her with a rather ugly face.

“It turned out to be you who likes to make trouble. The last time you burned my research to the fire, I haven’t asked you to settle the account. You dare to appear in front of me. if not For the sake of your elder sister, who is more terrifying than the evil dragon, I have put you in a cage to hang a dragon. Hurry up and go as far as possible! I don’t want to see you at all! “

“Shut up, it’s just me accidentally. Also, I’m here to do business with you, what do you let me go!”

When I heard the dwarf revealed his old bottom , Aurora quit immediately. She quickly quibbleed, and at the same time said the intention of own.

But the dwarf just waved his hand impatiently with a look of disgust.

“Hurry up and leave you. I am not in business now! I am busy with more important things! Can’t you see? Oh, hell, my specimen, my research… , It’s you again, it’s you again the disaster star. You return my baby to me!”

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