Sun God Marvel

Chapter 556

In order to be oneself obsessed with general greed, dwarf Mimei has completed an essential transformation. He put aside the general forging ability of oneself, a racial talent, and started to study purely academic things like biological instinct, historical documents, and geo-hydrology like a Scholar.

And as everyone knows, academic research is never an easy task. It requires a lot of research as the capital of argument, and these things need a lot of time to pile up. Especially in this place where there is no precision laboratory equipment and mature scientific consideration system, it will take more time, not less.

Heaven knows how much time Mimei has bet on this, it is estimated that he himself does not know. Maybe several decades, maybe hundreds of years. But it is definitely a scary number. Therefore, when Mime saw the empty crypt and the ashes all over the floor, he was already in madness.

No one can watch own’s efforts being destroyed like this, and no one can face the murderer who destroyed oneself’s efforts and maintain a calm and indifferent state of mind. Mimemei the dwarf won’t be so!

At this time, even if Aurora has Odin’s daughter, Asgard’s most honorable Princess, she can’t let Mime have any scruples. He roared, then opened his five fingers to Aurora, and shot a green radiance full of corrosive energy from it. And what the radiance points to is Aurora’s cute little face!

Anyone can imagine what it would be like to pour a cup of sulfuric acid on the face of a magnificent young girl. If possible, I believe that not many people would like to see such a thing happen, and Zhou Yi is also like this.

Out of his love for beautiful things, he naturally would not let a young girl suffer such a fate. And out of the protection of Asgard’s side as a friend, he couldn’t watch Aurora being injured by such a crazy dwarf. Therefore, he directly waved at the dwarf.

Golden’s divine light is flowing, it wipes out the corrosive green radiance, and the huge wind pressure of formidable power lifts the dwarf’s short body into the air, and then He fell heavily on the wall of the crypt.

Mime was thrown into a daze, but he didn’t at all give up revenge against Aurora, the culprit in his mind. But after he got up again, he immediately attacked Aurora again.

This time, he didn’t use any strange magic. Instead, he slapped the wall directly, causing a huge array of magic things to appear on the wall. And with the appearance of this demon array, a stone man whose whole body was made of hard rock, which was about to fill the entire crypt, appeared in the crypt little by little.

“Crush them for me, Grog. Smash them all into biscuits!”

Mimei spoke to her in a sharp, crazy tone. The stone man who appeared was yelling, but soon all his expressions turned into indescribable astonishment and fear, as if seeing a horrible thing that only appeared in a dream, he fell into a state of inability. own dementia state.

Because in front of his eyes, the stone man named Grog, whom he had just placed high hopes on, had been demolished into countless rubble in a flash. And it was done with only the hands of the owner without any tools. It was done so cleanly, so piecemeal that it was even impossible for him to piece the stone man back together.

Such a scene is beyond Mime’s imagination, so much so that he starts to fear. No one knows better than him what kind of existence Grog the Stone Man is. It was a guard weapon carved out of a hard stone with magic attached to it, a powerful puppet capable of confronting giants and even God. It’s not that there are guys who can defeat Grog, but this is the first one to be so simple and so fast.

Even if she struggled with her brains, Mime couldn’t think of such a powerful guy in Asgard. And desperate for this kind of power, he has already started to ask Zhou Yi with trembling teeth.

“Who are you and why are you with this guy. You…”

He was caught by Zhou Yi before he finished his words. In mid-air.

“Listen, little man. I have no extra patience to say more to you. Tell me, Fafnir, where is the dragon of the Rhine?”

“Favnir? Are you also thinking about playing Rhine’s gold?”

When I heard the name of the evil dragon, Mime immediately forgot the so-called fear. He stared at Zhou Yi angrily, and unspeakable madness and distortion began to rise in his eyes.

“The Rhine’s gold is mine! You villains, robbers. You don’t want to get any news about it from me!”

The little dwarf started desperately in Zhou Yi Struggled with his hands. Looking at his behavior like this, Zhou Yi snapped his fingers at his chest. Suddenly, Zhifeng knocked hard on his chest like a hammer, causing all his words to be swallowed back with the severe heart and lung pain.

“Listen, dwarf. We just want to find the dragon. We are not interested in anything he has except for itself, do you understand?”

“Cough cough, do you want to lie to me? I won’t be fooled.”

The dwarf who has finally passed away is still reluctant, showing a 100% uncooperative attitude. But at this time Aurora stood up and assured him,

“Listen, Mime. I swear in the name of Princess of Asgard and Martial Goddess, our goal There is only Fafnir. We have nothing to ask for but the life of that dragon. If I break my oath, let my honor become dust under your feet and be trampled forever! If you do, you can trust us.”

Mime, who has been fascinated by Rhine’s gold to the extreme, will not fear any military force threats. Violent coercion cannot make him surrender at all. However, when Aurora made guarantees in the name of Asgard Princess and Martial Goddess, he quickly believed it.

It’s like the guys in Asgard who think dwarfs are dead-headed and love to waste time on an insoluble or insignificant problem. The gnomes also think that Asgard is a group of militants who have pits in their heads, and would rather give up everything else for the so-called honor.

As long as this group of people make a guarantee that they bet on oneself honor, then they will fight for their lives, and they will be desperate for this guarantee. Therefore, at this time, Mi Mei immediately stopped struggling, and instead faced Zhou Yi yelled.

“Okay, I get it. You guys, don’t let me down soon. I will tell you everything you want to know. So, let me down quickly!”

“Okay!” As soon as she loosened her hand, she threw Mi Mei directly to the ground. Zhou Yi squatted down, looked directly into the eyes of the dwarf, and asked him. “You can tell me about Fafnir. I want to know, where can I find it so that it can’t escape with the flow of the Rhine?”

“It looks like you too Not a complete fool, she knew that the trouble of going directly to Fafnir was useless.”

Patted the dust on her body, Mime took two steps back cautiously, and Zhou Yi stayed at a safe distance. Then, he said to Zhou Yi like this.

“I believe you also know that Fafnir is the incarnation of the Rhine. As long as you touch the Rhine, you will not die. If you want to deal with it, you can only find it in Black The nest in the Forest is good. Only there, I’m afraid you have the only chance to kill it!”

“Wait, wait.” Hearing this, Aurora started Suspicious. “Mime, are you mistaken. Although the Black Forest is on the Rhine, there is no river in it. Favnir has absolutely no reason to build his own nest in that forest. With its cunning Character. It will definitely live in the Rhine!”

“little girl! What you say is something most people know. But you don’t know it. Although Fafnir is The incarnation of Rhine, but it itself is not completely accepted by Rhine. Rhine itself is repelling it, although only for a specific time. But what is certain is that at that time, it really could not live in the Rhine. .Even, as long as it enters the river water, it will be hurt by the power of the river!”

“How is this possible, there is no reason at all!” Aurora still behaved incredibly . However, Mi Mei, who has been transferred to Scholar, directly took out a large stack of manuscripts and put them in front of Zhou Yi.

“The evidence before you now is my research over the years. You will never believe it, what kind of secrets are there in this!”

“Fife Although Neil is the incarnation of the Rhine, he does not completely represent the Rhine. He is only the evil god transformed from the ferocious side of the Rhine. Rhine is also another incarnation, one that represents kindness and gentleness. Incarnation. And this incarnation is Fafnir’s brother, and the other dragon, Gronnier!”

“This is impossible!” Upon hearing this, Aurora waved his hand directly. resolutely and decisively said so. “If Rhine also had another dragon, we Asgard would definitely know its existence. But we don’t know what you said, so you must have made a mistake!”

Aurora’s words made Mimei complexion changed, and then immediately started talking to her eccentrically.

“I admit that you Asgard are powerful, but the nine kingdoms are not what you Asgard said. Even your Divine King Odin dare not say that oneself knows everything. All the allusions are clear. The Rhine River flows through the three worlds, so you are so sure. Do you Asgard know everything that happened in the Rhine in these three worlds?”

Mime’s words Aurora was instantly speechless. At this time, she finally realized that oneself seemed to be too confident.

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