Sun God Marvel

Chapter 557

“Please go on, Mr. Mi Mei. I really want to know the story of these two dragons on the Rhine!”

Seeing Aurora and Mi Mei People fell into silence one after another, but Zhou Yi, who had been watching from the sidelines, said this suddenly.

He is not from Asgard, nor is he a native resident. So he didn’t care about the contradictions between them at all, and he didn’t care about it. At this time, he cared more about the own promise, the information about the evil dragon. So he directly intervened and forced the topic to shift to his mission.

Perhaps it was frightened by the terrifying power displayed by Zhou Yi, or maybe it just didn’t want to offend Aurora, the Goddess with a deep background. When Mimei heard Zhou Yi say this, she didn’t pretend to be hypocritical, and she just told her all about own as if she was pouring beans.

“Regarding the origin of Fafnir, I have investigated the literature of all races in the Rhine Valley. Whether it is a fairy, a dwarf, or your Asgardians. I have recorded them all. , That is, after this, I discovered the secret about Fafnir, a very important secret!”

“The earliest record of the appearance of the evil dragon Favnir was about 20,000 years Previously, at this point, those lake fairies and also water fairies who drew water from the Rhine had a very clear record in the literature.”

Said here, Mime took out a yellowish luster. The ancient scroll of sheepskin, pointing to the above text and chanting to Zhou Yi.

“When the iceberg melted and the flood rushed, a dragon began to appear in the surging waves. It was Rhein’s anger, Rhein’s ferocity and cruelty. When it flew into the sky, When the howl. It is doomed, it will swallow all the creatures in front of oneself like a terrifying flood!”

“This is the ballad of the fairies, and this ballad also proves that, Fife Neil was born in the Rhine flood. He is the God of the flood! But this ballad is only part of the Rhine legend, and there is another content about this legend.”

“That is The documents recorded by the dark gnomes living on the border of Wattheim near Asgard are what they call the Song of the Rhine carved on the rock walls of the river valley.”

Then, Mi Mei dragged out a long rubbing made of some kind of tanned leather, and pointed to the square-shaped font on it with many strokes like a maze.

“This is the ritual of the dark gnome, it is only used on the major Ayesha. But this text was carved on the strongest rock wall in the river valley and preserved by magic It’s been tens of thousands of years. And the content on this is the most interesting.”

“When the flood faded, Rhein’s will truly came to life. It flows through the valley, Let the waterwheel roll, let the furnace creak. It flows through the culvert, so that the food flourishes, and the steel cools. It walks through the forest, and the forest begins to grow. It passes through the plains, and the beasts can multiply. Above the earth, the river rushes. The sky is Next, the giant dragon began to spread its wings. Gronnier, the incarnation of Rhein. He watched us with his wise and peaceful eyes, and made the dwarf the eternal master of Wattheim!”

“This piece The sacrificial text on the rock wall of the river valley is the fourth-generation king of the dark dwarf. It was carved during the reign of Nibelon. It is about 20,000 years ago. It is not much different from the fairy literature. At that time, the darkness The dwarf relies on the water of the Rhine River to irrigate crops, smelt steel, and build the most prosperous glory of the dwarf kingdom. It is precisely because of this that Gronnier, the incarnation of the Rhine, is so solemnly recorded, and even became the dwarf kingdom. The God whom I worship!”

“Wait!” Mime said here, but was interrupted by Aurora again. This stubborn little girl has a natural unyielding spirit, so when she heard these words, she immediately vomited all the questions that oneself thought of from the perspective of the owner.

“Since this incarnation of the Rhine has such a high reputation among the gnomes, why no one knows. Not to mention us Asgardians, but you, the gnomes of Wattheim, don’t know this. !”

“Of course, not everyone can read the sacrificial texts of the dark gnomes. In Wattheim, there are probably not many people who can recognize the words of these dark gnomes except me. !”

“That’s not right, even if no one knows these words. But what about those old people? You dwarfs have 3000 years of lifespan, and 20,000 years of trifling is just a matter of generations. , How could it be so easy to make a God worshipped by a king disappear into history like this?”

On this issue, Aurora rarely moved his brain a little. In her opinion, this is the most obvious weak spot. Even if you die as God, you will be remembered forever by the people who worshipped him. Even if it is lost in text, but also ancient stories and songs. Those things won’t just disappear like this casually, especially in the long-lived race of dwarfs.

So she immediately caught this weak spot and kept holding on, wanting to see how Mime could give her a reasonable answer.

Aurora thought this question would be difficult to explain, but what made her strange was that Mime just glanced at her with a faint smile and said eccentricly.

“I really feel a little funny when I hear you, the god of Asgard say so!”

“Funny! What’s so funny?”

Aurora asked puzzledly. The answer she got was to make she herself flushed immediately.

“Of course it’s funny. This is your Royal Father’s great feat. Back then, he led Asgard’s army to defeat the dark gnomes, took their treasures, and destroyed their kingdom. Let them Culture and inheritance also disappeared on the edge of the Rhine. This kind of thing I thought you Asgardians would brag about ten thousand years, and didn’t expect that when you were in this generation, it would have been completely forgotten. It’s clean. Isn’t this ridiculous!”

It’s ridiculous in name, but anyone can see it. It’s a naked mockery. And the object of ridicule is still directed at Odin, the father of the gods. This made Aurora immediately unable to bear it.

As Odin’s favorite daughter, she naturally respects her own father very much. So when she heard such words that were equivalent to slandering oneself father, she immediately drew the sword from oneself’s waist and shouted at Mime.

“You dare to insult my father and tarnish the reputation of Asgard’s Divine King. I will kill you and use your blood to wash away this shame!”

Out of the sheath, it is divine light deep and clear immediately. The sharp radiance doesn’t even need Aurora to swing it, it cuts neat gaps directly on the ground. Obviously, this weapon is different from the purely ornamental thing Zhou Yi imagined, but a real divine armament weapon. However, this divine armament weapon that was out of the sheath had not seen much blood, it was suddenly pinched by Zhou Yi, and then threw it back into the scabbard.

“Aurora, don’t be fooling around! We are also working on it!” After this sentence, Zhou Yi forced Aurora to suppress oneself’s anger. Then said to Mime. “I already know what you said about the two incarnations of the Rhine, but then? What does this have to do with Fafnir’s rejection by the Rhine!”

“Of course it has something to do with it , And it’s a very important relationship.”

While speaking, Mime avoided to the other side of Zhou Yi’s body, separated from Aurora.

“That was probably less than a 10,000 years ago. A 10,000 years ago, Rhein ushered in the most flooding moment in oneself’s life, that is, that moment. The power of Fafnir It has soared to the strongest point in its life. At that time, it made up a determination. That is to launch a war against its compatriot, Brother Gronnier.”

“On the one hand, it is for contention. The power of the Rhine. As the incarnation of the two sides of the Rhine, Fafnir believes that only by defeating Gronnier can it monopolize the power of the Rhine and become a stronger God. On the other hand, he has a fancy Longnier’s treasure.”

“As the evil side of the Rhine, Fafniil can only make people fearful. And it can only be possessed by plundering and killing. For dragons, it is like life. Precious wealth. However, as a good side, Gronnier has no such problem. It supports a huge dwarf kingdom. And this kingdom will also worship precious treasures as sacrifices to it. It only needs to maintain Rhein’s gentleness can enjoy continuously wealth. And this is what Fafnell hates most. Therefore, he chose such a moment to use military force to plunder Gronnir’s everything. Its status, Its treasure, also his power.”

“The Battle of the Two Dragons started like this, and the result of this battle is very obvious. Gronnier, who is respected by dwarves, is not Fafnir’s opponent, who had been working as a robber, did not spend a few days and nights. It was defeated and killed by Favnir. Even his body was swallowed clean by Favnir.”

“Favnir killed his enemy, but things didn’t go as smoothly as it thought. He did occupy Gronnier’s treasure and gained his power. But he didn’t get Gronnir. The status of Neal, the dark gnomes refuse to worship this evil god, and more importantly, it is oneself cursed by Rhine.”

“For Rhine, whether it is Fafnir or Ge Ronnier is his heir, and Fafnier, who committed the siege, was naturally affected by Rhine’s Abomination. Because it killed his own brother during the Rhine’s flood season, so at this time of year, he Because of Rhein’s anger, he will be forced to leave the lair in the riverbed and go to its secret lair in the Black Forest and wait. Wait for the anger of Rhein to pass away!”

“And now, it is the flood season of Rhein . It’s also when it’s hard to get close to the river.”

After saying this, the dwarf has already got a crazy color in Blink in his eyes. It could be seen that he seemed to have felt it, and the thing that own yearn for something even in dreams was in front of his eyes.

At this time, Zhou Yi smiled slightly after listening to the whole story.

“Then, little dwarf. I think you should know where the evil dragon’s lair is in the Black Forest!”

This sentence is equivalent to trading, and Mime, who understood the meaning, immediately nodded.

“Of course! I know very well, sir. I am willing to lead the way for you!”

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