Sun God Marvel

Chapter 558

On the banks of the Rhine, in the Black Forest.

Zhou Yi and Aurora were taken by the dwarf Mimei, little by little deep into the deepest part of the forest.

I have to say that Mime has done a lot of preparation work in this regard, at least he came to this forest more than one or two times. So much so that he is now very familiar with the road, even if he took two people, he did not cause any disturbance in this forest.

When they came to a deep pool in the forest, Mi Mei suddenly stopped owning.

“It’s here, we’re here!”

“Here?” Looking at the calm lake in front of him, Zhou Yi immediately couldn’t help but frown. . “Are you sure?”

“Of course, sir. I am very sure!”

Looking at the deep pool in front of her as well, Mime’s eyes have something indescribable Greed and thirst.

“I’ve explored this place more than once. I even saw Fafnir enter its lair from here a few times. So I’m pretty sure that its lair must be in this waterhole. Below. It’s just…”

“It’s just what, don’t hesitate. Don’t forget, we are now a cooperative relationship. If the dragon is not here, don’t think about rhinestones. It’s golden!”

Aurora gave Mime a dissatisfied look. Judging from her sharp eyes, she still has the urge to give this little man a few knives. But Zhou Yi’s existence made her give up this idea, or just temporarily give up this idea.

“I know, I know. But I can guarantee! It’s there!”

The greed in her eyes is getting deeper and deeper, even the expression on her face begins Became distorted. But his brain is still very clear, and his thinking is also very organized.

“Every time the flood season in the Rhine comes, it will come to this nest very punctually. In order to ensure that its nest is not occupied by other creatures, it has already killed this piece All the powerful creatures in the forest. Even the Chimera that has been entrenched in the Black Forest was directly killed by it and swallowed in its stomach. So I am very sure that in the coming season of this flood season, it It must be inside.”

“However, it is a dragon after all, and it is also an evil god representing the flood. Therefore, there must be some danger in this lair that I don’t know. I never I dare not go deep into it, because I know that once I am discovered by it, everything will be lost. So my understanding of its lair can only go to here. If I go deeper, I really don’t know what will happen! “

“It is enough to be sure that it is inside!”

I glanced at the pool, and saw a huge entrance from the bottom of the pool. Zhou Yi just wanted to take own’s sight a little deeper, but was blocked by a magical force from all the prying eyes of oneself. He may be able to forcibly break through this kind of obstruction, but he cannot guarantee whether there will be any suspicion of beating the grass to scare the snake.

Even more how, he is not sure whether oneself’s doing this is considered to be a violation of Odin’s Rune curse. If even this is counted, then it really has to be forced to end from the very beginning! So he could only give up the idea of ​​prying through with his eyes, and instead chose to believe what Mime said.

He believes, at this time. This Mi Mei, who has been watching the evil dragon Fafnir’s secret treasure for hundreds of years, will never lose the chain. Because that undoubtedly completely burned his efforts over the years. For any paranoid, this is more terrifying than killing him. So he immediately instructed these two guys.

“I’ll wait for oneself to go in alone. Aurora, watch him here, don’t let him run away. If Fafnir is not inside. When I come back, he Just leave it to you.”

“Similarly, if the dragon is really inside. After I kill it, then according to our agreement, its treasure will be yours. Understand, little dwarf!”

For this statement, the dwarf Mimei naturally has no opinion. In fact, he simply didn’t have the courage to face the famous dragon, otherwise he wouldn’t waste hundreds of years here. Therefore, Zhou Yi’s command is just right for him.

But Aurora doesn’t think so. She has an own idea in this regard, and her idea is obviously contrary to Zhou Yi.

“Why should I be here, I want to help. No, I want to go down with you.”

“Don’t be fooling around!” said coldly, Zhou Yi He told her directly. “Your Royal Father has already told me very clearly that no God can get involved in fighting the dragon. If there is, your elder sister will have a fatal accident immediately. Why, you really want to kill Die your elder sister?”

As soon as I said this, Aurora stopped moving in an instant. When Zhou Yi turned his face to look at her, he found that this squeamish little girl was already a pitiful look with tears in her eyes and a drop of strings. This caused him a headache immediately.

“I said Aurora, can you not be like this! I promise I can handle this evil dragon by myself, your appearance will only make it more difficult for me!”

Sniffed hard, so that all the cries disappeared from the owner’s face. Aurora blushed and looked towards Zhou Yi in front of her.

“Then, my elder sister begs you. Please must kill this dragon and save my elder sister!”

” Don’t worry, little girl. What I promised, I haven’t broken my promise! Waiting for me, I’ll be back soon.”

Hearing Aurora let go, Zhou Yi didn’t wait for her to continue talking. Throw a word and jump directly into the deep pool.

But his behavior made the two people present become embarrassed.

Aurora was embarrassed because she also didn’t finish her words. Zhou Yi left all the cautious thoughts in her heart in the empty place immediately. She didn’t dare to make any small movements without permission, she could only follow Zhou Yi’s arrangement and stay here obediently and honestly waiting for his return.

The embarrassment of Mi Mei is because without Zhou Yi, it would be too dangerous to put him next to Aurora.

“That what? I think I should take advantage of this to find some food, after all, we don’t know how long we will stay here, right?”

Speaking of this, Mi Mei began to quietly move her own footsteps, trying to temporarily disappear from Aurora’s eyes. But before he could implement his actions, Aurora had silently pulled out the sword from oneself’s waist and sneered at him.

“Want to slip away now, cunning dwarf, do you think too much. Facing the Divine Sword in my hand, do you think you have any chance to escape?”

Looking at the divine light deep and clear sword in Aurora’s hand, the dwarf Mimei couldn’t help but roll his throat up and down, and uttered the name of the sword in a hoarse tone.

“Gulam, the sword of victory and glory.”

The Gulam, the sword of victory, is also the divine armament that Odin bestows on human heroes. Legend has it that the human hero who holds this sword will enjoy the most prestigious and heroic Death, and this is a yearn for something even in dreams for any Asgard warrior.

There are countless heroes who gave their own lives for this sword, and many heroes sang the name of own in the epic because of this divine armament. It is a weapon belonging to a hero, but Mime didn’t expect that such a weapon would fall into the hands of a silly little girl, Aurora. This made him immediately flustered and exasperated.

“Aurora, Goddess of the dawn, you are Martial Goddess, holding this sword that represents honor to kill an unarmed dwarf old man. Isn’t this trampling and insulting the honor of the warrior?”

“Don’t worry, I didn’t mean to kill you. I just want to teach you a lesson!”

Aurora still sneered like that, but her body had already begun Step by step, he approached Mime. And seeing her like this, Mi Mei also started to step back.

“Don’t look like this, Lord Goddess. I can tell you with certainty that if you do this, you will regret it at last.”

“Really, then Let us see, who will regret it!”

Walking into the deep pool, following the huge hole at the bottom of the deep pool, Zhou Yi stepped deep into this underground lair belonging to the evil dragon . As he progressed, a huge cave appeared in his sight. The moisture began to fade away, and the dry, hot air appeared little by little by Zhou Yi’s side. At this time, he was already standing in front of a wide, winding hole like a snake.

It can be seen that this should indeed be a dragon’s lair. Because from the claw marks and scale scratches on the all around rock wall, this can be clearly seen. Moreover, these traces are layered on top of each other, some are already blurred, and some are still very clear. Obviously this place has been cared for more than once, and the most recent one should have been not too long ago.

This allowed Zhou Yi to confirm Mime’s point of view, the evil dragon Fafnir is indeed here. After confirming this, Zhou Yi began to go deep inside.

His movements are fast and very light. Although he didn’t use any magical power beyond the scope of nature, his terrifying body alone allowed it to reach the deepest part of the crypt in a flash.

At this time, what appeared before his eyes was a strangely shaped crypt, all around the neat walls and the slanted skylights on the top of the cave did not show that it was a Naturally formed cave. It is precisely because of this that a little bit of radiance can be shot into this cave through the skylight above the zenith, illuminating everything in this cave.

At this time, with these radiances, Zhou Yi can clearly see the deepest part of this crypt. A pitch-black giant dragon is quietly occupying on a hill of gold, snoring like thunder.

This giant dragon is very similar to the giant dragon in the film and television works in Zhou Yi’s impression. The same hideous appearance, the same scale armor like a halberd shield, and the same wide wings that are large enough to cover its entire body.

These characteristics are all consistent with human mythology in the image of a legendary dragon, and the existence of this creature has been enough to prove that it is the target Zhou Yi is looking for, the incarnation of the Evil Thought of the Rhine, the evil flood Divine Law Fu Nier.

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