Sun God Marvel

Chapter 559

An evil dragon that only belongs to the legend appears in front of oneself. Even if the average person is not frightened by this, he will definitely have the joy and excitement of encountering the myth. However, Zhou Yi didn’t feel even a little bit of excitement. Even if he was happy, it was just the joy of finding the target.

After a lot of trouble, he finally found this cunning dragon. How could this make him unhappy? As for the so-called threat and terrorist power of the evil dragon, he said that it was really just that.

It is true that Fafnir, the evil dragon before him, is indeed a huge monster. But the big ones are also extremely limited, at best they are just like a super-large transport aircraft made by humans. For Zhou Yi, who once possessed the body of Ming Wang, this body shape is really hard to show.

Even if Zhou Yi no longer has the power to change Ming Wang, and is restricted to use his own Strength of Fleshly Body, he has no way to put this so-called evil dragon in his eyes. .

do it quickly, this is his only idea now. Driven by this kind of thought, he directly flew up and kicked a huge stone against the dragon in front of him.

This is not an attack, but a greeting. Seeing this guy named Fafnir was still having a dream that didn’t know the content, Zhou Yi really couldn’t get rid of the cruelty and just understood it. Wake it up and let it know who killed it. This is the only kindness Zhou Yi can show.

The flying stone hit the dragon’s nose with huge kinetic energy. And this immediately awakened the dragon from its own dream.

It lifted its own body abruptly, and its huge wings covered all the radiance like a black screen covering the sky. And the sharp halberd-like horns on its high raised head pierced directly into the hard rock formation, just like smashing a piece of tofu, causing countless rocks to shake off with its movements. Come down.

At the same time, two things like fins and gills suddenly appeared on his lizard-like fierce face, which made it even more terrifying. Especially when its miserable green vertical pupils radiated a palpitating radiance in the faint darkness, it was even more so.

“Who is disturbing my sleep, who dared to break into my territory without authorization!”

The evil dragon that just awakened roared like this, and it was wide open. bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and bursts of green acid mist suddenly poured out of its mouth. This acid mist is so corrosive that the gold under it almost turned into a thick and disgusting liquid in the blink of an eye.

“Look here, Fafnell. The person you are looking for is here!”

Looking at this dragon who just woke up, it seems that he hasn’t fully awakened and looked around. Unable to find the target oneself wanted to find, Zhou Yi immediately gave it a helping hand. As soon as he heard Zhou Yi’s voice, the evil dragon screamed, suddenly lowered the oneself snake-like slender neck, and then placed the huge head in front of Zhou Yi.

Although in Zhou Yi’s eyes, the dragon incarnation of the flood is not huge. But that is for King Ming, who is as strong as the sky. From any human point of view, the evil dragon Fafnir is absolutely horrible. Especially when it is like it is now, when you put the whole head in front of you for comparison, it can highlight its terrifying hugeness vividly and thoroughly.

For the human body, just one eye of an evil dragon is as tall as a person. What’s more, its face also has that many decorations. Especially the teeth of row upon row, in the eyes of no one, are not much inferior to the spears, guns and swords of stand in great numbers in the Cold Weapon War.

Staring at the little bit in front of oneself, a deep cunning expression suddenly appeared in the eyes of the evil dragon. It breathed frequently, and then suddenly asked thunderous questions from its own chest.

“A little mortal? Who gave you such courage to walk into my lair. Say, little guy, why did you come here for? The good name of Dragon Hero is for my countless gold? Or, do you want to take both as your own?”

When it asks like this, it The huge body also began to move restlessly. The ups and downs of his body made the cave tremble like an earthquake. The wings spread, and a fierce wind blew in this Underground World immediately. When the scales on its body also began to shake, pieces of gorgeous gold and jewels spilled out from the gaps in its scales. Some of the gold even fell into the angle between the two scales, and instantly turned into broken pieces in the sound of metal creaking.

I have to say that a giant dragon is a giant dragon. Even a dragon has such a terrifying momentum. However, Zhou Yi just shook the head and waved his hand by the way. Let the green acid mist around oneself quickly dissipate. Then he looked at oneself’s body that had been eroded by acid mist and was so tattered that it could hardly cover the body’s clothes.

“I thought the so-called evil dragon would be a terrific and evil character, but now it seems to be nothing more than a sinister thing that can do some ghost tricks. Fafnir, you don’t care. What is the purpose of my coming here? You just need to know that today is your end. Take a good look at your treasures, this is the last time you see them!”

” Be arrogant!” Hearing this, Fafnir, who is an evil dragon and also an evil god of flood, could not bear it. He loudly roared, and directly stretched out a sharp claw, towards Zhou Yi heavily. Overwhelmed.

This move is an unsatisfactory one for it. Relying on the giant dragon’s huge body, its claws are more than powerful. Since its birth, he has used this simple method to not know how many creatures he has killed.

There are all kinds of beasts, and there is no shortage of self-reliant and brave warriors. It can be said that his sharp claw has been stained with unknowingly many lives and blood of many races. And just now, it thought that oneself would be like those examples that have been repeated countless times, when it shot a small reptile again. It discovered that the paw of own couldn’t fall down no matter what.

That kind of feeling is like a person holding the palm of his hand to slap a stone standing there, not only can’t hurt the hard rock, but it will also cause pain in the palm of his hand.

Favnir felt pain now, but when he felt it, it was already too late. Because at this time, Zhou Yi had raised his own hands so high, and firmly held one of its fingers.

The feeling is as weird as a larger ant holding a human finger. It stands to reason that a human only needs to stretch out his hand to crush the ant to pieces. But this is not the case now, because Zhou Yi is now performing the most real and undoubted ant hug style.

With a little effort, the knuckle where Fafnil was hugged made a horrible skeleton cracking sound. At the same time, the rock formations under Zhou Yi’s feet began to not withstand the force of his revenge. Under his feet, Zhou Yi quickly overturned and sunk down.

This allowed Zhou Yi to sink quickly when he couldn’t use other abilities, and then Fafnir, who was deeply painful, also twisted desperately following his sinking. With own body.

Zhou Yi’s power is so great that this dragon has a feeling that oneself is wrestling with the strongman among the giants. And obviously, he is the disadvantaged party. Because the entire knuckle was directly broken, it really didn’t have much energy to maintain a wrestling posture.

He can only pitifully prostrate his body on the ground, like digging something into the ground, and stick his front paws under the surface little by little.

This situation is very powerful for Zhou Yi, he even thought of using this method to pull off the front paws of the dragon directly. But what he didn’t expect was that at this time, his feet suddenly disappeared, but he immediately lost the place of borrowing power.

When there is an earth under the feet, Zhou Yi can be a giant who can shake the whole earth with his body alone. However, when he stomped in the air and couldn’t use his power to fly, he could only be a stronger ordinary person.

Whether there is an earth buff under your feet is the key to this battle. Although Zhou Yi’s power is still strong at this moment, he weighs only that little, and it is no longer possible that he has been dragging the dragon under the surface as before.

This sudden change caused Fafnir to feel his hand loosened directly, but alertly it did not even think about the reason, so it subconsciously lifted its front paw.

Zhou Yi grasped its paws and held on to it, naturally, he was forced to be brought to the front of own by Fafnir again. And looking at oneself’s distorted and distorted finger claw, and the culprit that held his finger claws on it. The evil dragon didn’t even think about it, and took a deep breath directly at him.

The unique trick of giant dragon, the breath of dragon.

Any giant dragon has the ability to fuse the own attribute and the scorching airflow of the lungs together to form a devastating deep breath that is fatal to any creature. Even Fafnir, who is the incarnation of the flood, has such a trick. And its breath has a different kind of terrifying power.

With a big mouth, the dark green, almost liquid, poisonous Fire Dragon breath spews out continuously. This kind of dragon’s breath is unimaginable corrosive, and only slightly spills out, so that all the rocks and metals touched are turned into terrifying pus.

The landform of the entire cave was rapidly transformed under the spewing of this poisonous fire, almost in the blink of an eye, everything in front of me was completely unrecognizable. And this is everything Fafnir expected.

It believes that in its own breath, what life is impossible to survive. Because looking at the nine kingdoms, it is also impossible to have who can be more indestructible than the earth.

Mortals are just mortals after all, so they should be prepared to be eaten by dragons during the journey of slaying dragons. Fafnell is ready, and it impatiently wants to see how much residue is also on its own fingers, which can fill oneself stomach rumbling with hunger.

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