Sun God Marvel

Chapter 563

“Let’s go!”

Without even looking at the damage caused by oneself, Zhou Yi turned around first and moved in the direction he came. Started.

Looking at the amazing scene of destruction in front of her, Aurora shrank her neck subconsciously, and then after a few seconds, she chased in the direction Zhou Yi left.

“What was it just now? Was it the divine tool that my Royal Father they made for you? What does it look like, is it just a light?”

Seeing that oneself is tainted The dwarf of honor was thus reduced to ashes. Aurora Young Lady, who was able to understand her thoughts in an instant, changed back to that cheerful look again. I have to say that her appearance like this is so great that even Zhou Yi has to start to admire her open-mindedness.


“What are you doing, did you tell me something?”

“Can you give me a quiet moment?”


Zhou Yi knocked on own head through the own helmet, but it was a pity that the shock accompanied by the sound of metal collision was not at all made him feel better. Sometimes it is not a good thing that the defensive of the light of justice is too strong, at least it is like this at this time.

“Quiet? Okay, that’s okay. But, can you tell me the answer to my previous question? What exactly does that weapon look like? Only after it’s made , I haven’t seen it yet? Is the fire of Eternity really embedded in it? Hey, don’t run so fast. I can’t keep up!”

Two people one after the other , You chased me and disappeared in the Black Forest with a flying speed. But after a long time, where they were basically impossible to see, a snake whose body had been burnt to charcoal popped out of the ashes little by little.

It moved its own body with difficulty on the ashes that still had warmth. Every time it moved a little bit, the melted grease and body fluids mixed together, leaving a strip along its body. Dirty marks. This process is undoubtedly very painful, but for this snake, it seems to have been numb.

It just crawled all the way until it came to a place full of ashes.

The ashes showed some dazzling golden radiance under the breeze, and seeing the appearance of that radiance, the whole body was already stiff, and the snake on the verge of death exploded with unimaginable power again.

It plunged into the pile of ashes, and even the ashes and the golden inside swallowed it into the belly of own. And when the golden was swallowed by it, something magical happened.

Its body twitched abruptly, and layers of scales broke apart little by little in the explosion of flesh and blood. First are the burnt scales and skins, and then the fresh, freshly grown scales and skins. These scales and skin one after another, as they become darker and darker, they also become larger. To an extent almost unimaginable.

Soon, the snake above the ashes changed into another look. It was still the body of a snake, but it was already huge like a mountain. Even the former dragon Fafnir at this time is not as huge as it came. From a distance, it is simply a hill across there. Even against the black scales, it revealed a different kind of gloom and terror.

The huge trees in the Black Forest only just covered its body. And on that body, one after another sharp barbs like swords and halberds followed its back, neatly arranged from head to tail. This makes it seem to have exceeded the limit of the snake species, and the most different change is not here, but its head.

In the shed skin and flesh layer by layer, this almost dying snake still has another appearance. Its head no longer looks like a snake, but more like a dragon. The sharp barbs covered its entire lower jaw like sideburns, and the hideous gill fins also grew out of the flesh on both sides.

Although the snake’s pupils have not changed, if you look closely, you can see that a layer of green radiance has quietly spread across the pupils. And on the top of its head, three thick horns with sharp branches protruded little by little, and they quickly turned into a huge dragon horn-like appearance.

At this time, the snake looks like a dragon-like ferocious. But it still looks like a snake, at best it can only be regarded as a dragon-like snake. However, at this time, it is much more terrifying than the dragon. Because it is still growing, even if it has begun to move forward.

In the Black Forest, this newly transformed snake began to meander and wander swiftly. Every time it swims a certain distance, new scales will peel off from its body. And this peeling scale also means that it has become more and more huge.

Green’s poisonous fire spilled out along its nose and the spitting snake letter, thoroughly burning all the traces left on it. And it moved forward with the poisonous fire, until it plunged into a huge river.

The Rhine, the origin of the evil dragon Fafnir. It is also its origin. The surging river water became turbulent as the giant snake penetrated, and the endless waves were tumbling, making the sky change color in an instant.

Dark clouds are rolling, pitch-black as ink. There was lightning and heavy rain. The giant snake overturned in the big waves and uttered a terrifying whistle in the angry waves. And an ancient language that only belonged to the dark dwarf who had Oblivion in the long river of history was also spit out with the roar of the giant snake.

“I am Gronnier, the incarnation of Rhein. I am the murdered, the god of the fallen river. I have returned, from the flesh and blood of my brother, from the brother who killed me Above the soul. With the blessing of Rhine, with the hatred of the destroyed billions of dwarfs. I will become a snake and return to the position of God. From today onwards, Gronnier will be the past. I. It will be the snake that surrounds the world, the snake that overthrows the world. I am Yemengade. The only god of the Rhine!”

The rolling sound waves drove this big river that runs through the three worlds to shake, Roaring endlessly. With the turbulence of this river, the three worlds it runs through have all felt inexplicable vibrations. The world has changed, and many people have discovered this. But this has nothing to do with Zhou Yi and his party.

At this time, Zhou Yi and Aurora have arrived at the legendary mountain surrounded by flames. In front of this mountain, they encountered unprecedented obstacles.

Or using the word them seems a bit inaccurate. Strictly speaking, Aurora should be obstructed strangely. On the road to the mountain, no matter how Aurora advances, she can never put her own foot on the mountain road right in front of her.

She thought about using divine force, but it never worked. It even said that when she used divine force, the mountain road was farther away from her. When she wanted to fly over from above in the same way as cheating, she found that the entire mountain had disappeared in front of her strangely.

No matter how she tries, she can’t make any progress. And when she looked at Zhou Yi who was already standing on the mountain road and looking back at oneself, she immediately stamped her foot fiercely and yelled at Zhou Yi angrily.

“What the hell is going on, are you hiding something from me? Come on, why can’t I get up. There is absolutely no reason for this!”

“Give up, Aurora. The curse of your elder sister does not allow any God to get involved. This is your father’s will, so don’t waste your efforts. Stay here obediently and honestly, and I will elder you Sister brought it back.”

“No, I must see Brynhild’s elder sister with my own eyes!”

On this issue, Aurora showed a foul Same as general stubbornness. But her stubbornness can’t change any problems, the barrier on the mountain road always keeps her in front of her, making her impossible to move a single step. And Zhou Yi, who was already annoyed by her, shook his hand silently, and walked straight to the top of the mountain.

Seriously, he has been troubled enough by this little girl with constant troubles and problems. To have a chance to get rid of her for a while now, for Zhou Yi, it is really a desperate thing.

And watching Zhou Yi just disappeared on the mountain road, disappeared into the raging flames. Aurora drew out the own sword with a grievance, and thrust it into the rock. Then she fell down and sat cross-legged with the sword.

She has made up her mind and is waiting here, watching Zhou Yi come back with her elder sister. At that time, she must file a complaint with her elder sister fiercely.

At this moment, she simply didn’t have the slightest doubt about Zhou Yi’s ability to bring her elder sister back. Because the power that Zhou Yi showed gave her a lot of confidence, she was full of confidence in Zhou Yi while also making a slight change to the own plan.

Relying on the elder sister to teach Zhou Yi, it seems to be an unrealistic thing. But thinking of oneself’s whispers overheard from the Royal Father and the queen, Aurora struck up another little nine in her heart.

Sometimes, military force conquest is not the only way. Like a woman she hated said. Men conquer the world by military force, while women conquer the world by conquering men. Although he doesn’t like the person who said this, Aurora has to admit that this sentence has his truth.

No matter how powerful a man is, he cannot escape the trap of a woman. And her elder sister is undoubtedly one of the most attractive traps. At that time, based on the relationship between her and her elder sister, isn’t it with no difficulty to get revenge on some things?

I have to say that Aurora really thinks a little bit very good in this kind of things that have not yet been written. What she didn’t even expect was that Zhou Yi had already encountered a problem before he set off.

“Tell me, mortals! No matter how high or low, whether young or old, you can neither see nor touch. But what everyone wants to have?”

One The huge One-Eyed Giant, full of flames, stood in front of Zhou Yi. He asked Zhou Yi in an unimaginable, doubtful tone.

And looking at this one-eyed giant with aura of philosophy and desire for knowledge. Zhou Yi is really helpless to the extreme. oneself is here to save people, not to play guessing games. So a guy suddenly jumped out and stopped oneself to ask this kind of philosophical question. Isn’t it a little too strange?

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