Sun God Marvel

Chapter 564

“Answer me, mortal. What is the answer to the question? No matter how high or low it is, whether young or old. It is invisible and intangible, but everyone What do you want to have?”

Zhou Yi is unwilling to talk to the giant who is making a riddle, but it does not mean that the giant is unwilling to pull Zhou Yi. Seeing Zhou Yi’s silence, the giant immediately repeated to him like a thunderbolt, and Zhou Yi answered him this time.

“Listen, big man. I don’t have time to play any guessing game with you right now. I’m rushing to save people, so you better get out of me!”

“Only those who have answered the question can be allowed to pass through this road to the top of the mountain, so answer the question, mortal. This is your only way.”

Faced with not wanting to stop at all Zhou Yi, the one-eyed Flame Giant stepped directly in front of Zhou Yi, using the raging fire from his feet to stop Zhou Yi from advancing. At the same time, he also slammed down his own body and fixed oneself’s one-eyed almost like a lava ball on Zhou Yi’s body.

“No one can leave Kunt Gander without answering his questions. So, mortals, don’t make any unnecessary disputes!”

“Ha, haha!” After sneering twice, Zhou Yi raised his head and said to the huge eyes in front of oneself. “Is Kunt Gander? I want to know who allowed you to ask others about riddles on this road, and who gave you the right to prevent others from passing through here? You did this after passing Ass Is it allowed by the Divine King Odin of the Guardian?”

” Kunt Gander does not need Odin’s permission, and the king of Asgard is not qualified to order Kunt Gander. Only the Fire Giant The king has this right. Now, mortals, you can answer questions. Come on, what is your answer!”

The one-eyed fire giant shook the head, letting it fly like a lava flame Flying all over the sky with his movements. And when he started to shake his head, Zhou Yi had already walked forward directly and hugged the arm that was pressing on the ground.

“Mortal, what do you want to do? Is this your way of answering questions?”

“No, this is just my way of solving problems. I only believe in one thing now , That is, things that can be solved with a fist can never be solved with your mouth!”

Speaking of this, Zhou Yi has firmly hugged the giant’s arm, and then slammed back suddenly. The giant, whose whole body was protruding on the ground, directly swept into a huge semicircle, and then fiercely fell onto the mountain road behind oneself.

This immediately made the one-eyed giant Kunt Gander dazed. Before he could relax, Zhou Yi had already rounded him up again and slammed him hard on the mountain road. After seven or eight violent impacts, even this strong One-Eyed Giant couldn’t hold on.

In a burst of fire that suddenly exploded, One-Eyed Giant’s body suddenly split into dozens of boulders burning with flames and lava, and the entire mountain road in front of Zhou Yi was covered in chaos. . Seeing the masterpiece of own, Zhou Yi easily patted his hands and prepared to come out to the top of the mountain again.

And before he took a step forward, the voice of One-Eyed Giant Kunt Gander came from behind him again.

“Mortal, there is no use for you to do this. After all, you will come back to me to answer my question. This is the rule, mortal. You cannot violate the rule.”

Turning around, Zhou Yi could only see a chattering big head lying on the ground, saying this to oneself. Hearing what he said, Zhou Yi walked directly to the giant’s head and asked him.

“I said, Kunt Gander. Do you know football?”

“Football? Haven’t heard of it. Is it a sport?” He blinked his own eyes. The giant’s face showed a dazed and curious expression. He smacked his lips and pleaded to Zhou Yi without the slightest hesitation. “If you don’t mind, can you explain it to me. What kind of sport you are talking about is football.”

“It’s very simple, I think it would be nice if you know it firsthand.” Turning the One-Eyed Giant’s head a few times, Zhou Yi said while looking at him. “When it comes to football, the key is a ball that is as round as the head and good legwork. Then it looks like this!”

Finding the right position, Zhou Yi immediately took a lightning volley , Fiercely kicked the giant’s chin. Suddenly, the giant’s entire head turned into a bright red, flaming meteor, which disappeared into the sky in an instant under this kick.

“Ha, it’s so far flying.”

He put his hands up and glanced at the head that was kicked out by oneself, Zhou Yi stretched out a long way, and then again Head towards the top of the mountain. For him, kicking the nasty guy away is really a delightful thing. And because of his psychological invigoration, Zhou Yi’s speed has also improved a bit.

But no matter how fast he was, he found that the way up the mountain was always wobbly before his eyes. Obviously he has chosen a direction, but no matter how he advances, he will never reach the top of the mountain. There is always a fork in front of him, a choice that is always a headache and annoying.

After the twenty-seventh bifurcation appeared in front of oneself, Zhou Yi had to stand his own footsteps. He knew that there was no use for oneself to go all the way up, so he could only choose to give up and try other methods instead.

And what is the way? Recalling the journey up the mountain, Zhou Yi had to sigh and walked down the mountain road again.

When he came to the place where oneself had just encountered the One-Eyed Giant, he found that the giant who had been beaten by oneself all split up and in pieces became a whole again, squatting There seemed to be waiting for something. Of course, compared with the situation just now, he still lacks a head.

“Well, it’s over. This guy’s head…, should I get his head back first?” Looking at the way One-Eyed Giant looked like this, Zhou Yi immediately It just slapped own head, revealing a headache. But at this time, there was a deep bass in the giant’s chest.

“Is that football? Just kick it with your feet? Seriously, I think there should be more rules. Otherwise, it’s like you just did. It’s easy to let this The sport loses its ability to continue and maintain!”

“At this time, you are still caring about football!” Zhou Yi sighed on the knee of the giant who was sitting cross-legged there. “I’ll tell you the detailed rules if I get the chance. But before that, you tell me how to get to the top of the mountain.”

“Really? That’s really good. Also, about Haven’t I already said the way to the top of the mountain? Only if you tell the correct answer to the riddle can you understand the correct way to the top of the mountain!”

The voice of the giant came again, and that The stubborn and inflexible answer made Zhou Yi more headache and helpless.

“I said, can’t you work around it? How about this? I will tell you the rules of football, and attach a rule of basketball that can only be slapped with your hands. How about you, just arrive The method of the mountain top tells me. Just when we made a deal, what do you think! “

shook the head, Zhou Yi suggested so. And listening to his advice, the giant stretched out his hand and shook it in front of him.

“Although I really want to know what you are talking about. But mission is mission. I must arrange a riddle to allow those who have solved the riddle to enter the right path. So please answer me at first Question, powerful mortal!”

“Really, is it necessary to do this? Guessing is really something I’m not good at. And, I don’t understand, it is Asgard who is clearly imprisoned. Princess. Why are you Fire Giants of Msbelheim coming to join in the fun!”

This is just Zhou Yi’s simple complaint, but he did not expect that this Flame Giant actually answered him very seriously. .

“This is the king’s order. Wang saw the silhouette of Martial Goddess from his dream. And bewildered by her appearance, he wanted to marry this Martial Goddess, but Odin would never allow this Thing. So he sent me to create the last riddle, as the last barrier to prevent Martial Goddess from waking up.”

“It is impossible to find the place where Martial Goddess sleeps if there is no answer. We can hold this riddle to the end, until Ragnarök comes. Then at that time, the dead Odin will no longer be able to stop my king’s intentions. At the same time, without the existence of Odin, Martial Goddess will also fall asleep Wake up!”

“It’s a good idea, but I still don’t understand what this has to do with riddles. If your king doesn’t want people to wake up Martial Goddess. Take a picture of a strong guard or Simply changing to a wave of military garrison is much more useful than you are here.”

The explanation of the giant did not satisfy Zhou Yi. In his opinion, any Flame Giant who can play a little bit is more useful than this guy who only speaks riddles. Let him be stationed here, you are sure that you did not deliberately rush to this place because you bore your king too much.

“Your opinion is wrong, mortal. The king sent me here is a wise decision. I am an Avatar of wisdom, the realization of curiosity. If it were me, I could stop anyone To move forward. Because as long as no one answers my question, it’s impossible to find a true path from the lost wisdom I arranged. Moreover, if it were me, I would not be disturbed by any external forces. I would not If you are killed, you will not be destroyed. Naturally, it is even more impossible to be coerced. Therefore, I am the best choice!”

“Then what if someone can answer your question? Erd?”

“You can give it a try, mortal. If you can answer, I will be very happy.” Then, the headless giant slammed oneself out of thin air. Stretching the area above the neck. And with his movements, his head began to show up in the flame little by little. It’s still the look in the look of knowledge, or the look of hope to get an answer. Kunt Gander looked at Zhou Yi and asked again.

“Now tell me what the answer is. What can meet the requirements I said!”

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