Sun God Marvel

Chapter 573

“Sulter?” Hearing this name, Zhou Yi immediately nodded. “He is very strong and can barely be regarded as an opponent. But compared with his power, I feel that there is a power in him that I am familiar with. Eternity fire, does this thing have anything to do with him?”

Suddenly hearing this, Odin’s face changed slightly. Some things are not suitable to be explained here. So he directly waved his hand to screen away the miscellaneous people on the left and right. Only a few knowledgeable gods remained.

Then, in this special environment, Odin began to inform Zhou Yi of the pass.

“Sulter, the king of Flame Giant. It is also the most powerful giant after the ancestor giant Ymir. It is impossible to verify where his power came from. But the Three Sisters of Destiny have been This gives us such a hint. Flame Giant is a monster born from flames and ashes in the flesh and blood of Ymir. And what kind of chance does Sirter have to obtain that Destroyer-like power? All All the answers point to one direction.”

“You mean the fire of Eternity?” Staring at the never-extinguishing flame on oneself’s gun blade, Zhou Yi immediately knew Odin’s answer What the hell is it.

Only the purely destructive flame of Eternity Fire can give birth to Flame Giant with Destruction Strength, and only in this way can we understand why Eternity Fire is the same as Sulter resonance.

Although I have some doubts as to what the gods of Asgard would possess such an important treasure for Sirtel. But I want to understand that it must be a story that I can’t tell for a while. But Zhou Yi is not at all thinking about listening to the story now. He only retracted his own weapon silently, and then said to Odin as if he was sure of something.

“If this is the case, let this guy leave it to me. Since you gave me the fire of Eternity, let me solve this trouble.”

This The sentence sounds a bit harsh in the ears of the gods of Asgard, because it seems to indicate that they had thought of today when they created the divine tool for Zhou Yi at first. Use the fire of Eternity as a bait to lure the big fish of Sirtel, and then let the bait holder of Zhou Yi compete with the big fish.

It is true that the gods of Asgard have this plan. But they are still inevitably embarrassed to be pointed out like this. But cheeky is a skill that all politicians must master, even guys like Odin are no exception.

So he just laughed dryly and said with some eagerness.

“Why, my friend. I think it must be because you have thought too much.”

Zhou Yi doesn’t care about this kind of thing. Perhaps Sirtel is invincible in the eyes of these people, but in Zhou Yi’s eyes, he is just that, and it is basically impossible to pose a threat. And since it is not a threat, then naturally it will not be angry.

“Don’t worry, Your Majesty. I don’t mean to blame. Now that I’m standing here, then I’m in the same camp with you. So, I won’t blame you casually. I I just hope that it won’t happen again in the future!”

“Of course, I can promise. Whether it is a sword or a conspiracy, the Asgardians will not point it to their own teammates!”


Odin breathed out immediately upon hearing Zhou Yi’s words. In the current situation, they really cannot do without Zhou Yi’s existence. If Zhou Yi really gave up Asgard completely because of their previous actions, that would be their biggest and most unbearable loss. So Odin immediately assured Zhou Yi.

No matter how you say it, Asgard people are still worthy of trust. At least for now, they are still worthy of trust.

“In this case, then it’s fine. Your Majesty, I need to clean up now, so can you arrange it for me?”

“Of course, my friend. Golden Palace There will always be your place here. I have ordered all the maids, you can enjoy all the hospitality in my palace like in oneself’s house, as long as you order them, they will do everything!”

Odin answered hurriedly to make Zhou Yi smile, then waved his hand and walked straight to the back of Odin’s palace. At this time, Heimdall, who had been standing by his side, like a statue, couldn’t help but opened his mouth and said to his king.

“Your Majesty, is this really good? We must know that our enemy is not only Sirtel!”

“Then what do you want, Heimdall. Can you still count on my friend to help us get rid of all the enemies? Give all the powerful enemies to our friends, and then we are watching the show and waiting for the results. Don’t you think this Is it too shameful?”

Glancing at Heimdall, Odin reprimanded him innocently. Listening to his reprimand, Heimdall was stunned, but slowly lowered his head.

“My Your Majesty, if you can. I don’t want a Midgard to charge for our Asgard. But apart from this, can we also do something else? The path of fate It’s still there, it’s useless to lose a Sirtel. Once we accidentally repeat the same mistakes, nothing can be changed at all! Odin Your Majesty, please think twice.”

“I have Think twice, Heimdall.” Odin still unquestionably refused. “Fate Goddess talks a lot, especially looking at the head and tail, it is better to let go. The turning point of fate is already in our hands. If we are still the ugly appearance without the courage to fight, then how can we please? How can the fate yoke above my clan fight against the final judgment from fate.”

“It is enough to hand over the most powerful enemy, Sirtel, to my friend. This is enough I feel uneasy. We Asgardians have to deal with the remaining enemies with our own hands. This is my order as the king! Only in this way can we be qualified to establish true friendship with our friends, and only Only in this way can we be worthy of our Asgard tradition and honor. Do you understand what I mean, Heimdall?”

“Yes, my Your Majesty, if this is your will. I am willing to be the shield and sword in your hand, to cut through the thorns and thorns for you, and charge for you.”

Besides being a courtier, Heimdall is also a warrior, a warrior who also respects the tradition and glory of Asgard. . Since his King Capital has already said this, he naturally won’t have more opinions. He is not afraid of fighting, let alone Death. If it weren’t for fate to exterminate Asgard, he would never say this to Odin at this time.

“I knew you could understand me, Heimdall.” Odin sighed frequently as he rubbed the gunner of oneself’s shooting star gun. “Asgard is the kingdom of warriors. If you spit out because of temporary survival and gave up fighting, even if you survive by chance, there will be no future at all. Therefore, I would rather make sacrifices, and I must treat Ah. The spirit of Scarder is passed on. Even if the person who sacrificed may be me.”

“I am ready to return. Therefore, I also hope that you will have this awareness.”


A word made each God reveal a different expression. Obviously, not every God can accept his ideas. Seeing this, Odin squeezed the barrel of the gun quietly, but he didn’t at all go one after another to solve their thoughts. Instead, he turned his head and looked towards Heimdall.

“Are you sure that Yemengade, the incarnation of the giant snake, has appeared? Heimdall?”

“Yes, Your Majesty!” Hearing this question, Hai Mdal immediately looked towards the depths of the void. He has seen the giant snake making waves in the Rhine River, and has seen the destruction and destruction of its probability in the future. “I can see very clearly, Your Majesty. The incarnation of Rhine has changed into the appearance of the earthly serpent Yemengade, as fate shows, it has become our doomed enemy.”

“It’s an impermanent arrangement. Who can think that God, who has already died, will be resurrected at this time? Obviously we have destroyed everything about the dark gnomes, but we will still give these zombies an opportunity to resurrect. This is fate. Power?”

It seems to be emotional, and it seems to be admired. Odin once again expressed admiration at the mighty power displayed by fate.

Who can imagine that the dark dwarf kingdom that was destroyed thousands of years ago will recover again at this time and become their enemy?

Obviously they have destroyed their empire, demolished their temples and altars, banished their people, and ruined their civilization. But just like this, it still gave them a chance to resurrect.

Gronnier, the god once served by the dark gnomes, was killed by his own brother 10,000 years ago. Today, ten thousand years later, under the opportunity of Ragnarök, he was resurrected, and with the help of the power of the Rhine, with the grievance and hatred accumulated by the dark dwarf for thousands of years, he turned into a serpent of the world and became a Ragnarök. One of the protagonist. This is something that no one thought of.

Neither Odin nor Heimdall expected that the dead God, Gronnier, also had the remaining soul lodged on a dwarf. They didn’t even expect that Rhine’s gold, the magic treasure called the Rhine’s Secret Treasure, would actually be the divine object of Ayesha Gronnier, the dark gnomes. And after their total destruction, this divine object became a magic treasure that entrusted them with resentment and hatred.

Everything seems to be controlled by an invisible hand, burying everything bit by bit, and then digging out bit by bit. And it is at this time.

Ragnarök, the doomed day of fate. Only at this time, Asgard realized what kind of disaster they had planted.

If it can be found in advance, there may be a slight turnaround. But now, everything has settled. The destined protagonists have all appeared one after another, and there is not much left!

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