Sun God Marvel

Chapter 574

There are a few terrifying monsters in the twilight of the gods. They will slaughter the gods and directly consume Asgard’s highest-end battle strength, and lose the guardianship of the gods. , Asgard will inevitably enter the end of the doomsday.

These monsters have already revealed their identity in the prophecy. But except for the king of Flame Giant, Sulter, and the group of undead demons who live in the underworld of Heim, no other monsters simply appeared. In addition to knowing their names, the gods of Asgard could not find any existence that could match them.

Overview of all the creatures in the nine kingdoms, the Asgardians did not find any earthly snakes that are huge enough to surround the world, and demon wolf that can swallow the sky in one bite and directly cause the fall of Odin. This keeps them in a state of panic and incomprehension. Because compared with the concrete and knowable enemy, the unknown is the most scary thing. Because the unknown will expand their imaginations, allowing them to move the enemy closer to the scariest image in their hearts.

And the emergence of Yemengad, whom Gronnier transformed into, finally broke the unknown horror fantasy in their hearts, and only then did they discover that the enemy has always existed, but they Never wanted to understand the key.

For example, the serpent that is connected end to end can surround the world, the earthly snake Yemengada. If you think about it seriously, how could such a huge monster exist in the world. If there is such a huge creature, then it is simply impossible to exist in a world, on a planet. Only the endless star sea is where it can survive and multiply.

But now, Yemengada, who has been transformed based on Gronnier, has given a new interpretation of the prophecy. Gronnier’s original body was the Great Rhine, a huge river that runs through three worlds. And the length of this river has definitely reached the point of encircling the world. The so-called snake surrounding the world does not refer to Yemengard itself, but to the existence it symbolizes, which is the river Rhine.

The same is true for other unknown monsters. For example, demon wolf Fenrir, who swallows the sky, may also be the incarnation of a symbolic thing. And what kind of incarnation can mean to swallow the sky? This problem has existed for a long time, and now under the research of the Asgardians, this problem has already got a little attention.

“Let’s say, what is the answer you found? What does the wolf that swallows the sky, the guy who is destined to kill me in destiny represents?”

Odin He looked calmly and majesticly at own left and right hands Heimdall, wanting to know from him what kind of conclusion they had come to.

“Your Majesty, the conclusion we got may not be accurate.”

Odin’s inquiry not at all told Heimdall to immediately state the answer that oneself found. He just looked at the monarch that oneself served with a dull face, hesitating for a while before uttering such a sentence.

And listening to his words, Odin immediately seemed surprised.

“Heimdall, is there any hesitation about this? You don’t look like the god of daybreak at all. You know what, say it boldly. I won’t I blame you for this.”

Although Odin said so, Heimdall still showed an unspeakable look. He looked at Odin, whose expression was majestic and heroic, and remained silent for a long time. He sighed and whispered to him after Odin’s face began to show impatience.

“Your Majesty, I hope you are psychologically prepared. Because this answer may be a bit difficult for you to accept.”

“Based on our analysis and judgment, we think There is only one power that can swallow the sky, and that is darkness. In other words, Fenrir should be the incarnation of darkness. The only person in the nine kingdoms who can represent the incarnation of darkness is the one who has been exiled from Asgard. God!”

“God of darkness? Hoddle?” Hearing the news suddenly, even Odin couldn’t help but become confused. This should be a very incredible thing for him, but in fact it is true. As soon as he heard the news, he completely lost his mind. Not only him, but even the queen Frigga, who has always been at the head of Odin’s right hand, made an uncontrollable low cry with shock.

“Holder? This is impossible, how can he do it, how dare he do it. That’s, that’s his biological father!”

“That evil barrier, Is there anything he dare not do?” Odin, whose face was in disbelief, suddenly turned into a furious look.

“He has already killed his own brother with his own hands. Isn’t it difficult to kill my father again?”

“Your Majesty, Hoddle was just I missed it for a while. You have already punished him, can’t you let him go this time?”

Odin’s angry words made Frigga immediately describe the discoloration. In any case, Hoddle is her own flesh and blood. Even if he accidentally killed her other son, she couldn’t resent him wholeheartedly. Even at this time, she couldn’t help but pleaded for him.

However, Frigga’s plea not at all had its due effect. Instead, it seemed like boiling oil was handed over to the flames, which intensified the endless anger in Odin’s heart.

When his favorite son, Badr, was killed by another son, Hoddle, he had already reached the extreme of Abomination of this son of darkness. But at that time, for the only little affection between father and son, he not at all chose to kill him to avenge his beloved son, but punished him in the most euphemistic way.

He exiled Hoddle from Asgard, preventing him from stepping into Asgard for the rest of his life. The ends of the earth, never meet, this is his punishment and his last warmth.

But he never thought that this exiled son would come back. And still as a monster to kill his biological father, to destroy the country where he was born and raised. This made him burst into endless anger and great regret in an instant.

At this moment, he really regretted it. He regretted how he hadn’t seen Hoddle’s wolf ambition and his indifference and ruthlessness. I regret why I didn’t kill him at that time.

This kind of regret made his face completely distorted, and at this time, he couldn’t help but roar.

“Can’t I let him go? Why don’t you ask, why this unfilial son refuses to let me go? He has taken away my most cherished child, and now he also came to eat it himself own father. Frigga, tell me, is this our child? Is this the heir that flows through your bloodline? How did we give birth to such a rebellious monster.”

Odin every time The roar made Frigga’s face paler. She knew that everything the oneself husband said was true. And because of this, she is even more difficult to accept. Her husband is on one side, and her child is on the other. Whichever side she chooses is a decision that hurts her heart.

Moreover, she is more than just a mother and a wife, she is also the queen of a kingdom, a woman who needs to bear the fate of the entire kingdom with her husband. At this time, she can’t show any weakness at all.

But she couldn’t help it because her mother’s nature made her unable to accept what happened next. She is still struggling with reason, doing the best that a mother can do.

“Your Majesty, all of this is just a possibility. The demon wolf Fenrir is still not sure that it is Hoddle. And don’t forget, Hoddle is blind. He is now It’s just a child who doesn’t have any fighting ability. He is simply impossible to do what you said.”

“Enough, queen. Don’t forget, who cut Tyr’s hand. It’s the unfilial son, the wicked barrier in your mouth that doesn’t have any fighting ability.” He slammed Gangnir in oneself’s hand to the ground, and the erupting thunderbolt sound instantly drowned all Frigga’s words. Past. At this time, Odin was already full of solemn expressions, and gave a final notice to Queen Owner.

“Stop making excuses for that unfilial son, Queen. This is the answer that Bugila and Heimdall found together. I believe in their abilities and I believe they will not deceive me on this issue. .Also, don’t intervene in this matter anymore. This is Asgard’s most dangerous moment, so even you can’t do anything rashly. Do you understand?”

The queen is just the queen , And the king’s authority is above everything else. Although there was still unwillingness and sorrow in his heart, Frigga sighed deeply under Odin’s compulsory request, and fell silent in mourning.

“Maid, take the queen along to withdraw to rest. Without my permission, no one is allowed to visit her!”

in order to guard against the unexpected, Odin also issued an order Such an order. Even because he was worried that Frigga would make other minor actions, he even sent his own messenger God Crow to follow Frigga from a distance.

At this time, he must be a king before he can be a father and a husband. In other words, Asgard’s interests at this time surpass the others.

And unlike Brunhild’s time, Hoddle himself was Asgard’s enemy. It was not unacceptable to destroy this rebellious unfilial son for Asgard. Even at this time, Odin oneself has made up his mind. If things are really like what Hamdall said, then as soon as the unfilial son appears, he will ruthlessly destroy him directly.

However, although the decision was made, Odin still felt a pain in his heart when I thought about it. Not everyone can devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence, nor can everyone be indifferent after making this decision.

At least now, Odin’s heart is already fresh blood dripping. But he still has to hold on, because at this time, he can’t fall down anyway.

Asgard still needs him, and the countless people here need their king to stand firm. He must hold on until the last moment. Until the moment of confrontation with the unfilial son in fate.

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