Sun God Marvel

Chapter 575

Lying in the huge marble bath, let the clear and icy spring water flow from the high mountain along the exquisitely carved statue and pour on the owner. Zhou Yi closed his eyes and let out a sigh of relief.

This is not to say that soaking in water is really so comfortable. In fact, for a nearly perfect physique like Zhou Yi, whether it is dust or fatigue, it is actually not contaminated by oneself. . The reason why it is so comfortable is entirely because of this feeling of tranquility and empty thoughts.

There is no need to think about any power constraints, no need to deal with the annoying little girl who raises upwards all the way. There is only oneself, this feeling is really great for Zhou Yi.

Before he could enjoy the pleasant quietness, a small footstep approached. This made Zhou Yi sighed, but he still didn’t have eyes opened, but squinted and said to the person who came by.

“Just put the clothes and wine there, I don’t need your service, and the rest of myself will do!”

Something was put down, but not at all what the footsteps of leaving. This made Zhou Yi feel a little surprised, because he really couldn’t think of the courage of the maids in Odin’s palace. If the guests are offended by this, their maids will immediately attract the master’s Thunder’s Fury, which is definitely not a good thing for them.

But Zhou Yi has no intention of being this villain, he just opened his eyes, wanting to have a good chat with this bold maid. But when eyes opened, he discovered that the oneself in front of oneself was not the maid in oneself’s imagination, but Martial Goddess Brunhild.

She sits next to the spring water, watching Zhou Yi lying in the pool quietly like a demure and elegant lady, her eyes are full of calm and appreciation expression, she doesn’t seem to be sorry at all Looks like.

“I really can’t see it. Although your muscles are a little bit different from those of the Peak fighters, but overall it still fits my vision.”

“Ha !” Hearing Brynhild’s somewhat ridiculous words, a strange meaning flashed across Zhou Yi’s face. “It’s as if you often see those muscles.”

“If you go to Valhalla and take a look, you will find that the muscles you mentioned are there every day. , Fighting. Most people are naked, or even directly naked. So as long as you get used to it, you will feel that there is actually nothing at worst.”

“All naked? Also people have this habit?”

Hearing Brunhild said this, Zhou Yi immediately expressed his surprise. He can still understand the truth with his upper body naked, but what does that mean if everything is naked. Are you planning to fight with your shame?

“Beowulf, this guy who also fought with giant dragons has such a magical habit. I don’t know where I learned the problem, even in Valhallari and the warriors’ heroic spirits. We practiced against each other, and he was always naked. To be honest, my former subordinates were a little broken by him!”

“Your subordinates, you mean those Martial Goddess ?” From Brunhild’s words, I realized and so on Zhou Yi, but found that oneself seems to know something incredible. But this idea was immediately interrupted by Brunhild.

“What are you thinking, our women in Asgard don’t have the shamelessness you think. I’m talking about my heroic warriors, and only they will make that faceless. This kind of thing.”

“Ha, let me just say it!” He hit haha ​​to cover up oneself’s embarrassment just now. Zhou Yi immediately changed the subject.

“Well, Brunhild. Are you here to find me something?”

Hearing this, Brunhild lowered his head slightly and let Oneself’s golden long hair, which is purely almost transparent with platinum radiance, hangs down, blocking the expression on oneself’s face. Then she said to Zhou Yi.

“I came mainly to thank you for saving my life under Surtel. The grievances of Asgard’s children will be avenged, and I will always remember your kindness.”

“Okay, I know what you mean. Then, don’t tell me that you came here at this time to say this to me.”

Walk out around the towel After getting out of the bath, Zhou Yi picked up the clothes on the floor and put them on own as quickly as possible. Looking at his urgent appearance, Brunhild couldn’t help but pursed his lips and replied.

“also one thing is that I want to invite you to a dinner held in my palace. You are my life saving benefactor and also a friend of Asgard. So my sisters will be very You are welcome, maybe you will meet a woman who can make your heart beat at this dinner.”

“Don’t crack a joke, Brunhild. I already have two children, so how can I find a woman who is beloved here!”

When I heard this, the smile on Brunhild’s face immediately stiffened Come down. But she quickly converged on this expression, and instead answered with a seemingly inattentive attitude.

“Really? Didn’t expect that you are already married. I really don’t know what kind of existence a hero like you and the woman around him will be like?”

“They?” Speaking of the women around oneself, Zhou Yi immediately showed a gentle smile on his face. “They are the best women in this world. Sometimes I even think that meeting them is the greatest luck in my life.”

“Well the best women? Then if I am lucky, it will be good. Take a good look.” At this point, Brunhild had already stood up abruptly, and then strode outside. “Also, didn’t expect you, like that guy Odin, is a guy who treats marriage irresponsibly. Remember, Zhou Yi. Tonight you have to be careful, if you dare to stretch your paws When it comes to my sister, I will definitely chop it off, understand?”

“Don’t worry, I definitely don’t mean it. If you’re worried, I don’t have to attend this banquet. Yes!”

Holding his own hands high, Zhou Yi expressed oneself’s completely harmless mind. And this answer is obviously not what Brunhild wanted.

“You must come tonight. I have sent out an invitation letter to my sisters, telling them that you will be there. But I want you to control your own sex, you know! I I don’t want you to look like Odin, fall in love with one when you see one, and then give birth to a lot of children like a planter. This kind of disloyalty to marriage and love is simply a shame to God and heroes. If you If you do that, you’re trampling on the glory of your own hero!”

“Okay, okay. I know, I know!” With a wry smile, he picked up the flask and glass, Zhou Yi watched When he arrived at Brunhild he walked quickly away from the owner’s eyes. The person who just also said that there was a laugh turned into this look of disrecognizing people in a flash, which made Zhou Yi have to admire the fickleness of women.

But since he has agreed to Brunhild, Zhou Yi has no intention of repenting. When the night fell on time, he came to Brunhild’s palace as scheduled.

As soon as I entered here, Zhou Yi immediately felt that oneself seemed to have entered the legendary daughter country. There are valiant female warriors in armor everywhere, and beautiful and gentle and caring maids everywhere. Just being in it makes people feel like being in the garden, fragrant everywhere.

The most surprising thing is that Zhou Yi discovered that there is no man here. Oneself is the only special case here, and it also makes him seem incompatible with this place, and even begins to feel uncomfortable. Especially when all the women here are looking at oneself with a weird look at some magical animal in the zoo, this feeling is even more profound.

“I wonder if I came to the wrong place, or I simply shouldn’t have promised you to come to this place!”

Avoided a few brazen warriors With the little action of wiping oil on oneself, Zhou Yi walked straight to the host of the banquet, chatting with a group of female warriors exuding divine power and so on Brunhild. As soon as he walked to Brunnhild, he couldn’t help complaining to her.

“Don’t be blessed in the blessing, Zhou Yi. Asgard doesn’t know how many warriors want to come to my banquet, and see if oneself has the ability to win the favor of a Martial Goddess? “

Brownhild gave him a blank look, and then pulled him to the girlfriends around him introduced.

“these all are Asgard’s most outstanding Martial Goddess, they are Jessie, Outlind, ****** Lord, Svetlyder, Homer Weijie , Siegruna, Grinded and Rose Weisser. Don’t look at them all as amazing beauties. On the battlefield, they are the warriors that they can rival, and they are the warriors that any enemy admires. Of course, they are also the dream lovers in every hero’s heart.”

“I have no doubt about this!”

Looking at the spring flowers and autumn dews in front of me, Martial with different colors. Goddess, Zhou Yi is very convinced of the truthfulness of what Brunhild said. Not to mention their military force, just their faces more beautiful than any flowers are enough to make most heroes fall under their pomegranate skirts. So Zhou Yi did not hesitate to praise his own.

“The beauty of the ladies is enough to dim the starlight at this moment. I believe that any man, even blind who can’t see anything, will be heartfelt and affectionate because of your fragrance. “

Admiration is too common for these Martial Goddess. The admiration of ordinary people, even in the gorgeous pages, is impossible to make them feel the slightest touch. But Zhou Yi is different. The compliments of this warrior who shows oneself’s strength against the Balrog King are enough to touch the heart of any Martial Goddess praised by him.

After all, this is Asgard, a country that only recognizes bravery.

And listening to such admiration, Rose Weisser, who seems to be the youngest and most lively among this group of Martial Goddess, immediately showed a smirk, and then asked Zhou Yi. Tao.

“Then, amazing hero. Can you tell us which of the Martial Goddess present is the most exciting for you!”

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