Sun God Marvel

Chapter 660

Just now, friends and acquaintances who have also said that laughing have turned into this indifferent appearance in a blink of an eye. This is an unacceptable fact for Kobe, who is just a simple office worker. However, facts are facts, and even if he can’t accept them, the situation cannot change in any way.

Seeing that oneself was about to fall into the hands of this dangerous robot, his desire to survive made him burst into the own body with a force that oneself could not normally imagine, just like a Like a cheetah, he backed up, chose a direction and ran quickly. The sudden burst speed made people stunned. At the same time, the look in his eyes became more and more frightened.

In their view, this explosive speed for survival is entirely evidence of his status as Mutant. And Kobe was confirmed Mutant’s identity under this kind of no evidence. This is definitely a terrible problem at the moment. If Kobe has a chance, he will definitely find a way to clear this grievance.

However, he has no chance. Because the moment he turned to escape, the sentry robot behind him had already pulled the trigger.

Under the lock of the auxiliary shooting system, Kobe does not have any probability of escape. The huge-caliber bullet with destructive kinetic energy tore his chest in an instant, making him like a doll stuffed with a kilogram of gunpowder, and exploding all split up and in pieces.

Blood also the inside of those battered and exhausted like rain, splashed every corner of this restaurant. And watching such a brutal scene, the passers-by who had just looked indifferent and guarded finally couldn’t help it. But it’s not that I can’t help but want to blame this inhumane behavior. It was the nausea in my heart, as if I had committed a certain malignant disease, and started to vomit one after another.

For a while, the whole restaurant was full of pungent smells mixed with vomit and flesh and blood. The taste is completely terrifying to the point that even delicious things cannot be swallowed. And as the initiator of all this. The sentry robot just put away the weapon in his hand indifferently, and at the same time broadcast it to the other people in the restaurant with an electronic sound without fluctuation.

“The potential Mutant has been investigated and the danger has been eliminated. I wish you a happy meal!”

Have a meal? Hearing this, the diners who had been frightened by the brutal methods of the sentry robot looked at the mess on the ground and couldn’t help but vomit again. As you can imagine, this is definitely an unforgettable day for them. But this day is definitely not just for them. For many people, this day will be just as memorable. Because this kind of thing doesn’t just happen in this small restaurant. It is just a microcosm of the big events that are happening, and at the same time, in almost every corner of this country, such things are happening.

Either in a restaurant, in a shopping mall, or in a school, these elite and powerful sentinel robots are almost like a slaughter, sweeping every Mutant. Whether it is awakened or potential, it is the same for them. Their methods were so violent that the complaints in various cities were completely blown up in just one day.

Although humans are afraid of Mutant, it does not mean that they are willing to see terrifying killings in front of oneself. Except for a handful of Mutant haters, no matter which camp they originally belonged to, they now only have one idea, and that is to stop all the horrors.

But, just like the Pandora’s Box in is legend, some things are impossible once they are opened and then closed. even more how from the very beginning, these so-called people are just an audience. They have no say in this matter, or even play any role. They can only watch, and then passively accept all this. And all this has been manipulated in the hands of those behind.

So, no matter how these complaint calls are made. They can only get an answer that “we will react upwards.” Similarly, no matter what kind of horrible behavior the sentry robot shows in front of the so-called citizens, in the media, you can always see a limited truth.

In fact, most TV stations broadcast such news.

“At six o’clock this morning, in a mall in Los Angeles, Mutant, who was suspected of being extremely dangerous, launched an attack on a sentry robot that was enforcing the law. Toxic smoke appeared in the mall, causing hundreds of people to coma. More than 80 people died directly.”

“A high-risk Mutant was found in an elementary school in Seattle, and sentry robots appeared quickly, controlling the spread of danger as quickly as possible.”

” Protector, an army of robots that is more reliable than Superhero is in action.”

There are so many, almost every major TV station is broadcasting similar content. And watching all this, Captain, who was at the Avengers headquarters on the west coast, turned off the TV angrily, and said dissatisfiedly to Tony Stark, who was sitting across from oneself.

“This is what you mean by security? What do you think is a way to reshape order?”

“Uh! It may be a little bit different from what I thought.” Facing Captain with an angry face, Tony was obviously much weaker. But he tried his best to defend. “But you should also understand that the TV station incident has had too much influence on this country. Like a fuse, it detonated people’s dissatisfaction with Mutant’s savings. In this explosiveness In the face of his emotions, many things are prone to accidents.”

“This is not an accident, Tony. This is a premeditated action. All of this is obviously plot against.” Holding down the table, Captain spoke to Tony condescendingly with his size advantage. “Don’t tell me you can’t see it. You are a smart person, so don’t pretend you can’t see anything.”

“Okay, okay. I admit I can see something.” Captain raised his hand for Captain who was very sensitive in this regard, and Tony said in a helpless tone. “Yes, everything is a bit too coincidental. It seems that everything has been arranged. After the TV station happened, both the White House side and the SHIELD side moved too fast. Quickly It’s as if they were involved, but I believe they don’t at all do it.”

“You believe? Tony, you can’t represent reality.”

Others also started to express their own opinions. And the first person who said this was Maria Hill, the former commander of SHIELD Helicarrier. Of course, she is now working for the Avengers, specializing in information support and manpower mobilization, which is also her old line.

As an old business, many years of spying career have also made her very clearly see how many things are hidden under these superficial things.

“Since General Ross took over SHIELD, it has changed its flavor. Now SHIELD, and even the government, are not what they used to be. If they planned everything behind the scenes, I must have It’s not weird.”

“Hey, madam. I understand that I was fired and kicked from my position as a focal point of ten thousands to the sadness and anger of having to work for others to make a living. However, Please be rational. Things are not as bad as you think. If this is the case, we shouldn’t worry about this, but the third world war.”

Tony’s words It’s never been easy to get along with it, so after he finished saying this, Hill’s face became cold, and she began to call to him.



“I can pour a liter of glass slag in your mouth and use it Does the needle and thread sew it up?”

“Oh, it sounds so painful.” Covering his mouth, Tony still committed his own death. “Should you be grateful that you and I are not enemies? Otherwise I think you will definitely receive a court leaflet about your inhumane behavior. Believe me and fight with me, you are impossible to win.”

” Enough, Stark. We are not talking about this kind of gossip now.”

Interrupting Tony’s chatter again, Captain’s actions made all the players on the court sighed in relief. Staying with this mouth cannon for a long time, everyone feels that oneself nerves are a little weak. Although the little spider Peter Parker also had this problem, it was after he put on the mask. The usual Little Brat is far less difficult than Tony.

“Okay, okay. Speaking of business, I think we may need a little bit of evidence to prove who is the problem. Is it the government? Or Hydra? And to prove this, I borrow I checked SHIELD’s authority and mobilized all surveillance records near the TV station at the time. Guess what I found?”

Touched his mustache, and Tony took a small disc from He took it out of his pocket and threw it on the table. Immediately, an apparently adjusted influence appeared in front of all the Avengers. The two in the video are Winter Soldier and Wilson who completed the sniper mission near the TV station.

“The two people inside are the two most suspicious I found in all surveillance records at the time. One is Captain, the former special operations team of Umbrella, and the other is even more famous , A legendary character in the killer world, an agent of the cream of the crop of the former Soviet Union, codenamed-Winter Soldier. There are two people here, I think you should be able to guess something.”

“Winter Soldier “Hearing this familiar name, Natasha couldn’t help but frowned. “I know this guy, and he has handed in a few times. I have to say that he is indeed the best soldier in the Soviet Union. It is a fluke that I can survive her.”

“Wow, Do the children of Soviet mothers have experiences of cannibalism? It’s really curious. I think the specific plot must be very interesting.”

Tony, who couldn’t keep his mouth, had an old problem again and faced Tony, Natasha who acted recklessly like this, smiled slightly.

“Of course it’s interesting. I can let you experience the feeling of being stared at with a sniper rifle for several nights and not being able to sleep. Believe me, they are not much different.”

“Hey, this doesn’t sound right. Natasha, it’s hard to make a boyfriend with your temper.”

“Then you won’t worry about it.”

The scheming female spy and the big-mouthed gun interacted with each other, but none of them saw it. When they saw Winter Soldier again, Captain America’s eyes suddenly appeared blank.

That is the expression of remembrance, it is a deep remembrance of oneself’s lost 70 years. At this moment, Captain remembered a name, a name that was very important to him. Bucky!

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