Sun God Marvel

Chapter 661

During the war-torn years, there was such a good brother who was willing to give his own life for oneself, a more important friend. He made a hero with his own sacrifice, and made a most important turning point in a battle that determines the fate of the world.

But for the saved brother, this sacrifice has become an unforgettable sadness. Sometimes Captain even feels that after so many years, everything in the past has been buried in the dust of memory over time, and will never be recalled again. But when he saw the figure, he found that something was impossible to forget.

Just seeing a shadow, I can think of the past. The so-called forgetting is actually just self-deception.

Captain’s loss of consciousness was only a moment, and after a while, he recovered again.

“Okay, stop making trouble. After you have settled the business, you can find a place to talk in private. But now, we need to solve the problem of the sentry robot.”

“The problem with the sentry robot? I thought you were looking for the main messenger behind the scenes.”

Dr. Banner, who had been watching, suddenly said so, and after he finished that After that, Tony immediately added.

“Yes, the main messenger behind the scenes. I think the problem of sentry robots can be solved like the government or even SHIELD that manages them. And our main job now should be to find the main messenger behind the scenes. If it is Hydra, then wipe them out. If they are from the government, I believe they must be related to Hydra. Wouldn’t it be better to get them out at this time?”

” It’s not that simple, Tony.” Captain increased the own volume, as if this would strengthen the right to speak. “Use your mind. Since they can instruct White House to issue such an order, it almost explains the power they have. If it really looks like this, then you think you also have the ability to take them from Can you get it out of it?”

“Hey, Captain. You have to believe me, believe in this country. Although our country is full of injustice, and full of dirty idiot politicians. But after all In this country there are also Chief-In-Charge and patriotic people. Moreover, with my influence and appeal. As long as I hold evidence in my hand, no matter who the small insect is, he will die. It’s settled. This is the democratic power of America, and I am the embodiment of democracy.”

“Democracy and justice, you are talking about the dirty capital that oneself holds. Stark, don’t be too much Overestimate you yourself. In front of them, you are just a nobody. Do you think you can move them? The end result can only be like an ant forcibly pulling an elephant’s toenails and being trampled to pieces “

“I can’t pretend to have heard this, Master Captain.” Hearing this, Tony rolled his eyes immediately. At the same time, his tone began to become eccentric. “Are you underestimating me? Steve! Or do you think anyone in the room is better than me?”

“I’m not questioning your ability, Tony. It’s just you and you Like the father of Tony, he has the shortcomings of arrogance and supercilious in personality. I doubt that Howard will have an accident because of this!”

Captain talked about Tony’s father, obviously It was to treat oneself as Tony’s elder. But it was because of his tone that Tony became more and more tired of him.

“Pay attention to your tone, Steve Rogers. You are not qualified to say that to my father. You never had that qualification. You are just a soldier, and you have won a war you deserve to win. And My father relied on oneself to build an empire.”

“Yes, the arms empire. This made Howard’s hands stained with blood. Fortunately, you escaped from the middle. . I think this kind of thing will definitely make Howard feel lucky. At least, he did not completely teach the child bad.”

The anger between the two people is getting heavier and stronger, to this level. Seeing that the two people were about to change from a quarrel to a fighting, the people around immediately fought for help.

“Okay, okay, let’s just say a few words. Since you all have own ideas, then let us vote to decide who to listen to. Or simply, follow whoever agrees. Anyway, it’s not a war. One or two fewer people will have no effect on either side.”

Help the person who is in the fight, say me. The situation quickly became like this. Captain and Tony glanced at each other and immediately made the same decision.

“We act separately, with people who are in favor of the oneself plan. See if everyone chooses to find secret mastermind or to stop those sentinel robots.”

“Then I will Let me explain it first.” Seeing things turn out to be like this, Dr. Banner, who had already had an agreement with Tony, wiped his glasses and said to them. “I acted together with Tony. After all, in this team, except for Jennifer, Tony and I can come together. Everyone else, I think no matter who I follow, you will worry about my situation.”

“Bruce?” Upon hearing this, Jennifer, who had already chosen Captain in his heart, was taken aback, and then immediately asked to persuade him.

However, Bruce’s intentions are very firm.

“Jennifer, don’t persuade me. This is my decision, and I don’t want you to follow me to make the same choice. You can choose the side that oneself agrees with.”

“Then, okay.” With her mouth open, Jennifer turned her gaze to Captain’s direction. “I chose to be with Steve. Rather than looking for the so-called behind-the-scenes murderer, I hope I can stop all of this directly.”

“Then I will be with Tony.” Natasha fluffed her hair, but It was looked towards the silent Captain. “I’m not good at dealing with robots and so on. But finding someone to work with this kind of technology is my specialty. Especially if I want to dive into SHIELD, I need my help.”

“Then, let me join me too.” Scratching his head, the little spider said after Natasha. “I can also help a little bit. I still keep the identity of the SHIELD agent Coulson gave me, and it can play a role.”

“Pietro and I will follow Captain. Whether it is rescue People still fight and so on with sentry robots, we can all play a role.” In the end, it was Mutant’s sister and brother. The choice of the two of them is almost inevitable, because their status limits them to serve the Mutant group at this time. Rescue Mutant from the Sentinel Robot is the real priority for them.

While watching the Avengers, you follow me, I follow him, standing in line one by one. Hill rubbed his eyebrows irritably and said.

“In that case, I won’t be with you. I will guard the base. I can also provide you with some necessary support.”

“That’s so happy It’s decided. It’s not too late. Let’s set off right away!”

After all the questions were finalized, Tony, who was frustrated by Captain America, stood up directly and took the lead to walk outside. Looking at Tony like this, Dr. Banner glanced at the other people apologetically, and immediately followed along.

Someone took the lead, and the little spider, who has not been very suitable for such serious occasions, also hurriedly chased him. Only one Natasha was left, looking at Captain with a special look.

“Natasha, do me a favor. Watch him carefully and don’t let him cause any major problems.”

Captain, who knew what Natasha meant, whispered to her An order. After receiving this sentence, Natasha sighed, nodded and walked out with their team.

The number of people looking at the conference room is so small that half, Hill, who has been holding his breath, couldn’t help but ask Captain.

“Captain, I really don’t understand what you are thinking. Don’t you know that this situation is almost equivalent to a split?”

“Trust me, Hill . I know what I’m doing!” With his own eyelids drooping, Steve’s eyes became more elusive. “Forcibly forcing Tony to cater to us, there will definitely be big uncontrollable problems. In this case, it is better to let go of his hands and feet and let him do what oneself wants to do. This will not affect us, but also let him Put your energy into useful places.”

“Do you really think he can pull out something from there?”

When he heard this, Hill immediately I was surprised. To this, Captain’s answer is this.

“Anyway, I think they will give us a decent explanation.”

This reply quickly silenced Hill. At this time, Quicksilver, who had been watching the excitement, finally couldn’t help but say to Captain.

“Hey, Captain. I just found out that your skill is not much worse than that of Stark. Especially the section about his father, it is simply brilliant. You didn’t watch Stark. His face felt like he had put the own power stove in his mouth.”

Unfathomable mystery glanced at Quicksilver, and Captain replied with puzzlement.

“Did I say something? Child, be sober. I just persuade him as his father friend. As an elder, is there any problem with me saying that?”

“Not at all. It’s just cool.”

After blowing a whistle, Quicksilver once again expressed his own respect. And Captain, which feels that oneself and Quicksilver are not in the same channel at all, is shook the head, speaking to the rest of the people.

“Forget it, let’s talk about business. About preventing sentinel robots from continuing to persecute Mutant’s innocent humans. Through our news channels, we already know exactly what their goals are. So, I hope you will be ready to fight a tough battle with me.”

“Tough battle? Captain, what do you mean.”

When I heard this, I was silent. The red Witch and Jennifer looked at each other one after another, and then asked Captain.

“I mean, since their goal is Mutant. Then I will invite Professor Charles to join them and go to a place where Mutant gathers the most. The city of steel-the town of Mutant in Huiyao City . There, we and the sentry robot are in a tough battle!”

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