Sun God Marvel

Chapter 670

Floating in space, Susan seems to realize that oneself has messed up everything. Not only will oneself face the ending of Death, but her friends, her younger brother, seem to have the same ending. All the efforts seem to have no effect, even she herself has already begun to give up these futile efforts and prepare for the upcoming destiny.

But at this time, there is always some resentment in her heart. Maybe it’s for oneself’s incomplete life, maybe it’s for oneself’s lost things. Maybe it’s just for the person who will never see again. And just when she closed her eyes and prepared to use empty Death to make oneself forget everything. A strong radiance comes suddenly, and also something else comes at the same time.

A black figure that suddenly appeared caught her floating silhouette and stopped in the endless space.

The physical change made Susan immediately open her own eyes, and when she looked towards the outside through the goggles of the spacesuit, the first thing she saw was a oneself very familiar Faces.

Black’s helmet was so kind to her at this moment that she immediately forgot the fact that there was no sound in space, and said to him.

“Dawn Knight, how could it be you? You saved me?”

Nodded, Zhou Yi held Susan in silence like this, and flew back to the space station with her. in. After landing on her feet, Susan shook her head as she realized it, and said eagerly to Zhou Yi.

“No, it’s useless. The sun’s rays will kill us. It’s impossible and safe here. We only have a dead end.”

“Don’t despair, Susan. I’m still here to protect you.”

Although all around, you can already see the light like flowing water pierced through the thick space metal, wandering around the space station wantonly. But when she heard Zhou Yi say this, Susan still felt relieved. And as Zhou Yi oneself said, he can indeed protect her and protect the others here.

Under a single thought, the invisible light mask appeared outside the entire space station, enclosing the entire space station like an eggshell. The rays of the sun rushing like a tsunami were immediately separated when passing through this mask, but all rays that could harm the human body were blocked.

Looking at the own method, Zhou Yi laughed and said to Susan.

“It doesn’t look so difficult, does it?”

The instrument that had started to alarm all around was unexpectedly calmed down, and Susan’s face began to appear. Incredible expression.

“How did you do it?”

“It’s very simple, just think about it.” Answering Susan’s question like this, Zhou Yi looked at her carefully for a long while Said afterwards. “You’ve lost a lot of weight, Susan.”

“Sorry, you know my name?” Susan felt a little strange when Zhou Yi said the name of own. She looked at the hero in front of oneself in surprise, as if she wanted to see the real body inside through his armor. But it was naturally useless to do so, so she could only ask him that way. “We, do you know each other?”

“Of course!” On this question, Zhou Yi, who is Dawn Knight, answered decisively. “I remember very clearly that I once saved a beautiful lady on an airplane and left my own cloak as a gift. If I remember correctly, it should be you. Susan Young Lady!”


Although Zhou Yi’s answer is very neat, he can hardly pick out any questions. But Susan still felt something was wrong there.

“Although this can explain that you know me, it does not explain the name you know. I have a feeling that you seem to be a person I know very well. Do we really know each other?”

While saying this, Susan stretched out her hand and touched the thick helmet Zhou Yi was wearing on her head. Although knowing that in this case, Susan is impossible to see the true face of own from behind the helmet. But Zhou Yi still turned his head subconsciously, avoiding Susan’s palm.

“I’m sorry, I’m afraid I am not at all this honor.”

“No, you are lying. I can feel it.”

Suddenly stretched He took out his other hand and held Zhou Yi’s face from the other side. Susan held his head in both hands and said, staring at him closely.

“This exploration project is a private agreement we signed with the corona, and we did not even report it to the Manhattan General Administration. In other words, the outside world simply doesn’t know about the space station, let alone us Whereabouts. We have never declared to the outside world that we are conducting scientific experiments. So, even if you are Superhero, it is impossible to know that I am here.”

“And this is an unexpected event, we There is no time to send a call for help to anyone. There is only one place that may know that we have an accident, and that is the space headquarters of the corona. Only they will know that we have an accident, because the communication between us has never been interrupted, and only they can receive it. To the data record about our experiment. So, if you know my name and know that I am in danger at this time. Then you can only know it from the Corona Group.”

” In that place, there is only one person I know, and only he will come to rescue me at this time. So, is it you? Zhou Yi!”

After a moment of silence, Zhou Yi opened up Mouth, said stiffly.

“Sorry, it may not be as complicated as you think. I know the billionaire you mentioned. He who sits with his wife and concubine is not comparable to a poor guy like me. I just I saw this place occasionally, and then I came to save someone. So, it is entirely your wishful thinking to mistake me for someone else.”

“You are lying to me again!” Not only did not stop, but instead became more powerful. Susan stared at him like this, until her eyes started to turn red. “Remember the cloak you gave me? I have studied its composition. Nano-level super metal. In this world, there are not many people who can make this thing. Not only technology is needed, but financial resources are needed. On the entire world, the most likely person to make this thing is you except Tony Stark.”

“If you are not Zhou Yi? Then take off the helmet and use facts to prove it. My guess is wrong. If you are not him, why don’t you dare to prove it to me in this most direct way.”

Susan’s words were excited and eager, almost a kind of crazy a feeling of. Facing Susan like this, Zhou Yi could only sigh and press her shoulder tightly.

“Are you still that smart, Susan? Didn’t expect that you can guess it. Maybe I should take more precautions.”

” Is it really you?” When she said this, tears began to flow quietly in Susan’s eyes.

While looking at her tears, Zhou Yi could only silently take off the own helmet and show the true face of own in front of her.

“I’m right. I rushed over when I saw your accident. I thought you wouldn’t guess who I was? Unexpectedly…, huh! Me Sure enough, I still believe oneself infallible.”

Zhou Yi, who was saying this with a wry smile, did not expect that Susan actually slapped his face hard at this time. . And it wasn’t enough. After that, she slapped him on the other side of the face again.

This situation completely surpassed Zhou Yi’s imagination, and what he didn’t expect was that next moment, Susan, who was still slapped in the face just now, looked like an injured little girl. Pounced into his arms, hugged his back tightly while cursing at him with tears.

“Zhou Yi, you are a bastard!”

Zhou Yi, who hardly knows how to refute this sentence, can only smile bitterly and hug her. Then said to her.

“Sorry, you are right. I am indeed a bastard!”

“Why don’t you tell me this? Tell me you are Dawn Knight?”

Susan is still full of resentment. But Zhou Yi at this time can only comfort her like an injured child.

“Sorry, I thought we were all over completely. And I never thought of saving you in this way. I’m sorry, Susan. If you think it’s my fault, I I am willing to admit my mistakes.”

“This is your fault, bastard!”

Lumping in Zhou Yi’s arms and banging his chest hard, Susan is still venting oneself Complex emotions in my heart. But after venting, she couldn’t help but raised her head and looked at Zhou Yi seriously, watching the changes on his face.

“You have also changed, Zhou Yi. You look like you are getting old, really, your hair is starting to turn white. What is going on, why are you so big Change?”

“Some things happened, some very special things. I was forced to make some choices, very special choices. And this is the price I have to pay!”

With a faint smile, Zhou Yi explained that in this way, Zhou Yi overwhelmed everything that oneself had said, and his explanation made Susan feel more distressed.

“Is this my fault? Please tell, it’s not my fault, okay?”

“It’s not your fault, Susan. It’s my own choice. The choice necessary to defeat the enemy.”

“The time the fire star was broken, was that your enemy?”

“Yes, an annoying guy “Nodded, Zhou Yi described Thanos who was dead. Susan laughed suddenly when she heard him say so.

“I know you must have won. As far as I want to come, Dawn Knight is invincible. But I didn’t expect that Dawn Knight would be you. Thank you, Zhou Yi?”


“Thank you for saving me then. Also, thank you for not telling me at that time, you are Dawn Knight.”

“That’s what I should I do. I don’t want to hurt you, Susan!”

Hugging Susan’s body tightly, Zhou Yi whispered to her in her ear. Susan laughed suddenly when she heard this.

“I see, thank you, Zhou Yi. Also, I don’t know why, I suddenly feel very tired, I’m a little sleepy.”

The sleepiness is like a tide. Come, and soon overwhelmed Susan. And even if she worked hard, she couldn’t hold on, she could only fall asleep like this.

But she went to sleep with a smile, because she knew that tomorrow would be a good start again!

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