Sun God Marvel

Chapter 671

When Susan woke up, she realized that oneself was no longer on the space station. The white ceiling, the warm sunshine and the dense emerald green that can be clearly seen through the windows. Everything seems to have been explained, she has returned to Earth.

This change made her feel inexplicably at ease, and when she saw Zhou Yi sitting next to oneself, staring at a book, her face was all exposed A bright smile.

“Hey, what are you looking at?”

“Human psychology, I think I need to learn a little bit more, because I find that oneself can’t understand you more and more “

Let go of the book in his hand, Zhou Yi took Susan’s hand and said with a smile to her.

“We?” Susan obviously noticed Zhou Yi’s words, which made her face dark, but she soon became bright again. “Some things are useless for you to learn more knowledge. In this kind of thing, it may be more important by feeling.”

“Perhaps, how do you feel?”

Stopping this topic, Zhou Yi started to care about Susan’s body. Although before she woke up, he had checked many times and confirmed that she had no problems. But at this time, he still couldn’t help asking.

“I feel good, it’s just a little weird! I shouldn’t feel so good.”

As a researcher, she knows people who have just come out of space What it should look like. They will suffer from osteoporosis and muscle atrophy due to lack of gravity, light and other factors in a long-term weightless state. This will keep them in a state of recuperation for a long time. But now, she not at all feels this kind of powerless state. On the contrary, she felt unprecedented health and vitality. This in itself is not very normal. So she asked strangely.

“Did I sleep for a long time?”

“Just a whole day, from the perspective of a sleeping beauty, it is not very long.”

“Really, I thought I slept for a month?” After rubbing her own hair, Susan struggled to prop her up. “How about my companions, are they okay?”

“Don’t worry, I brought everyone back. Your younger brother, also your two friends. They are just like you I fainted, but my body is very healthy without any problems. So don’t worry.”

While answering this, Zhou Yi brought a piece of food to him. A simple milk sandwich, at this time, Susan has a feeling of appetite. Almost ignoring the image of the owner, she began to become a gorgeous oneself. Looking at Susan like this, Zhou Yi laughed.

“Don’t be so anxious, no one will rob you.”

When she heard this, Susan’s face turned red. She quickly explained.

“I don’t know why, I feel like oneself is extremely hungry. It’s like over-eating.”

“Maybe it is your physical need. After all, you are in space. After staying for a year, I can completely imagine what kind of food you eat every day. It must be very bad.”

“It’s not as bad as you think.” Susan has a look of memories on her face. After a while, she said in frustration. “Well, it’s really bad. I don’t want to recall the taste of those things anymore.”

“I knew it!” While picking up the tableware in front of Susan, he wiped meticulously with a tissue The stains on her lips were removed. Zhou Yi said to her with a smile. “But it’s okay, you’re already back. I think we can go and eat some good things. How about the Mexico restaurant last time?”

“The Mexico restaurant with a strange name? It made me think Think about it, the one called Chopped Spicy Chicken?”

“Yes, that’s the shop. Thankfully, it moved to this city with many New Yorkers . It really saved me a lot of effort. Because you know, it’s not easy to find a good restaurant this year.”

Zhou Yi’s words were approved by Susan, and she nodded in response.

“Then it’s settled, but before that, can I ask you to go out for a while? I want to take a bath first. After sleeping for a day, I feel oneself and the whole person is strange The taste.”

Women are born to be inseparable from dressing. Precisely because of this, Susan didn’t realize that the owner’s request was too much. But at this time, she did find that Zhou Yi was looking at oneself with a strange look, and was calling her name in a stranger tone.


“What’s the matter, why do you call me that all of a sudden?” Susan asked with a smile, as if she had seen through Zhou Yi and was really doing her What a prank like. But in fact, Zhou Yi means not at all.

He just held her hand and slowly raised it to Susan, while whispering to her.

“I know you may find it strange, but trust me, don’t panic, things will get better soon.”

“What happened, you said instead It makes me feel a little nervous!” Susan asked Zhou Yi suspiciously. At this time, her mood was barely stable, but then, when she saw that oneself was held in the hands of Zhou Yi’s palm, her thoughts immediately became confused.

The empty transparent object supports the large medical suit, making her unable to see what should have been there. There should be her hands, but at the moment she can see nothing but Zhou Yi’s generous palm.

“What’s the matter, where is my hand, where is my hand?”

From mumbling to screaming, it took less than one Seconds. And just as Zhou Yi was worried, Susan’s sanity was about to collapse. She forcibly broke free of Zhou Yi’s hands, desperately touching her body and face with her hands, trying to see if they still existed. Although the hand feels the same, but through the reflection of Zhou Yi’s pupils, she has already discovered that oneself is just touching the air.

She became a transparent person, an invisible existence. And this special change immediately made her scream.


Along with the scream, an invisible impact suddenly burst from Susan’s body. Just like detonating a bomb, the deadly shock wave instantly spread to all around with her as the center. Seeing this situation, Zhou Yi immediately released a more powerful force field to control everything. At the same time he immediately hugged Susan’s shoulders and shouted at her.

“Calm down, calm down, Susan. It’s okay, just a small problem. Calm down, we will be able to solve it soon.”

Zhou Yi’s comfort came With a slight effect, Susan’s yelling was immediately lowered under her comfort, but he was still choking, lying in Zhou Yi’s arms and tremblingly said to him.

“Yi, what’s wrong with me. Why, why did I become like this?”

“I don’t know, Susan. But don’t worry, I’m here By your side, I will always protect you. So, calm down. Only if you calm down can we solve the problem.”

Zhou Yi’s words, or Zhou Yi’s identity Susan had a certain confidence. In his persuasion, she gradually calmed down her own mood. After her emotions stabilized, her body gradually emerged from the transparency.

This kind of thing immediately relieved her a lot, but what followed was a complete doubt.

“Why is this, why did I become like this?”

“I don’t know, it may be that X-Genome in your genes has awakened. There are also It may be that you are disturbed by some strange factor, like Hulk. This needs to be investigated, so don’t worry, Susan. As long as we find the reason, we will be able to fix it soon.”

Zhou Yi comforted her like this, but after listening to him, Susan reacted quickly.

“I see, it is the cause of the sun’s rays. I have been exposed to the strong rays that erupt during the active period of the sun, so it is likely that my body has changed because of these rays. But, why is it me?”

Susan still feels very unacceptable about the change in the own body. But at this time, a medical staff suddenly knocked on the door, and then eagerly said to Zhou Yi.

“Sir, there seems to be a problem with some of the patients you brought. The situation is very urgent and we may not be able to control their situation. So, I hope you can take a look.”

“It seems that you are not the only one.”

So Zhou Yi took Susan directly to follow the medical staff to other wards, and when he entered a ward, Su Shan immediately couldn’t help but retreat in the direction of the exit.

Not because of anything else, but because the temperature in this room is too high. From the hospital bed in the room, we could see that a human-shaped object was burning frantically, and the blazing flames almost ignited everything in this room. Both the wall tiles and the steel bars inside began to melt and deform under this terrifying temperature, turning into ashes little by little.

This situation is more terrifying than the natural phenomenon caused by Susan before, so that Susan immediately grabbed Zhou Yi’s arm tightly and asked him.

“Who is this, how is he?”

“Don’t worry!” Holding Susan’s hand instead, Zhou Yi looked towards the burning center local. Under his eyes, the blazing flame suddenly began to slowly extinguish. At the same time, the burning person inside began to show up.

The appearance similar to Susan has several points of clearly shows his identity, and the first moment he saw his appearance, Susan immediately jumped up and shook his body.

“Johnny, how are you Johnny? Answer me, answer me quickly!”

“Uh, where am I? Oh, beautiful Young Lady, we are See you for the first time?”

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