Sun God Marvel

Chapter 703

From the time when Nobel showed the gunpowder of huge might to the world, it has always been a weapon in the hands of science. Human beings rely on the power of science to continuously upgrade the power of this scientific sword until it becomes a kind of incomparable horror, even enough to counter the existence of myth.

This also makes human beings become more and more arrogant, so arrogant to the point that they even despise any other creatures. Especially for those ambitious, I am afraid that even the gods of aloof and remote are not in their eyes. But do they really have the qualifications to despise God? This point was quickly revealed.

The crimson cloud and brilliant fire light spread all over every corner of the huge body, and it is still spreading endlessly, even though this spread has far exceeded its due specification.

This at first not at all who feels weird, but soon, as the golden radiance hidden behind the flames rises and the stalwart and majestic body continuously becomes bigger and more Majestic, people suddenly realized this problem.

It’s not that their firearms and explosives have been released 100% of the formidable power beyond the budget, but God, who is the target of their attack, is still growing his own body. Those smoke clouds and flames that burst out through gunpowder are nothing but a piece of cloth on his body, and as his body grows, it reluctantly expands the scope of own cover.

Soon, this God’s body, shown before humans, has grown to the point where it surpasses the clouds and despises the mountains. His body is only so tall, as for the battlefield, even the entire Huiyao City people simply cannot get a clear picture of him. They can only feel that oneself is watching a part of him, and this part alone has caused them to feel infinite fear and panic in their hearts.

Except for the first flash in the pan, Zhou Yi only used the incarnation of Ming Wang once in New York. And that time, it was because he had just returned from Death. Although the body he showed was huge, he hadn’t reached this level yet. Therefore, this also gives many people an illusion that God’s greatness is not unsurpassable.

Just like using science, they can also make huge Titan machines. That kind of huge figure is no less inferior to the so-called God. But now, when God showed this attitude, they suddenly realized how sad those ridiculous thoughts were. The reason why God can be called God is simply not what they can see with their eyes.

That is not the existence they can guess, just because their power really has the difference between Heaven and Earth. Even if they exhaust all they have, it is difficult to cause the slightest loss to God. It is even said that King Ming doesn’t need to bother about the existence of these human soldiers. Just casting that majestic gaze from above the clouds is enough to make these human soldiers frightened and never dare to act blindly without thinking.

And when King Ming, who was floating in the air and never touched the ground with his feet, opened his mouth and began to breathe, the situation became even worse for the human soldiers.

Just as the strongest hurricane suddenly swept from the sky, everything on the battlefield began to float around the sky like dandelion seeds in the squally wind. Whether it is the soil above the ground or the seemingly mighty and mighty steel army, in the face of such a violent hurricane, all have only one end, that is to fly and then fall.

The lucky ones can barely save their own lives when they fall, but the unfortunate ones can only be crushed with their invading weapons and equipment. It’s a pity that there are not many lucky ones, especially those pilots who are flying airplanes. They were torn to pieces by the terrifying formidable power at the first moment of the hurricane. Fireball.

In the face of this terrifying natural might, the technological weapons created by mankind are actually no different from paper, they are all so fragile. And when the human beings who were nearly alive crawled out of those vehicles that were almost completely destroyed, they could not help crawling on the ground, screaming and wailing, asking for forgiveness from God. .

While looking at these devastated human beings who have been beaten, Zhou Yi, who has turned into the King of Ming, opened his mouth and said to them.

“Why, isn’t this the war you want? Now, haven’t you got your wish?”

All those who survived by chance couldn’t help crying, for What they are experiencing now is also for what they have done. Is it really worth it to get such a fate at such a heavy price? Now it seems that the answer is really very clear.

“Since you have started this war, then don’t have any regrets. Although this price is a bit heavy for you, but looking at everything you have caused, I think this price is also one What the door should pay. And, for you, I really want to know such a question, who gave you the courage to invade the city I said to protect.”

Silent silence, then It is the blazing fire in the heart burning high. Naturally, they can’t blame the own God, the power gap that can’t be bridged is enough to let them dispel this idea in oneself’s heart. However, they can blame everything on those guys who want to challenge God without authorization.

If it wasn’t for their madness, if it wasn’t for their arrogance, if it wasn’t for those people to stir all this up, how could they be here, how could they be affected by Penalty from God.

People will easily attribute oneself’s mistakes to others. On this issue, these soldiers who have completely lost their minds are obviously more likely to blame their commanders and governments. Just like the soldiers who were injured in the Gulf War and the Iraq War, they have already counted all the causes to the government.

Of course, how would they settle this issue? That’s not what Zhou Yi should think about. He believes that the operators of the government should be worried about this problem. In fact, they are indeed worried about this problem.

Because just looking at the eyes of those people around oneself, Ross and Pierce already felt something very bad. And this is the most unacceptable situation for them.

“What do you want to do, why don’t you go to work? Go on, let those guys go on, we haven’t lost yet, go on, kill him, don’t you understand what I’m saying?”


This is Pierce’s almost crazy roar, and his roar drew only waves of cold and silent accusations. The people here are not fools, and they can see that this guy can only be like a prodigal dog, and can do nothing but bark.

Compared with him, Ross is much calmer.

“Mr. Pierce? Pierce, calm me down. It’s not time for you to vent like this!”

“Why, now you don’t even allow me to vent. Or do you want to watch me get arrested because of all the damn things, and then not even be allowed to say a word?”

Pierce of flustered and exasperated is now like It’s like a mad dog, almost to the point of seeing who bites. For his performance, Ross just shakes the corners of his mouth and replied.

“I’m not bored to that extent, and don’t forget that we are grasshoppers tied to a rope. If you are the one who ends up, how good can I be? So, Rather than have no desire to improve, it’s better to think about how we should deal with all this.”

“How to deal with all this. Yes, we really have to think about how to deal with everything.”

Bite own teeth hard, Pierce almost digs own nails into own flesh. He thought and thought, until the smile on his face began to become savage, and then he answered Ross like this.

“Maybe it’s the best idea to destroy everything and blow them up clean.”

“Blow them up? How to blow them up. What kind of bomb?” After asking this question, Ross quickly came back to his senses and stared at Pierce. “Do you want to use a nuclear bomb again, just like the one in New York?”

“Don’t say it’s like the New York nuclear bomb was ordered by me. But I do There is such an idea. Since this guy can’t be solved by conventional means, then we use unconventional means to solve all of this, isn’t it also a solution?”

“Are you crazy? Have you forgotten that we used to attack him with a nuclear bomb, but don’t you know what the result was?”

“Yes, of course I know, did the result fail? But, that It doesn’t mean that this method is definitely useless, right?” Pierce, who grinned at the corner of his own mouth and wanted to make oneself show a gentle smile, didn’t know it. At this moment, he was smiling extraordinarily hideously. And under such a grinning smile, he said so. “As early as the Cold War, our old rivals, the Soviets, put forward a very interesting insight. It is not that weapons are not effective, but that the bomb is not big enough. In other words, if a nuclear bomb is not enough, then come. Two. Perhaps trifling a one million-ton nuclear warhead does not hurt that guy, but what about two, 2,000,000 tons? We have the world’s most abundant nuclear weapons stockpile. We don’t have to worry at all, we don’t have enough nuclear bombs. Destroy this guy. As long as we have this determination!”

“You must be crazy!” If you just said something like this, Ross was just complaining, but now he is already He did have this idea. “You actually plan to drop large-scale nuclear weapons on the mainland of United States. What do you want to do so that even if we win, United States is almost over. Then does our victory also mean?”

“As long as it is a victory, it makes sense. Don’t stop me, Ross. I’ve made up my mind!”

With a twitching face, Pierce gave him such an answer. In response to this answer, Ross immediately took out his own gun and pointed it at Pierce.

“I won’t let you do this, Alexander Pierce. I would rather be jailed for a lifetime with you than be the Bushwacker with you and destroy our country! “

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