Sun God Marvel

Chapter 704

“Destroy our country?” sneered at the muzzle in front of oneself, Pierce lifts the head looked towards General Ross in front of oneself, facing him curiously Asked. “I’m curious, how did you come to this conclusion. Can’t you see it? I am saving our country.”

“I only see you making a crazy move , An act that may completely destroy our country. Raise your hand, Pierce, I will not let you act wilfully. I would rather admit our failure and accept Penalty from the enemy than let you destroy Everything is lost.”

At this time, General Ross’s eyes were full of steely determination and unquestionable affirmation. As a soldier, he did indeed do what oneself should do, whether it was the previous efforts to safeguard oneself’s national interests or the sacrifice that he would rather bear than let Pierce do that crazy thing. No matter how you look at it, he can be said to have shouldered his own responsibility.

However, even though he made this choice at this time, it does not mean that he can really stop Pierce. For example, now, when Pierce said so, the situation immediately changed unpredictably.

“It’s really nice, Ross. But do you really think you can control everything just by holding a gun like this?”

tone barely fell , The agents in the entire Helicarrier suddenly pulled up oneself’s weapon and pointed the muzzle at Ross’s head. Such a move naturally attracted the attention of many military personnel, but before they could respond, the agents had already shot them one by one and shot them all here.

Seeing that oneself’s men brought by the military died one by one in the hands of those agents, General Ross immediately stared wide-eyed and asked Pierce inconceivably.

“Pierce, what the hell did you do?”

“What did you do? Isn’t this an obvious at a glance thing?” He pulled his own collar, Extending take action refers to pushing away the muzzle in front of oneself, and the smile on Pierce’s face looked extremely bright. “Why, do you simply think that if I put you in this position, do you really not do any preventive work?”

“I have cleaned up, and these people Part of it was promoted again.”

Frowning deeply, General Ross is still puzzled. Knowing some politicians’ conspiracies, he has already cleaned up the people around him after taking office. It can be said that the people here can basically be regarded as his confidants. But he didn’t expect that these so-called confidants would betray him in this way, and it was still the kind of complete and ruthless betrayal.

Seeing his reaction, Pierce immediately laughed exaggeratedly.

“Ross, ah Ross, what should you tell me to say about you? Naive or stupid? Do you really think that your simple cleaning methods can clean up all of my people? You Have you forgotten something? They are agents, the most elite spies, are your little tricks really useful against them?”

“From the very beginning, those people around you are mine Abandoned son. And those who approach you proactively, who seem to be depressed in this organization, are the ones I want to put by your side. And by the way, this whole SHIELD is mine, no matter what you do I can’t get out of my hand even if I move it. Do you understand what I mean?”

“Pierce, who exactly are you, what are you planning?”

Deep Frowning deeply, Ross has gathered all the doubts that oneself had previously discovered. And in such an episode, he immediately discovered that Pierce’s identity seemed far more complicated than he thought. This method, also what he wants to achieve, is obviously not something a person with a bright identity can do.

“I am who? What am I planning?” Pierce kicked Ross to the ground with one kick, and said with a smile to him. “Soon, you will know the answer to this question. In addition, I also want to thank you for one thing. Thank you for taking all the responsibilities for me as the commander-in-chief. I mean, when those things happened to me After the nuclear bomb, there will always be someone who can stand in front and take care of all this for me. And you, Ross, you will be the most suitable candidate.”

“You can’t do this, Pierce , You can’t do this. You will ruin United States, and you will ruin our future.”

Ross began to struggle to stand up and stop Pierce from doing those dangerous things. But the agents had already rushed up, pressing him to the ground with all their hands.

So, he could only watch Pierce walk to the podium step by step, take the communicator handed over by a subordinate with an evil smile, and then said to the communicator.

“Tell me to answer your Excellency the President…”

The energy that Pierce has been in business for many years finally broke out at this moment. In the country where every member of Parliament is basically dominated by him, what he wants to do does not really need to go through too many twists and turns. So, it was almost just a phone call, and several military bases in the coast and also inland responded to his orders.

Intercontinental missiles whizzed out of the silo, and flew towards a place in the unbelievable eyes of some witnesses. The flight speed exceeding the speed of sound made these missiles come extremely fast, and Zhou Yi had already noticed the existence of these things almost only when they rose into the sky.

And this made him laugh immediately. The nuclear bomb is really a child’s toy for him. No matter how many nuclear bombs exploded on him, it would not have any effect on him. After all, he is the sun, and as a celestial existence undergoing nuclear fusion in the body, he really has no reason to fear this little human weapon.

So, he directly ignored the existence of these, but said to the human soldiers who had no fighting intent in front of oneself.

“It’s a pity, you guys. Didn’t expect that in this case, you will be considered abandoned. I’m really curious when you see those things. What kind of reaction.”

After listening to this sentence endlessly, most people’s reactions are unfathomable mystery. They simply didn’t know what Ming Wang meant, but instinctively produced a very bad reaction. And at this time, in the sky began to hear piercing whistling sounds.

That is the sky-splitting sound of intercontinental missiles, the sound of huge tail flames burning in the sky. After following the direction of the sound and seeing the intercontinental missiles flying over, almost everything went crazy.

“Damn, damn. Are the government bastards crazy?”

“We are still here, do those damn guys want to kill us and me together ?”

“We worked hard for the country. In the end, the country should treat us like this. I’m not convinced, I’m not convinced!”

Roars one after another were greatly impacted from these It was heard from the soldiers who had made it almost crazy, while listening to their roar. Zhou Yi, who was Ming Wang, laughed.

Being able to add some blockage to the enemy on this kind of thing is really a happy thing for him. Although the prerequisite for this is to allow these soldiers to survive the explosion of a nuclear bomb. But since he is here, then it is impossible to let the nuclear bomb destroy everything here.

Straightly stretched out a palm larger than a mountain. Under his space capability, those intercontinental missiles that were flying were immediately transferred to his palm. And this almost immediately caused those intercontinental missiles with nuclear warheads to detonate.

It’s like a blooming flame rose blooming, accompanied by a huge roar layer upon layer, the light of the fire that is more dazzling than the sun envelops the narrow cloud column in the palm of Ming Wang. Released in. However, it’s just that.

Those horrible shocks that should have appeared, also the iconic mushroom cloud did not appear, even if you hold a special instrument for detecting nuclear radiation, you will find that there is not even a little nuclear radiation here. .

Almost everything is imprisoned in the palm of that giant god, and such an attack that can be called terror and destruction to humans is just a point in the palm of the hand of this giant god It’s just a small fire. With a light grip, everything disappeared without leaving a trace. That relaxed and freehand appearance can almost surprise everyone’s eyes.

Especially those soldiers who thought they were dead, now they have put down all their burdens, knelt on the ground wholeheartedly, and paid the most sincere respect to this Supreme giant.

Looking at all this in front of him, Ming Wang is just a patted hand, speaking to all the mortals who are watching him with a thunderbolt-like voice.

“Is this all the means of mankind? It’s really weak not worth mentioning. Listen, mortals. This is my city, I don’t want to see you come to me in this way In the city. If you want war, then I will give you war. But, remember. I am the controller of the war, I am the only symbol of victory. As long as I am here, here is indestructible, as long as there is If I am here, you will never want to win. I am guarding this place, and this place will be my god blessed place. Mortals, keep this in mind, and don’t pay a heavier price for this. Don’t dominate wars and wars. In front of the invincible God, he made such a stupid choice.”

The flood of light from God began to fade, and the stalwart body of King Ming began to gradually dissipate in the clouds. However, even though it was no longer possible to observe the existence of this God with naked eye, his shadow was deeply left in the hearts of everyone present.

Both humans and Mutant have thoroughly learned to be in awe in front of such a powerful existence above all beings. And when they started to recall every word he said, and speculated about it, and believed in it. Zhou Yi already felt that what oneself had lost is returning little by little.

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