Sun God Marvel

Chapter 708

After listening to Nick Fury’s detailed account of the oneself project, Tony Stark’s biggest impression is absurdity. And the reason why he thinks so, the most important reason is that the most important part of this plan is to make him the new president of United States.

To be honest, Tony has always spoken highly of oneself. Whether it is a businessman, playboy or Superhero, he believes that oneself is fully capable of this kind of identity. But the president? He didn’t even think about it. In other words, he simply doesn’t think oneself can play such a role.

In his opinion, the guy in the wheelchair in front of oneself is more suitable than oneself. So he questioned him almost immediately.

“Why me? I don’t think oneself is a suitable president. Even if you go up, I don’t think oneself is more skilled than you when it comes to political methods. , If you are worried about the general election, this is simply unnecessary. I can use my own power to create enough public opinion for you. The second president of the United States in a wheelchair, this gimmick is enough for you to deceive enough votes. “

Some sarcasm, but also telling the truth. Tony’s question can be said to be cut to the point. But for his doubts, Nick Fury has a full explanation.

“Why are you, I have also thought about this question. But after I thought about it carefully, I found that this position really has to be you.”

” First of all, it is because of the complicated situation we are in now. If United States is still the same as before, you are willing to be my funder to build momentum for me and get votes. I will definitely welcome it. But now , This approach has no meaning.”

“Do you think that after you publish the information that I have provided, can our government elections continue? You know whether it is the Republican Party Or the Democratic Party, at least has ordinary people trapped in it. And they are all important figures of those parties. In other words, once the scandal in your hands is announced, these two parties will immediately be divided into untrusted parties. In the blacklist of people. In the current situation of national riots, they almost no longer have any ruling probability. That is to say, the electoral system we rely on has become a waste product.”

“The people will no longer pick another one from the circle of candidates that we have divided, as before. They will even vote for oneself, or someone close to oneself Can you imagine what kind of a huge project that an election with single-digit votes exceeding 100 million would be? Even when our country is the most prosperous and powerful, this kind of problem may not be solved, let alone now This is the time.”

“I still don’t understand, why is it me?” After listening to so many things, I feel that oneself has grasped the point, but I don’t want Tony who is not quite clear. He waved his hand irritably, and said to Nick Fury impatiently. “Tell me the reason directly, I don’t want to hear the unnecessary nonsense!”

“Your impatient problem needs to be corrected, Tony!” sighed, Nick. Fury is still obediently and honestly replied . “There are two real reasons.”

“First, your reputation. When our government and party completely broke the trust of his citizens, they thought we were going to choose a new country. For leaders, they must be nodded by most of the public. And who will they be nodded to? Maybe a business giant, maybe a familiar politician, or even a well-known star. But no matter what It’s that person, you must have a reputation that is loud enough. And you, Tony. Your reputation is definitely the most famous in it.”

“You are a business tycoon, a company in your hands Almost the pride of United States. And you are still a playboy, Time magazine and lace tabloids have your news. Most importantly, you are still a Superhero. One who has protected them and debunked the real government mask The hero of the country. Together, these conditions are enough to make you have the most famous reputation and win the recognition of the most people. And people like me are different, if I stand up. Maybe those people will say, hey, Where did this one-eyed dragon come from? Is he here for the show?”

Slightly laughed at himself, and Nick Fury continued.

“Secondly, it is your identity. Tony Stark, such an identity is enough to make us trust, and it is enough to ease many relationships. If nothing else, just say you and that person’s friends Relationship is enough for us to solve one of the most serious problems at the moment-the issue of retaliation from Mutant.”

“Moreover, your identity also has a value, that is, it can make us firmly believe in you .At this time, when the entire United States has become a masquerade party, honestly, almost who I am will not believe. Because I am not at all sure if that person will be buried by Hydra But, Tony! As Howard’s son, I believe you are absolutely impossible to be from Hydra. Just because Howard was once murdered by Hydra’s people, you are impossible to join them.”

“Hydra has become the most evil force in this country, this World. It is not their power, but their insidiousness and cunning. You have also seen that its use of crafty plots and machinations makes this country Frequent collapse. And this is just its head. So, if we want to save this country, we must treat an evil organization as a great enemy. And to deal with such a cunning, good at using crafty plots and In the organization of machinations, we must trust each other. This is also the future. We will reshape the key factor of the national functional agencies. We must not be eroded to this point by Hydra as we are today.”

When someone mentioned the death of oneself father, Tony was taken aback for a moment, and then fell silent.

The strongest castles were first breached from within. Tony knew this truth very well, and even if he didn’t understand it, the facts that happened before him could make him understand the truth of this sentence. A huge country, almost the most powerful country in the world, has become what it is today under the encroachment of such a group of guys. This situation is enough to make anyone shudder and take warning.

So, for Nick Fury’s statement, he also agrees. Ensuring the innocence of new government personnel will be an important measure to prevent and deal with Hydra. In order to implement such measures, a very important prerequisite is that one of them must become the leader of the country.

In this way, he seems to have become an existence that deserves his benevolence. Moreover, if the new government takes Hydra as the main hostile target, then whether it is in public or in private, he has no reason to refuse. However, in the end, he is still a little unconfident.

“I understand what you said, but I am really not sure of being elected to this role. Even if I have the information you provided, even my identity can play a certain role. But this does not seem to be a guarantee. I can be elected as the new president. I always feel that your plan still lacks any shortcomings!”

If you can think about it this way, then it’s almost like, Tony Accepted Nick Fury’s plan. And hearing him say so, neither Nick Fury nor Coulson showed joy.

So, when facing this question. Coulson said immediately.

“We have considered this problem, and we have such an idea about the solution to this problem.”

“Maybe, I mean maybe, you should go to you My good friend seeks some necessary help!”

“My good friend?” Hearing this word, Tony was puzzled for a moment, then he locked his eyebrows deeply, looked towards and said Coulson of this sentence. “You mean Zhou Yi?”

“Yes, this is the gentleman. Or, let us make it clear. This is the contemporary God Your Majesty.”

Nodded very directly, Coulson began to explain it in a more direct way.

“All the schemes we mentioned just now can only give you half the chance to win a new election. After all, our enemy is impossible just watching you, a clear-cut opponent, dominate them. An easy-to-lay chessboard. Whether it is to interfere with you in a bad manner, or to recommend a new candidate to participate in the competition, this is a very possible thing. And, in the case of their Great Influence, do so The success rate is even higher than ours.”

“At this time, we have to admit that the forces in our hands are already at a disadvantage. Therefore, we must have a strong external force to do it. Support is good. In terms of strength and right to speak, in this world what is more suitable than the God Your Majesty?”

“As long as you can get the support of the Your Majesty, then you can Get the support of all the believers who believe in him. You know, after he showed the power of God twice, more and more believers in this country, even on the entire world, began to become his supporters. From the current situation, this number is absolutely huge.”

“And, with his support. You will get the support of most of the army. Because as he ends this ridiculous In war, more and more people believe that he is the God who represents war and victory. Now almost no soldier dared to point his own gun at this existence, especially our soldiers. With those who were The released prisoners of war began to promote his mighty power, and our army has almost completely begun to believe in his existence. Therefore, from this perspective, it is very important to get his support. Because we can hold the most critical force. “

“And in the end, with his support, a big trouble can be solved. The trouble from Mutant, anyway, our relationship with Mutant has become more and more rigid. Now we don’t have any Energy and inability to deal with Mutant’s revenge. In this case, then we have only one choice. That is to seek peace, through him to seek peace, let us restore the harmonious relationship. This is the real point. I believe Now, in the entire United States, I’m afraid someone will not be willing to have any conflicts with Mutant anymore, do you think it’s not!”

Silence, still silence. It was not until a long time later that Tony made up his mind.

“I know what to do!”

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