Sun God Marvel

Chapter 709

“We can hardly imagine that our government has become like this. This will be the biggest scandal since the establishment of the American Federation.”

“At present, because After more than half of the people’s accusations, the president has taken the blame and resigned. Although our president who has just taken office for less than a year is very dissatisfied with this fact, his dissatisfaction is not at all for any purpose. Because he also faces treason. , And the accusations of ******.”

“The biggest scandal in history, more than half of the government bureaucrats are accused of being linked to extreme****** terrorist organizations. The future of America Once in the hands of these people, this reality is worthy of our reflection!”

“Iron Man saved the future of the Federation, and he will use the power granted to him by citizens to judge those traitors. We need Introspection, we need to think about whether we still need such a government to rule us. Is it the same as usual, let the bureaucrats behind them continue to control the national government, or launch a revolution to find the future for United States again.”

Huge headlines, fierce speeches, and crazy news reports filled almost every corner of the entire United States and even the entire world. Looking at the news that oneself is still broadcasting, Zhou Yi laughed and said to his old friend.

“It seems that this time you seem to have great ambitions. Why, you are tired of being a hero, do you want to try to play a new role?”

“You know I’ve never had this kind of hobby!” Putting down the teacup in oneself’s hand, Tony glanced at his old friend and said helplessly. “You should know what chaos has become in this country now. It has reached the point where someone must come forward to defend it. However, this kind of person is not easy to find, especially when many people are harbor ulterior motives. So, I can only do it by myself.”

“You know, this will be a very hard job. Tony, really, I don’t want to see you end up with this burden. This is not a good thing. , Even to make it clear, it may crush you.”

As a friend, Zhou Yi gave him such a warning. But Tony responded by shook the head.

“Don’t worry about this problem for me, and there is no need to worry about it. I believe in my ability, but it’s just a mess. I believe I can still clean it up. In contrast, I am more curious about what you are doing now?”

“You who have become a god, do you intend to continue the current situation? Or do you want to be like the myths of the past in this modern society Create a new mythological system belonging to your own? Tell me what you think, maybe I can give you a little help.”

“Help me?” Hear this Then, Zhou Yi immediately gave Tony a playful look.

As far as everything he has now, he doesn’t think there is anything that needs Tony’s help. In terms of power, his power is enough to make the entire world be persuaded by it. No matter it is in any country, I am afraid that there is no courage to do anything to him.

In terms of power, he who dominates the Mutant also dark race is definitely one of the greatest influences behind this World. Even the cities placed on the surface are continuously expanding and growing. The current chaotic situation in United States does not at all have any negative effects on the city. On the contrary, it has become a special sign, attracting those who want to be protected by God to continuously flood into this holy land.

Most of these are decent people, so-called social elites. It can be said that when this country is facing difficulties, the speed of their self-protection even far exceeds the speed of the country’s collapse.

Of course, although some look down on these guys, Zhou Yi has to admit that their influx has expanded the power of Huiyao City in disguise. This city is no longer inferior to the old New York City, and even after the next expansion plan is completed, it will become the most unique and powerful city in this world.

With so many resources at hand, Zhou Yi really doesn’t think that oneself needs any help from others. And he believed that Tony should also know this, so he immediately understood that this is the owner of an old friend who is concerned about oneself?

It made him laugh immediately and said to Tony.

“Okay, just tell me what you want to talk to. While I am still in charge, I will wait for Ada to come back. I want to sign your contract. But it’s not as easy as it is now.”

“Please, you have become a god. Why are you still the same as before, being fiddled with by that fierce woman. Take a little majesty out, OK? You don’t look like what those believers worship.”

patted own forehead, Tony said to Zhou Yi in a completely unbearable tone. As for the answer to this topic, Zhou Yi said so.

“Before we became gods, she and I were first men and women. So as long as it doesn’t matter to the principle, I should give in. Don’t talk about me, it’s the same with you, you and Pepper now How’s it going?”

“Sorry, we broke up.” When shook the head, Tony replied lightly. And this immediately caused a surprised expression on Zhou Yi’s face. He straightened his face and said to Tony apologetically.

“Sorry, Buddy. I don’t know about this. I have not been on this planet for more than a year. So, if possible, can you tell me what’s going on? If it’s just a little If there is a contradiction, I think I should be able to help you mediate it.”

“The contradiction? I am afraid it is more serious than any contradiction, Buddy!”

Although I don’t want to Mentioned this question, but Tony still told Zhou Yi the original.

“Since the New York incident ended last time, Pepper has bothered with me. She didn’t want me to continue my dangerous job, and started asking me to abandon him and return to the original In his life. But how could I do that! For me, the identity of Iron Man has become the most indispensable part of my life. He is me, I am him. Abandoning him is equivalent to abandoning I denied the existence of Tony Stark. How could I do this kind of thing.”

Seeing Tony grabbing his own hair uncontrollably, Zhou Yi could only sigh and patted his shoulder.

“Don’t be too sad, Buddy. Sometimes you have to make a choice, although your choice is a bit too difficult. But you have come here too, haven’t you?”

“I really envy you, you bastard. I can get out of the ground so simply, without any nostalgia.”

“That’s because I have nothing to nostalgia for. You should also know At that time, what was my situation like. Instead of lingering on the things that are not worthy of nostalgia. Then I might as well put my own energy on the people around oneself. At least, I can guarantee myself and their happiness. “

“You are right, maybe this is a smart man’s choice.”

patted own face, while making oneself sober, it also quietly ended This topic. Tony started discussing business with Zhou Yi again.

“Well, let’s explain it frankly and frankly. Zhou Yi, I need your help, I really need it.”

“Huh?” Put down his own teacup , Zhou Yi began to straighten his expression and listen to him. Seeing his movements, Tony immediately continued.

“I need you to support me in your capacity and support my next actions. Whether it is to judge those guys or in the new presidential election, I need your support. Of course, this Not free. I can promise you something in advance.”

“First, Mutant’s problem. If I become the new president, I will stop all activities directed at Mutant. They can Enjoy the same treatment as all Americans, including all state benefits, and a fair employment and school environment.”

“Second, we can join forces to fight against Hydra, the damn organization .You should know where the people against you come from, and you should be full of anger at all their actions. To tell you the truth, I am the same. As long as I can be on stage, I can guarantee that, in the United States, Even an organization has been established on the entire world to fight against the eradication of Hydra. As long as I stay in White House, this organization will run for one day. If Hydra is not resolved, I will never stop.”

” Third, if I come to power, I can impose certain political compromises on your city. You can control your city completely on your own. Including the appointment of police, officials and even the mayor, we will not interfere. And we will give you In the name of the country and the law. You only need to verbally recognize the jurisdiction of the United States Government. And it is not only the area of ​​your current city, from here to the coastline, and the land of several neighboring states. We can all be allocated to You, let you develop independently. Even if you make this a special zone where only Mutant is allowed to live, we will not have any interference.”

“How about these three conditions, you Are you willing to agree to me?”

What Tony put forward is not unreasonable, especially the third point, which is almost a bit of severance. From here, Zhou Yi can see the current embarrassment of United States and their eagerness. If he is willing to procrastinate, he might be able to win more favorable conditions. However, Zhou Yi does not at all think.

This is just a game on a little planet. He really doesn’t need to compare such resources. That doesn’t make sense, and it’s not necessary. In contrast, he cares more about the first two conditions. One is his original intention, and the other can bring him some fun. These two points alone are enough to make him nodded. As for the third point, it can be said that it is an accompanying gift. It’s just that this gift is too luxurious.

So, there is not much hesitation, and there is no need to discuss with other who. Zhou Yi immediately nodded, and smiled and answered.

“Yes, I accept your terms.”

“Then, happy cooperation, Buddy!”

Taking a sigh of relief, Tony vigorously Clenched Zhou Yi’s hand. For him, this is already the best start. And next, what he needs to face is the most difficult challenge.

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