Sun God Marvel

Chapter 716

Timur did not like own prey resistance, especially the kind of prey that was clearly and only one step away from death to resist oneself. That made him feel that oneself was offended, both psychologically and in principle. Therefore, he almost immediately tore off oneself’s hypocritical mask and threatened with the coldest and cruel appearance.

However, for a dying person, this threat is really nothing. In addition to the physical pain, he could not even torture his own soul. And Pierce, don’t forget. This Old Guy was the guy who was killed out of the trenches in Vietnam with Nick Fury. He was also a special agent, a guy who had been trained in war. If the physical torture could make him succumb, he would have succumbed to Tony and the others a long time ago, and he wouldn’t wait until now for Timur to end it all.

So he just remained silent, even with a sarcastically smile, showing his own attitude towards Timur. This immediately made Timur narrow his eyes and clenched his fists.

“I don’t like this smile, so I’ll tear your mouth off your chin later!”

Pierce still didn’t say anything, as if he had already Resigned, or he thinks that oneself also has chips in hand, Timur will not move oneself. Like a big bet, Pierce is betting on the final probability. But, unfortunately, he failed the bet. Because Timur had no interest in continuing to interrogate, but really stretched out his hand and shook Pierce’s face.

He is a very tall yellow guy. He is huge in size, and he is not inferior to those basketball players in the NBA. Therefore, when he stretched out the take action, Pierce could immediately clearly see the large palm that could hold oneself’s entire face. And this also made him inevitably a lot of fear.

After all, he still has some understanding of Timur. This man who inherited the Mandarin bloodline has the same cruel and powerful nature as his father. He had seen with his own eyes how this man killed a lion alive in the paddock with his own fist when he was a teenager. That bloody and cruel appearance made him still fresh in his memory even today.

And now, when he discovered that his own identity had overlapped with the dying lion, the complexity and fear in his heart burst out immediately. Although he can barely control his own body, his mind is already approaching the edge of collapse.

And seeing Death is right in front of my eyes, when everything is about to happen. The sudden burst of gunfire instantly tore through the dead silence before him.

Countless light and fire sprayed from the wall like raindrops. The strong bullet of formidable power not only did not lose accuracy when piercing the wall, but hit every end with almost zero error. A member of Hydra with the gun standing there. Almost for an instant, most of the Hydra soldiers brought by Timur fell in a pool of blood, and even those who survived by chance were panicked by the instant blow, like quail. She shivered and hid behind the corpses made by them.

This sudden situation made Timur startled, but he did not completely lose his sense. Almost subconsciously, he stretched out his right hand and pointed the ring with a golden-yellow gem on the ring finger in the direction of the attack. Then, the sharp beam burst out like a sharp sword, tearing everything blocking oneself in an instant.

Across a thick wall, Timur could not see what happened to the enemy behind. But he has sufficient confidence in the own magic ring. This ring inherited from his father has a power called cutting beam, and the formidable power is powerful enough to cut anything. Even the strongest steel is as fragile as a bubble. In his opinion, the person who has the ability to block this power in this world is definitely can be counted on one’s fingers, and, by such an impossible chance, there happens to be someone outside.

So, he almost believed that oneself had solved the enemy outside. But, in fact, the situation is far less optimistic than he thought.

There is no need for him to check it out. Next moment, a steel body has already broken through the thick wall, and then used oneself’s unusually conspicuous Fire God Artillery to target Timu. child. At the same time, the voice from Rhodey also came from the inside of the steel jacket.

“You sent the attack just now, Hydra’s insect. Raise your hand, or I will beat you into meat sauce immediately.”

Fang’s Superhero War Machine is now Tony Stark’s most steadfast supporter. His arrival didn’t really surprise Timur. What really surprised him was that oneself didn’t kill him just now. This immediately filled his mind with questions, so that he stopped all the actions of oneself and asked Rhodey.

“Why are you okay? Did I not hit you just now?”

“I still want to ask what you did and what damned thing you used to attack me, Also, where did you **** bastard come from!”

Only Rhodey oneself knows how thrilling the sudden attack just now was. Its outer armor was torn apart almost like paper. If it were not for the new technology developed by Tony, the force field Nanominium, which can rely on strong energy as the starting energy, played a key role, maybe he has become two halves now. Therefore, facing the attacker Timur, his tone naturally cannot be regarded as mild.

For this kind of rude, iconic question full of United States soldier characteristics, Timur smiled slightly, facing Rhodey with good education and almost impeccable etiquette. Responded.

“Meet me for the first time, Rhodey Colonel. I am the owner of the Ten Rings in the Middle East, a member of Hydra. If you don’t mind, I hope you can call me Mandarin! This is my father’s name, now It was inherited by me. So to me, the meaning of this name is extraordinary.”

“Mandarin, you have a high self-esteem, and you thought of the name for oneself early. But that’s the same sentence, raise your hand. Also, hand over the weapon you just attacked me.”

Going forward, War Machine’s heavy body made the wooden floor tremble. , And Fire God Artillery, which has begun to spin at high speed, has also explained Rhodey’s attitude, that is, there is no room for negotiation.

Faced with Rhodey’s insistence, Timur raised his own hand obediently and honestly and said to Rhodey at the same time.

“Don’t be so nervous, it’s just some alchemy from the East. I promise that the same thing will not happen a second time.”

“Well said, It moved me. I really hope that when you sit in the interrogation room, you can maintain such a gentleman’s attitude!”

Faced with the good attitude from Timur, Rhodey’s voice There is no change. He would not forget his Hydra identity just because the person in front of oneself acted like a gentleman. In fact, after this country was played like this by Hydra, as a soldier, he had developed an absolutely extreme emotion for this evil organization and all its members, a powerful desire to destroy.

He can let oneself not immediately kill him, it is already a matter of consideration for the overall situation. So, don’t expect him to give Tamer any gentle movements. But for this attitude, Timur seemed to show some dissatisfaction with not at all, on the contrary, he smiled brightly.

“I also hope that I can face everything as a gentleman, but now, I don’t think this is the time I need to test my own!”

” What, don’t you think you can play any tricks?”

“Why not? Or, Rhodey Colonel. Are you so confident about own this ridiculous outfit?”


tone barely fell, and the pitch black suddenly swallowed everyone’s vision here. At the same time, the unimaginable strong current rushed out like a Poison Dragon lurking in the dark, and instantly bit fiercely on War Machine’s body.

This completely unexpected blow immediately caused Rhodey’s War Machine to be hit hard. After all, it is an old-fashioned machine of the second generation of Mark. Even if some parts have been upgraded, it will always show characteristics similar to most machines in the face of such powerful electrical energy.

So, almost immediately, the operation of War Machine was forcibly stopped. The super electric current burned down the electronic circuit, and completely paralyzed the intelligent system of Rhodey to control the machine. And this also means that he has lost any probability of resistance.

This is a bad thing, and the worst thing is that Timur, who started all this, means not at all to stop. So, in the darkness where no light source can be seen, Rhodey immediately heard his playful voice.

“I’m so sorry, Rhodey Colonel. It seems that our situation has turned around. But don’t worry, I won’t give you too much time to regret. Soon, you can be with Mr. Pierce , Enter another world together.”

Speaking of this, he seemed to think of something interesting, and he couldn’t help making some strange laughs.

“Seriously, I wish I could see what Tony Stark would look like when he saw your body. However, I think he should give you a grand Funeral. After all, his call to take over that position is not small at all.”

“You damn fellow!”

The angry curse came from Rhodey’s final Came out, but it made Timur’s laugh more uplifted.

“I’m so sorry, I don’t deserve to die. And you are the unfortunate existence!”

The darkness faded in an instant, and the thunderbolt and the fire were entangled, like two prime ministers Like an evil dragon, he rushed towards Rhodey, who could not move.

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