Sun God Marvel

Chapter 717

Facts have proved that steel machines are fragile under high currents. After all, the Mark II is only Tony’s immature technology. You must know that from Mark II to Mark III, Tony did not even take more than two months to upgrade. This is enough to explain the shortcomings of steel machines on the other hand. Therefore, the current situation is absolutely precarious for Rhodey.

Because it’s not just electricity, but also flames rushing towards him. Although the steel machine has undergone a certain high temperature test, few people actually try it. What is the upper limit temperature of this guy. After all, the steel machine belongs to the military, and it is the only thing Tony sells favors to Rhodey and provides them to the military. Until the technology is completely cracked, the military leaders will not agree to do such a destructive test. So even Rhodey oneself is not sure whether oneself can survive this flame.

But the test is right in front of him. Even if he is not prepared, he still has to try to see if he can persist from these dangers. This is a big bet, and the bet is his life. You live if you succeed, and you die if you fail. There is almost no third probability.

But there are always surprises. For example, as one of his best friends, Tony Stark would not just watch Rhodey fall into such a crisis.

The super armor that has been upgraded to the sixth generation of Mark has made Tony’s speed reach an astonishing level, which made him rush to Rhodey before the tragedy happened, blocking him from All the offensives of Timur.

Whether it is a raging fire or a strong current, it will not play any role in the face of the Mark VI, which has achieved advanced breakthrough technology. Even the extra sparks did not splash out, everything has been eliminated under the force field extended from the Mark VI armor.

The beginning of great momentum, the end unexpectedly. As one of the parties involved in all this, Timur naturally felt a huge spiritual shock. But he was still very calm, even keeping a well-bred smile, and greeted Tony.

“Look at who’s here. Isn’t this the famous Iron Man Tony Stark? I thought you were busy collecting votes right now to deal with those gangsters. There should be no time to participate in this. What about the trivial matter?”

“I did have a meal just now, but when I found that Hydra’s insect crawled out of the dirty sewer, I pushed everything away and took the fastest The speed rushed over. After all, compared with a candidate, cleaner is my main job, isn’t it?”

The insect of the following waterway is used to compare Timur, and the cleaner is used to compare oneself Superhero identity of. Tony unreservedly expressed his hostile attitude in oneself’s sharp language. But this made Timur smile more brilliantly immediately.

“It’s my honor to be your opponent. Mr. Stark. It’s just a pity that I came with a mission today, so I don’t seem to waste too much on communicating with you. More time.”

“Why, do you want to go now? Let me give it to you. Do you think it is better to use missiles or thermal weapons?”

Stretched out his hand and pointed it at the guy in front of him. The strong light in the palm of his hand represented the charging of the high-energy beam cannon. Tony expressed oneself’s inner thoughts in a friendly tone. He obviously didn’t think that this Hydra guy could turn out any tricks in the hands of the owner.

But for Tony’s confidence, Timur had a completely different idea.

“Mr. Stark, do you just think that oneself has eaten me?”

“Of course, unless you can survive the high temperature of 10,000 degrees Celsius, Otherwise, I think you are already something in my palm.”

Confidence made Tony speak out the idea of ​​own frankly. If he is only dealing with humans, he will simply not have any influence on own ability. Questioned. Because the Mark armor upgraded to the sixth generation has achieved a qualitative leap in combat effectiveness. Even when dealing with enemies outside of specifications like Hulk and Thor, they will not show any weakness. So, it’s just a scum of Hydra, he simply doesn’t take him seriously.

Being underestimated is not a good feeling, especially for a self-esteem like Timur. However, he kept the smile of oneself gentleman, and responded to Tony.

“Mr. Stark, don’t you know the biggest problem you have?”

Before Tony ridiculed him, Timur said to himself The language generally gives the own answer.

“You are so arrogant. Except for a few people, most people are not in your eyes. I have to admit that this is a common problem for people like us, because we are born They are much stronger than the ordinary guys in the mundane world. They are not qualified to be put in our eyes, including the so-called elites, but they are just like hunting dogs. Our sight itself should be put on. Go higher and put it on the cloud. But you don’t even pay attention to me, that’s your biggest mistake.”

“Really? But I didn’t mean to apologize at all. “

coldly snorted, Tony seems to have lost interest in continuing to communicate with such people. He started to move forward, intending to control him before speaking. But as soon as he took a step, he discovered a serious problem. That is, there is a problem with the built-in system of the Mark 6th generation, and he can’t move his body.

“Jarvis, what’s the matter?”

The situation suddenly changed unexpectedly, but Tony didn’t have any concerns. He calmly communicated with his own private intelligence steward, and explored the reasons for all this from him. And soon, Jarvis’ answer was placed in front of him.

“Sir, there is external supernormal gravity being released to the Mark VI armor. At present, the Mark VI’s own weight exceeds 300 tons, which has exceeded the limit that the machine can maintain. “

Gravity control? Mutant? Upon hearing Jarvis’ answer, Tony couldn’t help but think of such an answer in his own mind. But soon he shook the head again, vetoing all this.

The power of Mutant is also limited. Even a guy like Magneto can only use own Infinity power in one area. As far as he saw, the guy in front of him already had three completely different abilities: flame, thunderbolt, and even gravity. These abilities appeared on a Mutant body, it was too abnormal. At least, professors who have spied on Mutant all over the world are impossible to forget such a seed with extraordinary potential. Therefore, he immediately ruled out this probability.

So, a natural superpower user? Or is it the ability obtained by mutation or other means? One possibility was ruled out, and Tony thought of other possibilities. And this immediately caused him to question Timur in front of him.

“This is your ability? How did you do it.”

“A little bit of magic and alchemy, Mr. Stark. As I said, we are one kind People, so you shouldn’t mean anything to underestimate me!”

Like the teacher in the classroom explaining the questions tirelessly, Timur was answering, while demonstrating in his hand. On the condense, a sharp blade made entirely of ice. It was cold and sharp, and even when it appeared, the temperature in the room dropped sharply. People will never doubt whether its existence is false. To show this, he even swayed the ice blade back and forth in front of Tony twice, as if to make him see more clearly.

In this demonstrative action, Timur suddenly waved his hand fiercely and thrust the ice blade into Pierce’s chest.

The sharp ice pierced his chest without any pause. To be safe, Timur twisted the ice blade fiercely a few times, letting the sharp blade forcibly twist Pierce’s heart. Become crushed. Under this circumstance, Pierce naturally did not have any probability of surviving, and there was even no extra voice, so he was completely silent.

The blood is coagulated and the throat is blocked. He died more quickly than he thought, and it was far beyond Tony’s expectations.

An important key character just died in front of them, but he couldn’t even move it. This sad reality made Tony, who had always regarded himself highly self-esteem, utterly angry. However, this anger does not work at all, because he is a man, not a god. He cannot change this established reality.

It was as if he wanted to eat Timur raw, but Timur still stood in front of him with a smile on his face, talking to him.

“I said, you were wrong. So this is the price you should pay. However, I think next time, maybe you will pay more attention. By the way, I think I should do the same as you Let me introduce myself. I’m Hydra’s Mandarin and a member of Cerberus who is responsible for dealing with you Superhero. I believe we will gradually become familiar with it. Because we will replace Pierce and become your main opponent. I promise, There will be many surprises like me.”

“You damn running dogs!”

Cerberus, the demon dog guarding hell in Greek mythology, symbolizes power , Also symbolizes Death. Tony calls him a running dog, both to admit their identity and to curse and demean them. No matter which one, it is enough to show that his current mood is very complicated.

The enemy showed up, and when he showed up, he showed extraordinary strength. This made his heart ringing alarm bells, but also worried about the future situation. But what worries him most is now. Because right now, both he and Rhodey are equivalent to falling into the hands of this Mandarin.

With the protection of Mark’s six generations, he doesn’t really believe what oneself will be. But Rhodey is different, he is likely to be in danger.

This kind of realization made Tony anxious, but he had to maintain his composure to prevent Timur from seeing his feet. However, his careful thinking seems not at all to work. Because Timur had already passed him and walked towards Rhodey.

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