Sun God Marvel

Chapter 718

“What do you want to do? Leave me alone.”

Seeing Timur walk toward Rhodey step by step. Tony inevitably became flustered. He began to warn the enemy with the harshest tone, hoping to help him curb his own behavior. However, this is not at all obvious uses.

Since it is an enemy, then it should be no room to attack the opponent. But whatever the enemy does not want to see, and what the enemy fears, then he has a reason to do it. As long as the enemy can be harmed, then it must be done even more. Therefore, instead of listening to Tony, Timur had to move closer to Rhodey.

This made Tony’s already struggling, very fierce movement more intense. Even said that even Timur began to feel that powerful resistance.

This made him squeeze a ring on oneself’s hand, and then quietly stopped his own footsteps.

“It seems that you care about this friend of yours very much.”

“You dare to move his finger to try. As long as you dare, I promise, even if you arrive the ends of the earth, I will catch you together regardless of the ends of the earth, tear down every bone on your body, and then knock it into powder little by little.”

The threat of almost roaring seems to be played. What’s the effect, so that Timur did not at all continue to move towards Rhodey, but turned around and moved closer to Tony’s direction.

“It’s a powerful threat. But, Mr. Stark. Do you really think your threat is useful?”

“You can give it a try!”

“Very well, I appreciate your fighting spirit. As I said, we are the same kind of people. Talent is extraordinary and fighting spirit is high. We should be friends, but it’s a pity that ours The position determines that we cannot achieve such a relationship. However, this does not prevent me from admiring you. Therefore, this time I will sell you a face.”

A serene smile appeared, Timur’s face He snarled at Tony’s gnashing teeth, but lightly revealed everything. He didn’t aim at anyone anymore, just turned the direction silently, and walked towards the wall that was pierced.

“Next time, Mr. Stark. I think next time, we can sit down and have a good chat. So, let’s forget this time. My mission has been completed, and I will There is no need to do something to you now. As I said, we are still at a stage where we are familiar with each other. Everything is just beginning! In the future, we will meet again, I promise!”

Accompanied by his words, his entire silhouette disappeared into the darkness gradually. It wasn’t until he completely disappeared that Tony suddenly felt his body loosen, and Mark Sixth generation returned to normal operation.

This means that the enemy has left, and they are temporarily safe. And this made Tony breathe out immediately.

And after taking his breath, he rushed to Rhodey’s side. He hurriedly pulled the War Machine away from him, then looked at Rhodey with his eyes closed inside, calling out again and again.

“Rhodey, Rhodey. Can you hear me? If you can, please tell me how you feel now.”

Out of concern about your friend’s situation, Tony Inevitably, his movements became a bit more intense. It was only after he slapped Rhodey a few times that Rhodey finally shuddered and let out a long breath from his lungs.

“Damn it, the air system actually broke down. I almost didn’t suffocate me.”

This remark immediately made Tony carefreely smiled, and then completely relaxed. .

“Don’t worry, I’ll start upgrading your armor immediately after I go back. A separate air exchange system, and the kind with Ancient Dragon water added. Make sure you don’t smell a little own. “

“Fuck you, Tony!” Hardly stretched out a middle finger, Rhodey said to Tony with lingering fear, as if thinking of something. “This guy is who, what is his ability? Also, why would he let me go?”

“This guy is our enemy, there is no doubt about it.” OK After setting a tone, Tony also began to show a thoughtful look. “What he just said is very clear. He is a member of Hydra. He is also a member of Cerberus, a special team dedicated to dealing with Superhero. As for why he will let you go, I have not yet figured it out. But for sure. , This is definitely not his conscience discovery for a while, but there must be other reasons.”

“For example?” Rhodey stared wide-eyed, hoping to hear a clear statement. In response, Tony immediately said his own conjecture.

“For example, he is worried about our reinforcements. Don’t forget, this is our territory. Moreover, we also have a killing move in the vicinity.”

“Dr. Banner !” Upon hearing Tony’s guess, Rhodey immediately thought of an existence that was most likely to make the other party fear. And when he mentioned the name, Tony nodded in agreement.

“Only Bruce has this deterrent. We should be thankful that I didn’t publish Bruce’s whereabouts casually, otherwise, today you may really be extremely unlucky. So, I suggest you go back It’s better to invite him to have a meal and so on.”

“You are right, I should communicate with him more and get more friendship. It will be more convenient to ask for help later.”

Tugging at the corner of his own mouth, Rhodey said somewhat self-deprecatingly. Then he looked at the messy all around and the crucial, also awaiting trial, the corpses of the ******, he couldn’t help but frowned.

“We have suffered a big loss this time. With so many people dead, I am afraid that public opinion will be a heavy blow to us.”

“Don’t worry, The president and those people are staying in another place. They are enough to attract the attention of the public opinion. In contrast, there is only one real loss, and that guy actually died!”

Turning his head and looking at Pierce who was completely dead, Tony’s face inevitably showed a sorrowful expression.

“Seriously, I thought this guy survived that many punishment because he knew his accomplices would come to rescue him? Didn’t expect, those guys are here, But it was here to kill him.”

“Why is this? Killing people to prevent him from telling the secret of Hydra, or for other reasons?”

Looking at the dead Pierce. A gloomy cloud of doubt also appeared on Rhodey’s face. He couldn’t figure out what the purpose of these people was. If it were killing people, then their actions would be too uncomfortable. Because Pierce was still alive when he came, which was in stark contrast to those guys whose blood was about to freeze.

“It shouldn’t be killing people!” After carefully observing all around, Tony immediately made an assertion when he recalled the situation. “If it is, everything should be over before we come. The people of Hydra don’t talk about emotions. With their methods and style of behavior, Pierce would be killed by them at the very beginning. So , They obviously have other purposes. In other words, they may have come to kill Pierce, but they still want to get something from Pierce.”

“For example, the whereabouts of someone Don’t forget, until now, we also have not found a key figure?”

“You mean the developer of the sentinel robot, the Trask Court Academecian?” Listening to Tony’s words, Rhodey immediately showed a look of sudden realization, but soon, he became confused. “You are so sure that it is the Court Academecian, not some dangerous weapon or top secret information and so on.”

“I’m pretty sure, because Hydra’s people are not fools. They know very well, a What is Trask. That’s more dangerous than any weapon.”

As he said, Tony flipped Pierce’s body. Soon, he discovered something interesting.

Those are some forcibly scratches in the skin with broken nails. These marks are distributed in the place where Pierce’s left middle finger and index finger meet. And because Pierce clenched his fist tightly, it was almost hard to be spotted. It can be said that if it weren’t for the reason that Jarvis built the model and scanned one side, he himself would have ignored it.

However, because of Jarvis, he didn’t let this clue slip from the owner.

And when he broke Pierce’s hand forcibly and carefully observed the traces, he discovered that the traces were actually figures with twisted strokes.

“40, 77,, six? What does this mean?”

Rhodey, who looked over, obviously found those numbers, but he could not imagine what these numbers represent. Meaning. Just as most people saw the clues provided in the Da Vinci Code for the first time, he felt completely confused. So he could only ask Tony, a guy with a much better mind for advice.

With the powerful and intelligent steward assistance of Jarvis, Tony quickly analyzed a lot of probability. Among all the probabilities, he found a piece of information that oneself thought had the greatest success rate, and explained it to Rhodey.

“40 and 77 are the coordinates of latitude and longitude. And this place is somewhere in Pennsylvania. And six should refer to a special name. I checked the map near Washington, if I didn’t guess wrong. , Pierce’s clue should refer to Motel 6 in Pennsylvania. It’s on the edge of Washington.”

“You mean, that guy is in front of one’s eyes?”

“It’s very possible! Rhodey, you immediately call for support to clean up the mess here, and then you go to Bruce yourself, and everything with him to control the Trask Court Academecian. Tell Bruce, anyway. Don’t let Trask slip away from our control. This must be done even by the least he wants. Do you understand?”

“Understand? What about you?” I heard Tony’s order, Rhodey immediately accepted. But immediately, he started to care about Tony’s problem again, because he could see that Tony’s current situation was very wrong.

And seeming to see Rhodey’s concern, Tony shook the head and signaled that he was okay, and then seriously replied.

“I am very worried about the Cerberus thing that person said. If the enemy really has such a team of super criminals. Then I must make preparations in advance!”


“So, I plan to go to Huiyao City again.”

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