It took a lot of effort to get oneself’s angry mother. Zhou Yi took Ororo and the others into the booked suite on the grounds of fatigue from the journey. And Clarice, he stayed here to receive education from his mother alone.

The bitter fruit brewed by oneself should be tasted by oneself, even if it is an own younger sister. Especially this time, Zhou Yi didn’t want to share a bit of Clarice.

After putting down the luggage, the tired girls have already started to rest early. And Ororo and Jean Grey also walked into their room together. Although Zhou Yi also wanted to follow up, let alone Ororo, would they agree? As far as Zhou Lan and Clarice are around, he is not allowed to do so.

So in this case, he can only choose to rest alone. And Logan, this guy, is completely out of his consideration. That is an adult with a oneself idea. It doesn’t matter what he loves to do.

After a rare sleep, Zhou Yi was called by the sudden doorbell. After tidying up the instruments a bit, the door of the hotel suite was opened on Monday. Unexpectedly, the door was not what he thought it was Clarice or Ororo, but someone who was not familiar.

Rogue Mary stood there and asked unnaturally.

“Good morning, sir. I have something to bother you. Can I delay you some time?”

“Of course, please come in, Mary Young Lady.” Get out of my way , Let this tightly wrapped little girl walk into the own room, Zhou Yi scratched his head and said. “Sorry, I haven’t been so relaxed for a long time, and I overslept a bit. Is there anything Mary Young Lady has come to see me for?”

“That’s it, sir.” Sitting on the sofa, Rogue Mary was a little scared and asked expectantly. “Last time you said that it can solve my problem, I want to know if it’s true?”

“In a way, it’s correct.” From the refrigerator in the room He took a bottle of milk and handed it to Rogue. Zhou Yi explained. “But it may be a little different from what you think. The method I am talking about is not to eliminate your ability. It is to put a layer of insurance on you!”

“Insurance?” Rogue was a little disappointed. , But at the same time some expectations. She hopes that the explanation given by Zhou Yi can really restore her to her original state, which is completely acceptable even on the surface.

“Yes, I wonder if you have heard of nanomaterials?” Zhou Yi asked back.

This question made Rogue ponder for a while, but she still had some common sense, and she only replied it after a little hesitation.

“Are you talking about that kind of very small microscopic material?”

“Yes, it’s this thing.” Thinking of Mary’s family problems might make her feel bad about this kind of I don’t know much about the relatively rare high-tech materials, so Zhou Yi had to explain it as clearly as possible. “Nano materials are one of the mainstream directions of future high-tech materials that I think. Its microscopic composition can solve many problems, and these problems even include your physical contact.”

“Sir, I don’t Understand?” Mary whispered while holding the milk. Although she didn’t want to be so ignorant, she had to ask aloud about the future of own. This is very important to her.

“Nano, also known as nanometer, is a unit of measurement for length. For example, suppose the diameter of a hair is 0.05 mm, and it is divided into 50,000 on average in the radial direction. The thickness of each root is about one nanometer. In other words, one nanometer is 0.000001 millimeters. For humans, this is a thickness that is almost imperceptible. The use of nanometer as a unit of scientific and technological materials is to solve your problems. Method.”

“Sir, do you mean to wrap me up with something as thick as a nanometer?” Rogue listened to Zhou Yi’s explanation, with a horrified expression on his face. “Is this really useful, or sir, is it dangerous? Sorry, you know what I meant, but I’m still a little scared, won’t that kind of stuff kill me?”

“You think too much, child!” Zhou Yi haha ​​smiled and comforted. “What you think about is a bit ridiculous for professionals. Nanomaterials are not plastic wrap, and the way it protects your body is not what you think. Think about the air you breathe, just the microorganisms and bacteria in it. It’s not just that size. But will it affect you?”

“Moreover, even if it acts on the body, it is not attached to your body like you think. Instead, a nano coat is formed on the surface of your skin. Nanominium, which is not as big as your pores, will not make you feel at all.” “Sir, I think I understand what you mean. I can know where I can get you to say This thing?” Rogue understood what Zhou Yi meant, but she understood a truth, there is no free lunch in the world. If you want something, you have to pay the same price.

“You are very lucky, child. If anyone in the world is best at this, then it must be a few cutting-edge scientific research institutions under my name. And, not long ago, these institutions under my A sufficiently mature work has been launched. Although it is not going to be sold to the market, it is not a problem to produce a small sample.” When Zhou Yi said this, he looked towards Rogue. He wanted to see what this girl would have. Kind of performance.

Although such a technological product is insignificant to him, it is not to the extent that it is given away casually. Especially when the party you want to give a gift does not even have a little gratitude, all your investment can be said to be in vain.

If this is the case, Zhou Yi would rather not be taken advantage of. So he needs to take a look and see if Rogue’s performance is worth his investment.

“Sir, can I ask the price of this product?” Rogue was very cautious. She needed something to gauge how much she should pay. And currency is always the most common unit of measurement in the world.

“15680USD per ounce, this is only the price of raw materials. If you are manufacturing a finished product suitable for you, the production cost is at least ten times that of the material. Hundred thousand USD, this is my lowest price! “

Rogue’s face suddenly turned pale when he heard Zhou Yi’s words. Hundred thousand USD may be a meal or even a fun thing for some people. But for Rogue, who even needs Charles school’s support in life, it is already an impossible figure.

She tried to stabilize oneself’s swaying body, trying to make oneself look stronger.

“I’m sorry, sir. I can’t afford such a thing. I’m sorry to disturb you!” With that said, Rogue has already thought of leaving.

He reached out to stop Rogue’s plan to leave, Zhou Yi said with a faint smile.

“little girl, you have to know that not everything in the world can be measured by money. For me, money is not important. I need it and what you can give It’s not this thing.”

Rogue’s eyes widened immediately, and this look made her look shocked. It seems that at this moment, Zhou Yi has changed into another look in front of her, a normally sanctimonious, in fact a Demon look of a male thief and a prostitute.

“What do you want to do, let me tell you, I won’t agree to this kind of request.” Her words are full of disgust, and there is no respect at first for Teacher. It was full of nausea towards a beast in clothing.

Hearing the impoliteness in the girl’s words, and knowing that she had completely misunderstood the meaning of own, Zhou Yi’s face showed an expression of didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“You think too much, child. To me, you are still a little girl who hasn’t grown up, and there is no attraction at all. Moreover, the relationship between me and Ororo also makes me I won’t pay attention to you children. I mean something else.”

Zhou Yi, who doesn’t want to be misunderstood anymore, doesn’t want to continue playing this kind of guessing game, and is totally ignorant. The little girl playing those wily old fox adult games is really asking for trouble. He simply clarified the meaning of own.

“I can give this product to you directly, and you don’t need to pay me money. I just need to help some of my plans. This is not too much! “

“I’m sorry, sir. I misunderstood you!” Rogue first apologized for own behavior, and then asked vigilantly. “Can I know what kind of plan it is? If I don’t understand the specific situation, I am afraid I can’t agree to do it.”

“You are a smart child!” gave her a deep look. Zhou Yi felt it was necessary to meet this little girl frankly. Maybe she can really help the own plan.

“A long time ago, I started planning one thing. It is Mutant’s reputation. Clarice is my younger sister, but as my younger sister, she can’t even appear in the eyes of the public. This has always made me feel very guilty. I have always wanted to make up for her, but no matter what material I gave her, it can’t make up for the freedom she lost. So I started planning something.”

“This matter requires all Mutant’s hard work. Until recently I just put this topic in front of Professor Charles and the teacher of the school. For me, the plan is now mature. It’s time to implement. But, Ororo and others also have too many scruples, they have been hesitant to face my plan. This is a waste of time, even watching the opportunity slip away from our eyes. So, I need someone to do something , To promote this plan.”

“Do you think I can help?” As for Zhou Yi’s plan, Rogue who has listened to his class already knows something about it. I have to say that she and many people feel that this is a bright plan. And being able to contribute to this plan is something that Mutant should do.

“Of course you can, because you are Mutant.” Zhou Yi nodded. “My identity limits my right to suggest. Although Clarice is also a Mutant, the imprint on me is too obvious. The school will not listen to her voice. Unlike you, you are a completely unrelated person. Even your student Your identity allows you to incite more voices in school.”

“As long as Charles and them hear your voice and your wishes, this plan is likely to be approved by them.”

“It won’t be dangerous, right?” Rogue made a final confirmation.

“Yes, I will not put Clarice in danger. So you can rest assured that my energy and identity are enough to guarantee and protect you.”

“Then, I Agree. Sir!”

In the eyes of Zhou Yi, Rogue made the most correct choice. For Zhou Yi, he also got what oneself wanted at a very small price.

“Happy cooperation!” A big man and a little girl held their hands. From this moment on, the plan that had been brewing for many years was first launched from within Mutant.

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