Spent two days in Paris. During these two days, Zhou Yi spent most of his time with his family and Ororo and his two female friends.

He accompanied these very important existences in his life, browsing the streets and alleys of Paris, and various scenic spots in the two days.

Zhou Yi, who has difficulty having the opportunity to accompany his family and girlfriend, wants to make up what oneself owes them as much as possible in these two days. Over the years, he has been preparing for future enemies. Although he created a very favorable environment for his family, he also paid a certain price for the same. He really doesn’t spend much time with oneself’s family.

And for the two female friends Ororo and Jean Grey, Zhou Yi actually has some guilt in his heart. Because of the differences in their identities, Zhou Yi basically cannot take them to some formal high-profile banquets. Not to mention having an official status.

Ororo also knows this. So after dating Zhou Yi for so many years, she has never formally confirmed a relationship with Zhou Yi. Zhou Yi mentioned this kind of thing, but Ororo not at all agreed. Because she knows that owning status is not at all helpful to Zhou Yi’s career, but it is a hindrance.

She is a smart and self-reliant woman who does not want to be Zhou Yi’s vassal. So this kind of status disparity once made her alienate Zhou Yi. If it were not for Zhou Yi’s insistence, it would be difficult for them to get to this step now.

As for Jean Grey, her identity is even more embarrassing. His and Zhou Yi’s fishery stealing situation has always been Zhou Yi in a dominant position. It can be said that Zhou Yi seduce her step by step towards the darkness in oneself’s heart. However, she was a little bit happy.

Jean Grey has never thought about occupying the most important position beside Zhou Yi. It’s just that her deep in one’s heart for Ororo and Scott’s guilt made her dare not take any action. For this reason, she can only let Zhou Yi do it. Because of this, she can more share the guilt of owning to Zhou Yi’s body.

The relationship between men and women is so complicated that Zhou Yi can’t put it down. He enjoyed this feeling very much, but he was even more reluctant to let them go. Until now he didn’t give them much, but he wanted to give them the best.

Like his plan, in some ways it is also for them. Because this is their lifelong wish to walk in the sun just and honorable.

It’s another fun game. Zhou Yi returned from the famous Louvre with two young sisters who were also clinging to each other and a group of his followers. For the appreciation of artworks, Jean Grey is considered an expert. But even Ororo and Clarice, who have no artistic cell, will praise these art treasures tsk tsk.

Those gorgeous artworks from all over the world that condense the essence of ancient human thought will be admired by creatures with aesthetic ability.

Watching Clarice and oneself Young Lady still chatter about ancient legends from Egypt, Ororo is still consulting Jean Gray on the identification and classification of gorgeous Chinese porcelain. Zhou Yi stretched comfortably. If possible, he really hopes that such time can stop. However, such a willingness is basically impossible.

A well-dressed gentleman appeared in front of Zhou Yi and respectfully handed an invitation to Zhou Yi. At the same time, he spoke in English with an ancient accent.

“Hello, distinguished Mr. Zhou. I am the steward of the Asifford family. I heard that you are coming to Paris. My Master is very happy. I hope to be able to host the banquet at the Asifford Manor tomorrow night. I invite you to come!”

“The Asifford family, I remember you are old nobles in the United Kingdom, how did you come to Paris.” For the Asifford family, Zhou Yi’s impression is not too great. Profound, but a little bit more or less. It was a Great Family that originated in the United Kingdom, and it was even glorious in the Victorian period. But after that, people gradually faded away.

The Upper Substitute Patriarch of the Asifford family is a genius in biology, and he co-founded a huge multinational pharmaceutical company with a few like-minded people. And little by little the company has grown to a huge scale.

This company named Umbrella is now a giant in all aspects of biological research, pharmaceutical production, medical hardware, and defense industry. It can be said to be the top Hegemon in Europe, and even once extended its tentacles to America on the other side of the ocean.

But America’s local industry is very resistant to such foreign opponents. So far, the company’s tentacles have only stayed in the remote areas of the Midwest, and have not been able to set foot in the core areas occupied by Stark Industries and Osborn Industries.

With the growth of Umbrella, the Asifford family has gradually declined. The last Substitute Patriarch disappeared for no reason, this generation Patriarch Alfred. Zhou Yi from Asifford had seen him. He was a poor worm who was overwhelmed by Umbrella’s current Leader. Although the outside world has always boasted that his IQ level is the Peak level of human beings, Zhou Yi doesn’t think it has any use. You must know that this World is not something you can play with a high IQ.

However, nobles who have fallen are also nobles, and the energy of the Asifford family is still not to be underestimated. Zhou Yi doesn’t want to offend the influential figure in this kind of place for no reason. That would not be a good thing for oneself mother who stays in Europe all year round. So Zhou Yi just asked nodded after a little doubt.

“I see, tell Mr. Alfred for me, thank him for the invitation, I will be there on time.”

Leave an invitation and behave like a gentleman The decent Mr. Steward bowed and left. When he left, someone asked.

“Is it someone you are familiar with?”

Seeing that Ororo was speaking, Zhou Yi shook the head with a smile.

“It’s just acquaintance, but even people who don’t know in the business field, as long as they have an interest, they can lower their heads and invite them! It seems that Alfred or Umbrella behind him The company seems to need my help.”

“Is that the largest medical company in Europe? What are they doing with you?” asked Jean Grey, who had heard about this company. “They are mainly engaged in medical and biological research, and they don’t seem to overlap with your industry.”

“Who knows, maybe there is something wrong with their industry chain.” shrugged, Zhou Yi Indicates that oneself does not understand the situation. “It is estimated that they have taken a fancy to the liquidity that I hold in my hand.”

“You have to be careful, I always feel that there is nothing good about them looking for you?” Ororo is a little worried, she doesn’t know this The so-called merchant’s intention, but the nature of the woman made her feel that there must be some conspiracy in it.

“Ororo, don’t bother with them.” Jean Grey grabbed Ororo and said jokingly. She didn’t want her friend to be exposed to these dark things too much. So I can only zoom out the topic. “They are like sharks, they will swim over if they smell a little fishy smell.”

“That’s right!” Directly agreeing with Jean Grey’s statement, Zhou Yi calmly Acknowledged her title. “We are indeed sharks, otherwise how can we become the top of the marine life chain.”

“Sharks are murderous creatures that will not be spared!” Ororo warned about these big companies that research organisms , She always has some criticisms. Because many of them have experimented with Mutant more or less in their shady industries.

“I know, I will be careful.” Zhou Yi patted Ororo’s back, comforting her. “Don’t worry, I’m not such a stupid guy. Besides, my identity is not something that this declining family can easily get involved.”

Although his words are a bit exaggerated, they are not too detached. actual. Since joining Substitute Patriarch, the Asifford family has been separated from the core layer of Umbrella Company and is only responsible for a part of the peripheral research work and departments. When it comes to Alfred this generation, even these things can’t be kept. Except for a research room in Antarctica, he has only part of the power of Umbrella’s security department.

Such a family of Asifford did not shake the power of Zhou Yi. After all, Zhou Yi is the core executive of two giant enterprises. The strength of these two companies is even higher than that of Umbrella.

Zhou Yi gave Zhou Yi a glance, and Ororo didn’t worry about him anymore in this kind of place. After all, there is still some distance between her and him, and this distance limits her from being able to bear everything with him.

slightly laughed, Zhou Yi quietly squeezed Jean Grey with his hand under the table. Jean Grey shuddered in shock, and quickly broke free from his palm. While Ororo was not paying attention, he gave him a shy look.

Zhou Yi, whose skin was thick to a certain extent, ignored the eye attack from Jean Grey. He raised his own chin casually and said to the two ladies.

“Tomorrow’s banquet. Ororo, would you like to be my female companion and accompany me to the banquet?”

Ororo thought for a while and silently shook the head.

“Sorry, Yi! You know, I am not suitable for this kind of occasion. So you should find someone to accompany you.”

Zhou Yi just turned his attention to Jean On Grey’s body, this woman who had been frightened by Zhou Yi’s little gesture just now had already said rudely.

“Don’t even think about it, I won’t be your female companion and go to this kind of party.”

“Okay!” Zhou Yi shrugged. “It seems that tomorrow I will be alone at the banquet in Asifford.”

“Yi, I will accompany you. I have not seen what a noble banquet is like yet. “Clarice, who kept supporting his ears and eavesdropping on Zhou Yi on another table, turned his head and said to Zhou Yi flatly.

Zhou Yi held down the beret on her head, squinted and said, “Unless it’s me who is dead, my dear. Otherwise, you don’t want to be able to get into this mess before eighteen years old. There is a penny for the banquet.”

“Why not?” Clarice waved his fist angrily. “You annoying fellow, don’t think that you are my big brother, you can deprive me of my freedom.”

“When you ask for pocket money from me, you already use your freedom The price was paid. My dear younger sister.” Disdainfully expressing the value of this thing of freedom, Zhou Yi clearly refuted it. “Do you think there is anything good in this kind of aristocracy, let me tell you. Nowadays, half of the aristocracy is gay, and most of them are men. The rest are not as good as these true love patients. Why? , Are you satisfied if I say that?”

“It’s disgusting, you fellow.” Clarice waved his hand in disgust, said Clarice. “I’m still eating dessert, can’t you help me say something so disgusting.”

“You yourself hit the gun. Honey!”

Go to own A large piece of cake was stuffed in his mouth, and Clarice dark-green’s eyes showed an unearthly expression.

“Don’t think you can scare me like this, I have a big backstage.” Unfortunately, she said too vaguely, Zhou Yi did not understand what she was talking about.

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