Sun God Marvel

Chapter 743

As the new president, Tony’s answer is a bit too rigid. This makes reporters who have become accustomed to the politically ambiguous artistic language very unaccustomed. But soon, they understood it again. After all, the current president is very different from the previous presidents.

His impressive record and special identity are enough to allow him to threw away the past presidents who took office purely by lip service. Therefore, he is different from previous presidents, so he should be.

Faced with Tony’s strong identity, the reporters quickly found oneself a reason for oneself to adapt. Of course, they didn’t at all forget their own job, so soon, other reporters raised their hands and began to scramble for the opportunity to ask questions.

I clicked a reporter casually, and Tony immediately heard some tricky questions from the reporter.

“Your Excellency President. Can we understand your next policy toward the Mutant group?”

“Of course!” Nodded, Tony ignored his surroundings and slapped oneself. Nick Fury of the color directly expressed the idea of ​​own. “Our policy on Mutant is relaxed. Now that we know that the Mutant Registration Act is a conspiracy, then we are naturally impossible to let this kind of harm to each other continue. At the same time, we will also increase cooperation with the Mutant race. Relax restrictions on social welfare, provide key positions, and allow them to have all the rights and interests of legal citizens of the United States. It is hoped that this will repair our relationship with each other and rebuild the bridge of friendship and cooperation.”

As soon as Tony finished saying this, the crowd below immediately became agitated. The discussion could not be stopped, and many journalists impatiently fired at the new president.

“Your Excellency, are you suspected of betraying the dignity of the country by doing this. Don’t forget, Mutant’s harm is what we have witnessed. The tragedy from the Los Angeles local TV station is ahead, you can’t ignore All of this. This will make the innocent people who died tragically unable to rest in peace.”

When it comes to the TV station incident, everyone cheered up, pricked up their ears, and listened carefully to how Tony would proceed. reply. Because once this kind of question is not answered well, it is likely to catch fire and have a serious impact on his reputation. And this is definitely a fatal problem for the new president and his team.

But Tony didn’t worry about this, but said it very systematically.

“I know the case you are talking about, and I also know that this is the fact that the innocent people who unfortunately died in the accident cannot rest. But what I understand is not the same as you. I think they cannot rest. Rest in peace because we let the real murderer go unpunished, and let another innocent person replace all his sins. Their grievances cannot be dealt with, and naturally they cannot rest in peace.”

Like a blockbuster The news caused a huge roar in everyone’s minds, and the reporters in front of them immediately felt a huge sense of excitement after feeling the extreme shock. A big news! Their keen sense of smell made them realize what would happen next, so they immediately raised their own microphone and yelled at Tony.

“Mr. President, is there any basis for you to say that?”

“Does this mean to help Mutant remove the suspicion?”

“Aren’t you afraid of disturbing the souls of those innocents?”

Tony couldn’t help frowning with questions one after another. But he still maintained a serious attitude of oneself and replied seriously.

“Of course I have a basis for saying this. Here, I want you to look at one thing first, and then I will answer your questions.”

After that, Tony I took out a small projection device from my pocket, and directly played the influence of Winter Soldier and the guy named Wilson appearing near the incident. And when he fixed the appearance of these two people there, he immediately said to the reporter below.

“As you can see, this is the image material near the incident that my partner and I found. The two people you see now have very special identities. The black hair man’s name is Winter Soldier, a super agent of the former Soviet Union, now serving Hydra. What we know very well is that he was once a member of the head of Hydra and was arrested by us, but was killed by Alexander Pierce. My confidant loves general.”

“The other person, we saw him yesterday. A super criminal belonging to Cerberus under Hydra’s name, and one of the villains attacking Washington.”


“Is it an accident for two people like this to appear near the incident? I don’t think you guys believe this either.”

Swallowed a mouthful of saliva and felt the news The important reporters wiped the sweat from oneself’s head, and then asked again.

“Your Excellency, are you convinced that they were responsible for the accident?”

“As far as we know, no explosives were found at all at that time. Later identification of the accident It can also be proved that the explosion caused by the Mutant with nitrification ability. This seems to be inconsistent with your statement.”

“Technology, sir. Don’t compare me to those so-called experts. The level of technology between us determines that what we see is different.”

I knocked on the small device in front of oneself. A virtual three-dimensional model immediately emerged. Pointing to the corner of the model, Tony continued.

“This is the situation we restored through 3D construction technology. We can see that an obvious trajectory has appeared in this position. The target is the Mutant murderer in your mouth. At the same time, through the right In the inspection of the residual pheromone at that time, we found a special catalytic component. This chemical component can forcibly create a nitrification reaction, and this is undoubtedly fatal for the Mutant child. Of course, for other people present at the time It is fatal.”

“So, as I said. We wrongly blamed an innocent person who, like those citizens who sacrificed, was a victim of Hydra’s conspiracy. Yes. The one we should mourn now!”

Tony’s words made many people feel unacceptable. They cannot accept that oneself has been fooled, cannot accept that oneself once supported such stupid behavior. So now, they really can’t accept Tony’s statement. But since he had already said it, Tony had no plans to take it back. His attitude is very tough, as tough as a dictator.

“In short, this is how it is. I will not pay for the stupidity of the previous time government. I will not continue their stupidity. For the United States now, we need to unite every share we can The strength of unity. And Mutant is undoubtedly the best choice. United States needs them, and we need them. So please put aside your prejudices and put the anger and hostility in your hearts on the people who should be. This is the best way for us to reshape the glory of United States. This is my point of view, and I hope that every American can accept my point of view. You should know that we don’t have too many choices!”

Tony’s words have always made these uncrowned kings a little uncomfortable. They recorded these words faithfully, and then tacitly moved the topic to another place.

“Mr. President, also a question. We saw something strange yesterday.” It took a long time for the reporter who spoke to spit out such an adjective from his mouth and heard him say so , Tony immediately understood what he meant.

“You mean the helpers I invited, those guys who only exist in myths?”

“Yes, Mr. President.” Seeing Tony oneself mentioned it After this incident, the reporters immediately let out a sigh of relief. Then someone asked. “Your Excellency, are these reinforcements too unreasonable? According to what we have learned, or what we are familiar with, they don’t seem to be any special… friendly existence?”

“It’s better for them to tell you this question by oneself!” Turning his body, Tony gave Serena aside from oneself and let her walk to the podium. And watching Serena, a Goddess-like character, stepped forward with a suffocating cool charm, the reporters below immediately went crazy.

“Moonlight Goddess, what is your real name?”

“His Royal Highness, what race are you, and what is your relationship with President Stark?”

“Why do you want to help us, is it because of God’s mercy?”

In the face of some crazy reporters, Serena glanced at them coldly, it was as cold as moonlight His sight immediately caused these noisy guys to shut their mouths under invisible pressure. After they closed their mouths, Serena nodded with satisfaction and said.

“My name is Serena, and I am the maid of King Your Majesty. At the same time, before this, I was a Vampire. So, I can give you the answers you want instead of those dark races. Speak, What do you want to ask?”

Vampire? This somewhat special identity will appear on Serena, something that these reporters did not expect. They startled and then quickly became fanatical.

“Selena Young Lady, Vampire are as powerful and beautiful as you, can they really be immortality?”

“Selena Young Lady, Vampire is Not really eating blood, also those werewolves, do you treat humans as your hunting targets?”

“Selena Young Lady, Serena Young Lady…”

The scene was chaotic and uncontrollable for a while. I am afraid that even those in charge of managing the scene did not expect that these dressed-up guys would behave so crazy for such a lady. Faced with such fanatical performance, Serena pulled a disdainful smile on her face, opened her mouth, and answered the guys who were completely different to her.

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