Sun God Marvel

Chapter 744

“First of all, I will answer your first question first. I don’t know if Vampire is like me. I only know that my power is bestowed by the King Your Majesty, I Everything belongs to the Your Majesty. I can be immortality, but other Vampires can’t do this. However, compared to your humans, their lifespan is very long, almost long It’s no different from what you think of immortality. So I think you can think so.”

This answer caused a little commotion in the scene, but under her cold eyes, the commotion was quick It calmed down. And she continued.

“In addition, I can say for sure whether we feed on blood or not. Vampire will inevitably suck blood, especially human blood.”

, Many people’s faces immediately showed expressions of fear. Even the action that they wanted to squeeze in front of Serena crazily became a halt, and then a spacious space was quickly vacated.

This kind of realistic behavior made the disdain on Serena’s face become more and more serious, but she not at all walked away, but went on.

“However, since the Goddess of Vampire woke up, we have abandoned the old habits and integrated into this World with a new way of life. Human blood banks are most important foods for Vampire The source, of course, there are some Vampire who like to eat fresh blood, but they will buy it with money instead of hunting as before. Although doing so will make many Vampire Hunters unemployed, it may not be one for our two races. Good thing.”

“What about werewolves?”

“Hey, who told you that werewolves must eat people. Or if you have a dog in your house, you will Catching people from the street to feed it?”

For werewolves, Serena’s senses are not very good, so she unceremoniously used this kind of metaphorical words to describe the race Happening. This of course caused dissatisfaction among some werewolves, but when they thought of the identity of this woman, they immediately suppressed this dissatisfaction.

It’s just nothing serious, and it won’t hurt the skin. There is really no need to offend the God of aloof and remote for this, and abandon the peaceful life that is hard to come by. With such thoughts in mind, the werewolves simply forgot Serena’s words. The reporters became crazy again because of these explanations.

“Selena Young Lady, can Vampire really transform humans into their own kind? Can humans also have the power of Vampire in this way?”

For Vampire The fantasy of human beings is more of a desire for their ability than fear. In the eyes of many people, it is totally worthwhile to exchange this kind of immortality at the price of a smile. Moreover, it now appears that this price will become even smaller, so many people present couldn’t help but get excited.

And Serena, who has witnessed human greed in oneself’s life for hundreds of years, is coldly smiled and said directly.

“Of course, as long as you can escape Penalty from God. Transformation not witnessed by Goddess will only attract her Penalty. Those people will never seen the daylight and will not dissolve in the darkness. .Vampire, werewolves and even Your Majesty’s messengers will kill to the last one. If this doesn’t change your mind, then you can try it. I believe that the Red Sea Hell will welcome you very much. Coming.”

If you say that before, someone was still very interested in this kind of thing. So now, even if they have great interest, they will be dispelled. After all, this World is no longer the original world. After one after another such mythological creatures as God, Vampire, and Werewolves appeared, they could no longer deny the existence of this thing in hell. With such a thing, many things have an added bottom line. After all, no one wants to go to hell, especially these guys from harbor ulterior motives.

Of course, this method cannot stop the greed in human hearts. Sooner or later they will find other ways to get this thing. But that has nothing to do with Tony and his government. The government will prohibit this kind of thing and list it as a prohibited zone not allowed by law. And if someone stepped into this restricted zone, that would be the target of the law. Or they will face more than just legal blows.

The topic of Vampire ends here, and Serena did not have that many idleness wasting time on these boring reporters. So she quickly ended the own conversation, and then turned directly back to where oneself stood before. Tony also took over from her class and started facing these reporters again.

“Okay, that’s the end of the question about Goddess. Now, gentlemen, what do you also want to ask. If not, then I will announce the end of this press conference. You know, this country also has a lot of troubles that we need to solve, and our time is not very abundant.”

“Please wait, your President. Can I ask you some more questions? “

At this time, Barbara Louise, who represents the Huiyao City Daily, raised her hand again, indicating that oneself also has the doubt not resolved. And seeing this reporter who made oneself feel good, Tony nodded said.

“Please, ma’am. But we need to hurry!”

“Then, Mr. President, have you ever thought that we have such close cooperation with these legendary existences , Will it have any impact on the structure of this World and the cooperation with other countries. After all, I believe that many countries cannot trust these existences, and even we can’t trust them even by ourselves.”

“Trust can be built up, madam!” shook the head, Tony held down the table in front of oneself and explained it seriously. “I know maybe you don’t want to believe them. But you have to be clear that they did not come to help us voluntarily, but we took the initiative to seek their help. In this regard, we have no reason to doubt them.” /p>

“Of course, I think you might think again, is it necessary for us to do this? Isn’t it a bit tricky to do this? My answer to this is not at all. We absolutely need to come Do this!”

“I have explained time and time again that our enemies are very powerful. Not only in the power they have, but also in their omnipotent ideas. When we were still using conventional weapons, they had already developed robots and biochemical monsters, which were obviously super-conventional existences, and put them into the war against us. If we still stand still, then welcome us There is only dead end. So, just like the war to liberate slaves, in order to win the final victory, we must also find a new way out. Right now, what you see is equivalent to terrifying existence in our memory, but it is only 1st Step. I hope they bring you not horror, but hope. And the real horror is for those damn enemies.”

Speaking of these words, Tony ended the release directly meeting. On the scene, only sparse applause remained. Not everyone can accept his approach, and not everyone is willing to trust his guarantee. They need time to witness and evidence to help them be convinced that what Tony said is true. But Tony believes that this kind of thing will not take long.

Hydra will not give up easily. Some of them are fighting. So he is not at all worried that there will be no chance to verify everything he said.

And when he started thinking about getting in the presidential car, Nick Fury suddenly knocked on the window, and then sat up.

“You acted too impulsively today, Tony.”

“This is not impulsive, but simplified all the troubles. We don’t have time to waste on wrangling. With that effort, we can find two more allies and build more defensive power.”

Tony curl one’s lip. But still took two wine glasses from the freezer at hand, and poured one for Nick Fury beside him.

“But this is not compliant. This is a country, not your company. You are not qualified to issue your own decision without going through certain procedures.”

“I have, Director Fury! Don’t forget that I am the president now!”

When Tony heard this, he immediately emphasized it loudly. And in this regard, Nick Fury also said uncompromisingly.

“The president can’t decide everything. This kind of event involving the future of the country must be approved by the Congress!”

“That’s a pity, the Congress is no longer there. In the short term, I have no idea of ​​reorganizing Congress.” With a sneer shook the head, Tony told oneself’s plan. “We don’t need a lot of politicians to point out our actions now. Congress and members of this thing, let’s wait for the United States to recover.”

“What do you want to do?” Hearing Tony’s thoughts, Nick Fury was shocked. He didn’t expect that at this time Tony would have such dangerous thoughts. He holds all the rights in the hands of the owner, and is completely planning to navigate the big ship of United States in the stormy sea with the strength of oneself. And a little careless, everyone will slide into the abyss with him.

Thinking of this, Nick Fury immediately had the illusion of ship destruction. And this made him face Tony yelled immediately.

“Tony, you can’t do this. If you make a mistake, then we are all done.”

“You are right.” Nodded, Tony did not deny Nick .Fury’s statement, but narrowed his eyes and smiled confidently. Said this to him. “But if I can’t make mistakes, then I can get United States back on track in the shortest time possible. Isn’t that what you want me to do? So, Fury, tell me your answer, you Would you like to believe me?”

The difficult choice was placed in front of Nick Fury, and Tony’s eyes pressed tightly. Nick .Fury sighed, collapsed weakly.

“Damn, I hope you are right. Otherwise, we are all crazy!”

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