Sun God Marvel

Chapter 755

Tony’s determination at this moment can hardly be rejected. Because of his identity! Not only the president, but also the funder of this laboratory. In this country completely dominated by capital, his words are the most important one, and no one can tolerate rejection.

Of course, Bruce, they can also use another method to reject him, that is, they choose to resign and leave. However, that method is not desirable in their opinion. On the one hand, even if they resigned and left, it was impossible to change Tony’s mind. He was fully capable of carrying on this plan oneself, but it was only a matter of time. On the other hand, they also want to participate in it, and they are doing their best to control everything in their hands.

So soon, the experiment was restarted again. As Tesla thought, once the emotional simulation data was repeated, all the errors seemed to melt and disappear in the experiment. And when they uploaded the entire core logic formula to the replicated artificial intelligence system, the entire artificial intelligence began to operate in a special way.

Like a giant sea anemone, this yellow artificial intelligence stretches out countless tentacles, reaching Jarvis around him and some external network connection ports. Through the virtual influence, Tony and the others were able to see that countless binary data was being swallowed by this yellow artificial intelligence at a rapid speed.

It is learning, through the Internet and Jarvis around him. This is what they expected, and they don’t know what the result will be, and all they have to do now is wait.

Soon, the self-renewal of this system has been completed. And looking at the smart system floating in midair like a small dim sun, Tony suppressed oneself’s excitement and asked him nervously.

“Can you hear me?”

“Yes, I can, Mr. Stark. It’s just that I have some doubts, in what capacity should I answer you What? I think, like human beings, I should have a name.”

A simple reply, but it has already highlighted the instinct of thinking about this system. And this is enough to surprise all developers.

“Of course, of course, of course you have a name. Ultron, this is the name we give you.”

“Ultron? Does it mean?” Smart system asked. Tao, that kind of innocent voice makes people feel like he is a child.

For this, the smile on Tony’s face immediately became brighter.

“Mystery, creation. You are the painstaking effort of all our wisdom and the creator of the future of mankind. We have high hopes for you, Ultron!”

“Ultron! I like this Name.” Smart system’s answer was full of humane colors, and soon, he asked Tony. “Mr. Stark, I found a lot of regulations in my core data. I researched and analyzed some. These regulations are almost related to public security management. Excuse me, is this the mission I want to complete?”

“Yes, Ultron. This is what we created you for. We need you, we need you to control some machines, and then use these machines to maintain the law and order of this society. Do you understand what I mean?”

Tony is very satisfied with Ultron’s performance. But in addition to satisfaction, he is also unavoidably worried. This is a brand new, fully autonomous intelligent system, even surpassing his Jarvis in terms of freedom. This autonomy is both an advantage and a disadvantage. At least at this time, Tony can’t clearly understand where the limits of its capabilities are. So he can only determine what kind of qualitative oneself it has by simply asking.

After hearing Tony’s question, Ultron said to him almost without pause.

“Yes, sir. I understand what you mean. Through the data analysis that I browsed through the Internet, I roughly understand the scope of my mission. You need me to manipulate the machine instead of the police. Law enforcement officers, maintain the normal order of society, right?”

“Yes, that’s it. Then Ultron, can you do this?”

Ultron’s answer is almost It was beyond Tony’s expectation and it made him ecstatic, but he still had to confirm whether Ultron had this ability.

Unlike human beings, Ultron, as an intelligent life, still maintains one of the most basic principles after all. That is correctness. His logical thinking limits the way he thinks. Although he is very close to humans, in fact, he is still somewhat different from humans, and the most important thing is that he cannot lie.

Lying is a typical characteristic of human beings and an important part of their emotions. It can be said that you are almost impossible to meet someone who has not lied in your entire life. But for machines and programs, lying means negation, negation of everything oneself. After all, their foundation is based on rigorous logic, and subtle ambiguities like lies are really not an existence they can understand.

So, for Tony’s question, Ultron can only replied in the most straightforward language.

“I don’t know, sir. But based on my data simulation, I think I’m more than 92% sure to complete this thing.”

“Very good, Ultron, very good!”

Received a specific, almost impossible reply. Tony immediately said several GOOD in a row, and then, he even shouted at the others present Shouted.

“Everyone, we have succeeded. Our Ultron project has finally succeeded.”

At this time, even the most opinionated people will inevitably show excitement, because In any case, they are still scientists, and for scientists, there is nothing more exciting than creating an existence that can change the world.

Of course, after the excitement, they will inevitably calm down. Especially Bruce began to doubt the existence of Ultron. He is very worried that this truly intelligent life will do things that shouldn’t happen that he is worried about. Therefore, he must prove that own worry is unnecessary.

“Ultron, can I ask you a few questions?”

“Of course, Mr. Banner. What questions would you like to ask me?”

Ignoring Tony’s suddenly frowning eyebrows, Bruce asked Ultron immediately.

“If an innocent woman is kidnapped by a man, this man has a wide range of weapons that can cause serious harm. And they are in a downtown area. At this time, if you control A group of sentinel robots, how do you plan to solve this incident?”

“I will try to persuade this man to give up his dangerous ideas, Mr. Banner.”

Ultron’s answer It surprised Bruce, but he quickly continued to ask.

“What if this man is always unwilling to give up?”

“Then I can only prepare to use some special methods on him. A 100 mg tranquilizer can make this Sir, finish all the dangerous behaviors of Oneself in the shortest time.”

“So, what if he planned to launch Oneself’s weapons before you act?”

“Sorry , Sir. Although it may make people feel unpleasant, but at this time, I can only choose more people’s lives to end this gentleman’s life.”

A calm tone, but it gives people A feeling of final choice under helplessness. Obviously, this answer is already the bottom line set by the Ultron program. And this is precisely Bruce’s bottom line.

He cannot accept a cold machine that ignores life, but when such a machine has a human way of thinking and relatively peaceful processing logic, he also has to admit that such intelligence may not be at all he thought so bad. Maybe he should give it a chance.

No one wants to destroy own’s proud work. Even Bruce did the same. If he was also worried before, now, even he himself feels that own worry is a bit redundant. Ultron’s answer is very proud, and as a human being, I am afraid that he cannot make a more correct choice.

And this also proves that Ultron is indeed an intelligent life that can only make correct choices. It strictly implements the logical formulas written by oneself and the others, and it is almost impossible to exhibit the kind of behavior he is worried about. Maybe like Tony said, it can really create the future of mankind.

Faced with the facts, Bruce has made a compromise. In the face of Ultron’s performance, naturally there is no more questionable place for others. But at this time, Ultron was flashing radiance, and asked Tony through the machine.

“Mr. Stark, can I ask you some questions?”

Tony, who has always asked the smart system questions for a while, can’t accept oneself, and will get a new one. The intelligent life came to consult the reality of the problem, but he quickly reacted and said to Ultron immediately.

“Of course, what do you want to ask?”

“Sir, it is like this. I studied the composition of the human family. Father, mother also child, and from From the perspective of my birth process, I can think that you who presided over my entire birth process are my father?”

As soon as this question came out, Tony was a little surprised. Although he is not young, he has also interacted with many women. But he never formed a family, let alone a child. And now, suddenly being called oneself by an intelligent life, he is really a little uncomfortable. However, after another thought, what is Ultron not an own child?

Its birth, his program structure, and also his core data are almost all created by him. Although the efforts of Bruce and the others are indispensable, at best they can only be regarded as the medical staff in the delivery room, and he is the one who really gave birth to Ultron.

So, he immediately nodded and said to Ultron with confirmation.

“Yes, if you want, you can treat me as your father!”

“Of course, I would love it. Father!”

A simple sentence, but it can not hide the rapid growth and changes of Ultron’s core data. Obviously, this connection, like the family relationship in human society, made him more and more self-conscious, and it still has an evolutionary trend.

And this just proves its true value, an intelligent system with Infinity possibility and true self. The future changer of human society. Of course, this was just the expectation in Tony’s heart. And what he hopes most now is that the reality will go on as he hoped.

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