Sun God Marvel

Chapter 756

Ultron’s successful research and development only shows that his plan has completed a key step. However, it will take a long time for the sentry robot controlled by Ultron to formally intervene in public security.

The redevelopment of the sentinel robot requires a lot of tilt in resources. Public opinion is also necessary for them to build momentum. The public must understand that these sentinel robots are different from the past, especially for those Mutants. Tony didn’t want these machines to attract a group of Mutants when they were patrolling. In addition, also most importantly, compromise with traditional security forces.

He was impossible because he wanted to dominate the sentry robot, so he directly eliminated the traditional policeman and other roles from the public security management. In that case, let alone how much unemployed people will be caused, that is, their protests and conflicts from all sides are not something he can bear. Therefore, Tony’s idea is to match each policeman with a special sentry robot. On the premise of ensuring the unshakable status of the human police, spread the entire sentry robot system.

Of course, this requires negotiation. Because those police forces are not necessarily willing to compromise, but Tony believes in own’s skills, and under the strength of own, I am afraid they have no more choices.

In short, the hardest part of the plan has passed. And the next step is just a simple, step-by-step problem. This is not at all difficult, it just takes time. With Tony’s efforts, everything began to proceed step by step.

As soon as the funds and resources were in place, Teslag, who was once in charge of production, quickly rebuilt a batch of new sentry machines. And Bruce and Reid are also helping Ultron to adapt to the control of these machines as soon as possible, so that it can reach the perfect point they envisioned.

As for Tony, this has begun to use the White House news channel to hide the sky and covering the earth to propagate the own plan to the entire country.

Ultron project! A new name, anyway, even if Tony is stupid, he won’t continue to use such annoying name as Sentry. Even in order to restore his image in the public mind, he specifically ordered Tesla Court Academecian to change the appearance and shape of these robots. Although it is essentially the technology of sentinel robots, it doesn’t seem to be the same thing at least.

This can be regarded as fooling the public. After all, it is not a big problem to make some high-tech robots in his capacity. But for the public, they are not so easily fooled.

The aftermath of the sentinel robot was not calm, and the new president came up with such a trick. Saying that it has nothing to do, I am afraid who will not believe it. However, even if they have such thoughts in their hearts, at best they can only stay at the stage of doubt.

Tony’s identity as Superhero was an effective barrier. Coupled with all the things he has done for this country, after all, people still believe him on this issue.

So in the end, a new type of security management robot that has been renamed omnic began to slowly appear on the streets of United States, and spread to the entire country in a blowout gesture. Among.

This situation is somewhat unexpected, but it is reasonable. Because these omnibuses controlled by Ultron really have an inestimable positive effect on the security of the entire society.

You must know that since Tony came to power, the security of the entire United States cannot be said to be particularly stable. On the one hand, the aftermath left by Hydra is not smooth, and on the other hand, it is because of Tony’s tough wrist. For those ambitious who wanted to share power from him, he directly used violence. Even with the use of those sanctimonious bitch is ambitious, nor come to a good end.

It is light to be taken by the riot police who came to disperse, and those with some bad luck are facing jail. Under the premise that this kind of country simply hasn’t stabilized, Tony doesn’t mean to show mercy at all.

However, although he did so quickly calmed the domestic commotion, it also left some troubles. That’s because many people who were very opinionated about him themselves began to take this opportunity to make waves.

Among them, there are quite a few underworlds. Relying on the influence of oneself in the bottom society. Also a group of nonchalant subordinates, in the name of resisting tyranny, began to riot in various cities. .

The idea of ​​these guys is very simple, that is, taking advantage of this period of time when the country has not yet calmed down, try to create chaos as much as possible to make enough for oneself.

Very simple and selfish thoughts, and such thoughts have brought huge disasters to most ordinary persons. The stretched police force simply cannot effectively suppress these rampant black forces. On the contrary, driven by crazy desires, many black forces don’t care about the majesty of the police at all, and take action against these guys.

Be aware that this is a country where the underworld is extremely rampant in United States. Although it has not yet reached the point where the underworld directly controls the city in South America, many **** here have a large armed force in their hands. Among them, the former New York area has now moved to the West Coast Golden Union. It also has the strength to directly defend with government departments. Therefore, once these people let go of their hands and feet, it will be another huge problem for this country that is not very stable. Especially for the police, it is the beginning of a period of suffering. The innocents have only been affected, but they are directly targeted.

In just one month, more than two hundred police officers were killed or injured in the west coast area alone. This number is enough to make any police force be suppressed.

However, with the addition of omnics, everything suddenly changed.

****It may also be a little useful to deal with human beings of flesh and blood, but if you want to deal with Iron Body, and loaded with sentry templates, it is not enough.

Only a policeman and an omnipotent coordinator can easily sweep a whole street of underworld forces. And when an entire district police station is working hard, the trifling **** forces are simply not enough.

Even if there is a **** owl like Kim Hoo who makes further efforts, it still cannot change the reality that they have been hit hard. Until now, the **** forces that want to confront the government have no good end. They think that this rule can be overturned at this special time and usher in an unprecedented opportunity for their development. But now it seems that their ideas are still a bit naive. And what this kind of innocence brought to them was a catastrophe.

Idioms will not kill people, but humans will. For these profiting from somebody’s misfortune, the guys who disrupt public order, let alone Tony, the policemen who have suffered heavy losses because of these **** forces, will not let them off easily. Using public office to avenge private wrongs is of course needless to say, even many bosses of **** forces have not been sent to the judiciary, they have been shot to oneself by some angry police in oneself’s hands.

For this kind of thing, Tony naturally closed one eye. Because of his identity, these so-called underworlds are nothing more than a bunch of useless moths, and if they die, they die. But for Ultron, who has been watching all this, this is a very unacceptable behavior. Because this conflicted with his logic, he almost immediately consulted Tony after seeing these reactions.

“Father. I don’t quite understand why these policemen want to do this? Isn’t this inconsistent with the law?”

The reason why Ultron asked such a question, It is because of his fixed thinking mode. In the logical thinking created by Tony and the others, there is a very important one. That is to do our best to protect the safety of human life. This is their insurance to prevent future struggles with Hydra from causing the situation to expand, but now, under this logic of thinking, he has doubts about the behavior of the police.

This is a good thing, which shows that he has a more humane embodiment on the basis of self-judgment. But at the same time it is also a bad thing, because you don’t know how this kind of question will affect his logical thinking.

So Tony’s answer is very cautious.

“Ultron, you need to know. Human beings are different from other creatures because of their complexity. This is what we call emotional problems. When a person’s emotions are too intense , Then it is likely to cause him to make some radical actions. Just like what the police did to the prisoners. I can’t say that they are right, but I can’t say that they are wrong. Because it is very likely In previous conflicts, their friends and relatives were hurt. So their extreme actions are sometimes acceptable. Although this conflicts with the law, sometimes the law does not represent everything. We talk more often It’s still feelings.”

“Feelings? Then father, if a policeman shoots and kills a civilian for no reason, should I let the omnic to arrest him?”

Ultron said Then, suddenly asked Tony. Hearing this question, Tony was taken aback, and then he had to say for sure.

“If you encounter this kind of thing, then let your subordinates do it. This is a matter of safeguarding justice and the people, and is the most correct choice.”

“I see, father!”

Ultron is learning humans, and he is always improving. As he progressed, omnic began to be recognized by more and more humans. And also began to have more and more omnics entering human life.

For this kind of sentinel robot that is completely different from the hideous appearance, it seems to have a oneself thinking mode, and its acting style is very gentle. The American, who has suffered all kinds of hardships, quickly accepted them. The presence. Because they are really protecting them, whether it is a small problem in life or a big problem of the kind of bullets. The omnibus always regards human beings as the first protection target. They protect the safety of human life and property, so even though they are machines, they have won the gratitude and recognition of many people.

And this situation is soon no longer limited to United States.

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