Sun God Marvel

Chapter 757

For the changes in the United States, especially the promotion of omnics, all countries in the world have seen and remembered. No one wants to see another country with the Overlord level in the world get up again, but they also don’t have the courage to make trouble for this country at this time.

After all, a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse, and also dangerous terrorists like Hydra are hidden in the dark. So at this time, no one has the intention to make the United States a shield and expose oneself to Hydra’s muzzle. Besides, in this situation in United States, not many people believe that he can stand up again.

But the fact is that with the promotion of omnics, United States does have a trend of recovery. While this allowed many people to choose to wait and see, many people began to begin to stir. For example, Mexico and Canada are two countries.

As neighbors of United States, these two countries rely on the snot life of United States until now. In particular, Canada has almost assimilated into one with United States. Therefore, when the United States was suffering, the lives of these two neighbors were naturally not very easy.

On the one hand, it is the rupture of various channels in the past and United States, and on the other hand, it is the riots caused by panic.

Hydra’s offensive is only a matter of caution for some powerful countries, but for these two countries, it is a terrible event. Both Canada and Mexico are very deficient in the hard power of the military, and even said that their country’s violent agencies are not as hard as their own triads. This has led to the fact that just watching the live broadcast from Washington is enough to terrify most people in this country.

It is inevitable that people will do some crazy things under such extreme fear. The public security atmosphere of these two countries is inherently problematic, which has caused their countries to become more and more serious. The more it became confused. This gave the Canadian and Mexican governments a sense of despair, because the situation got worse and worse, and it was basically beyond their control. At this time, the appearance of the omnic gave them a glimmer of light.

That kind of efficient public security management machine can have a far greater effect than the police, and using them to deal with those who disrupt social order is really just killing chickens with a sledgehammer. . In addition, they can get back on the thighs of United States by relying on the omnic, so what choice should be made is simply a question that does not require much thought.

So soon, the Ministry of Defense of the United States received orders for omnics from these two countries, and as Tony met with the Prime Minister of Canada and the leaders of Mexico, the omnics officially entered these two countries. Among neighboring countries.

This is just the beginning, and it is far from the end. With the Great Accomplishment of omnibus in these two countries, more and more countries suffering from public security have begun to apply for assistance from the United States. For a time, omnic became the hottest topic of this era. Almost everyone is discussing omnics, and discussing these completely different mechanical products with obvious intelligent biological characteristics.

People who tend to omnibus think that this will be a symbol of a new era and a ladder for mankind to a more civilized future. Neutral people think that these omnipotents have brought them a safer life, but they must also consider the various problems they bring. Those who oppose it are resolutely claiming that the advent of the era of omnibus will bring disaster to people. It’s like mammals replacing reptiles and becoming the overlord of the world.

The general idea keeps the topic of omnics at a high temperature, and Ultron also absorbs information and knowledge from the outside world little by little in this complex speech. While he is being demanded by this World, Also adapting to this World quickly. The result of this is that he is evolving at a speed that ordinary people cannot imagine, at the level of thought and wisdom.

This situation was seen by Tony, but he held a happy attitude towards it. Because Ultron and his omnipotents did indeed show visible benefits to him.

Because of the existence of the omnic, United States has indeed begun to return to calm. At the same time, as if to cooperate with the omnic, even Hydra’s movements have become scarce. Although they have always performed begin to stir, but they only maintained this untouched situation.

This provided time for Tony, and time for omnivores. Before Hydra’s next big move, the existence of omnics has covered the entire American continent, as well as countries with serious security problems such as Australia, Italy, and South Africa. These countries have become members of Tony’s alliance against Hydra.

However, just these second-rate countries are not enough for Tony to satisfy the owner. He needs more allies, especially those with enough weight, such as the established powers such as United Kingdom and France. Therefore, taking advantage of the popularity of omnics, Tony gathered in Geneva with the main leaders of various countries in the name of foreign trade talks and international security. And his purpose is to let more people join in.

This is a somewhat difficult meeting, but Tony is fully prepared. Therefore, when he stood on the podium and appeared in front of everyone with a confident appearance, everyone felt his imposing manner of showing off one’s ability.

“I think many people must have never thought that I will appear in front of you in this capacity. Of course, myself did not think of it. But please rest assured, since I am already standing as the President of United States Here, then I promise that the things you are worried about will never happen.”

“There will be no excessive parties, and there will be no strippers here. I told you all It’s all business matters, real national issues. You can rest assured of this.”

Started with a mockery of himself, Tony cut the meeting directly to the subject.

“Of course, I know why you are here. I also know, what do you want to learn from me? First of all, I can assure you that regarding the export of omnibus, United States will change the previous technology restriction policy, and we will provide it if there is a real demand. And we will guarantee overseas sales at the lowest price throughout the process. That is to say, in addition to basic manufacturing costs, labor costs and travel costs, the United States Government only Collect 10% of the profit. This is the same in any country. United States can be completely open and transparent on this issue.”

“President Stark, I don’t understand.” Tony Just after saying this, a leader from a Western European country stood up and asked. “The price you provided for omnics is really too favorable, even exceeding the discount of the most favorable weapons provided to allies in NATO at the time. I don’t understand, is it necessary for United States to achieve this level? Or, what are the fatal flaws of these omnics?”

“Defects? I can assure you, sir. There are absolutely no flaws in the technology of omnics. It is our former United The base of the sentinel robot of States Government is upgraded and evolved. It is an absolutely advanced and intelligent existence. In particular, its main core system Ultron is the only intelligent system with absolute self for human beings. It absolutely serves humanity. The premise of making it unaffected by any external factors. Even as a creator, I cannot pass orders and force it to do something. It will only choose the most correct and most beneficial answer to humans. . And this is enough to ensure that our public security is best maintained.”

Speaking of which, Tony mobilized the advanced system in oneself’s hands to put Ultron’s existence in front of everyone.

“Everyone, this is Ultron. The manager of the future safety of mankind, you can ask him if you have any questions. I promise, he will give you a satisfactory answer.”

The bright yellow radiance flickered on the virtual projection, and at the same time, there was a gentle sound.

“Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. I’m Ultron, the self-evolving artificial intelligence system created by Mr. Stark. I’m very happy to see you here and ask your questions. Answer it.”

A well-organized voice is full of human-specific rationality and emotion, without the rigidity and hollowness of a mechanical computer. It can be said that this mouth shocked many people.

They really didn’t expect that Stark actually did this kind of artificial intelligence that only exists in movies. You know at this time, the research on this aspect in most countries is still blank. At most, it is just to create a high-performance computer with a certain logical thinking. Compared with this kind of obviously emotional artificial intelligence, it is inferior. It’s simply impossible to calculate.

This makes many people feel the strength of United States, it really is a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse. At the same time, they have more inquisitive psychology for this intelligent system. Therefore, the Japanese Prime Minister, who has been at the forefront of mechanical development, stood up directly, passed Tony, and asked Ultron.

“Mr Ultron, are you an intelligent artificial system that only listens to commands, or a completely autonomous artificial intelligence system?”

“Your question is very interesting, Mr. Honda .As an intelligent system, if I can only simply accept orders, what is the meaning of my existence? So my answer is that I am a completely autonomous existence, and my actions and actions are all determined by It’s determined by my own logical judgment.”

“Are you not controlled by anyone? Including your creator, Mr. Stark?”

As the prime minister Honda continued to ask. In this regard, Ultron’s answer is straightforward.

“Yes, Mr. Honda. Although Mr. Stark is my creator, I respect him as a father. But like an autonomous child, he cannot control my will. I have already said that my behavior is only affected by my own logical judgment. The only thing that can affect my logic is the safety of the entire human race.”

“I was created for the entire human race, no Just for an individual, not just for a country. I belong to all mankind. I also believe that I can be a protector of mankind!”

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