Sun God Marvel

Chapter 758

Ultron’s answer does not have the kind of trust and resolute and decisive tone that humans speak. However, the indifferent firmness made people unavoidably believe him.

Everyone present will not forget that this guy is an artificial intelligence. As a leader, even if oneself doesn’t understand, those around them who understand will tell them one such truth, that is, the limitation of artificial intelligence in logical thinking. What he said is what he said, sincere and absolutely like a gentleman.

So, when he finished saying that. The Prime Minister of Japan said to Tony immediately.

“Your Excellency President Stark, I am willing to purchase a certain amount of omnibus on behalf of the Japanese government.”

In these days, the prestige of omnibus has spread in the world. And for those countries that have been paying attention to omnics, they have even realized the role of this emerging technology in promoting world changes. Think about it, even in the chaotic areas of South America, where more than 50% of the crime points can be suppressed because of omnics, then what will their urban security become because of omnics? What does it look like?

On this issue, Japanese is very concerned. You know, Japanese security issues have always been a heart disease of their ruling class. The reason lies in their so-called legalization of the underworld. Some old class remains and some guys who developed after World War II firmly hold the dark side of this island country, not to mention commiting any imaginable misdeed, but they are also amazing in strength. It can even be said that they can influence the politics of this country to a certain extent. And this is unacceptable for any ruler.

The Japanese cabinet has thought of eliminating these triads many times. But because these guys are strong, and the relationship is intertwined, there is simply no room for action. In addition, they do not dare to fight hard with these underworlds, because no one can guarantee that oneself or own family members will be assassinated by these underworlds. So they can only maintain such an awkward situation for so long.

But now, if an omnic is introduced, it is very different. Let alone the power of the omnic, the identity of the omnic is a problem. The existence of such a United States manufacturing and official background makes it impossible to find them even if the underworld wants to attack. But after a long time, when the omnipotent gains a foothold, will these underworlds still have a way to survive?

I have to say that Japanese has a good abacus. And they share this idea, also several countries in Europe. The public security environment in Europe cannot be said to be good or bad. However, with the changes in the war situation in the Middle East, public security in Europe has shown a downward trend.

Those fanatical religious elements have created a lot of chaos in Europe. Coupled with the help of some intentional forces, the public security environment in Europe can be said to be a mess. It is good to say that powerful countries like France and Germany can barely cope with even one or two terrorist attacks without causing too much impact. But for those small countries, any accident can hurt them.

So the performance of omnics naturally made them overjoyed, so they followed behind Japan, and many European countries have begun to declare oneself’s intention to cooperate with United States.

And watching more and more people join the own Ultron project. Tony knew that today’s first purpose of owning was almost the same. However, just pushing the Ultron project and the omnic machine was not everything he wanted. What he wants more is a true alliance. So, at this time, he immediately spoke to all the leaders of the countries present.

“Regarding the issue of cooperation in omnics, we will stop here first. If you also have any intention of cooperation, you can directly submit a cooperation application to the United States Department of Defense. I promise, our terms It will not change. In order to create a better security environment for this World, United States will spare no effort to provide the best help.”

“And what I want to say now is the real key The problem is the main reason why I spare no effort to promote omnics. HYDRA, this is the biggest threat we face.”

Tony’s words are the same as his usual policy, but for his It is said that many people are not so cold. For example, Russian Ross.

Just after he finished speaking, the representative from Russia Ross said directly.

“President Stark, we know that your United States has been hit hard because of this terrorist organization, but this is not the reason why all of us have to be scared with you because of such rumors. Although this The strength of terrorist organizations is very powerful, but don’t forget that behind us is a whole country. Compared with the state apparatus, what kind of organization is not enough to look at.”

“Kersyev Sir, I know your thoughts and self-confidence. I have believed this before. However, the facts have proved that the situation is far more serious than we thought. What we have to face is even more serious. Terrifying and powerful evil forces, a real ***, anti-government extreme terrorist organization. If you have any contempt for them on this issue, then I believe that everything that United States has encountered is yours Lessons learned.”

Faced with doubts, Tony naturally refuted it seriously. However, his rebuttal not only failed to serve as an admonishment, but also caused a disdainful smile on the face of the Russian representative on the opposite side.

“That’s not necessarily the case, President Stark. We Russians are not your American. At least, we will not be emptied by a terrorist organization like you. In addition, you said Hydra. It’s awesome, I don’t think it’s not right? The trial you executed in Washington killed more than 500 people from Hydra in one go. I think it was a heavy blow to their organization. Right.”

Speaking nice words, but this Russian Ross’s Ksiev is extremely mocking in his words. Obviously, as a Russian Ross person, he doesn’t care about the old rivals of United States at all. In particular, there are still such sickly old rivals.

Change to the United States Government in the past, and I was ridiculed by the Russian Ross people in person. But now, for the purpose of oneself’s plan, Tony rarely did not attack on the spot. Instead, he directly regarded this Russian Ross man as air and said to the others present.

“I know that many of you have this idea, thinking that it is the stupidity of our United States and our carelessness that led to all this sadness. But what I want to tell you is, Your idea is wrong. Even your estimate of Hydra’s power is wrong.”

“Their strength and heritage are not in any of the countries present here, and even their special Power is still above us.”

“Evidence, President Stark. When you say this, how can you get convincing evidence. This is a multinational federation. It’s not just talking about it and so on boasting forum. There is nothing substantive. Who wants to believe you when you say this?”

The dismantling of the Russian Ross people is still going on, and at this time Tony can’t Do not stop own speaking, said solemnly to him.

“Do you want to see the evidence? Mr. Kseyev. Very good, I will show you the evidence.”

As he said, he took oneself before fighting in Washington The image and data of the high-temperature plasma that was recorded by Tai Yang Fire was placed in front of everyone, and then he spoke to them.

“This is the energy released by a Hydra Mutant named Shiro Yoshida at the end of his life. Here are all the data he and I recorded at the time. According to the calculation and analysis, this high-temperature plasma The energy released after reaching the limit is about the same as that of a 50,000,000-ton nuclear bomb. In other words, if this guy exploded at that time, then the entire Eastern Sea coast area of ​​United States would be completely reduced to wasteland. Casualties will be Hundreds of millions.”

“This is just a demonstration of a certain part of the Hydra branch. Can you be sure that they will not have a second level of danger? Or do you think You, like United States, have a God sitting there?”

Some people will doubt Tony’s statement. However, people can lie, but data can’t. When they gave the data released by Tony to their subordinates for operation, and quickly got the corresponding answer from the subordinates, most of them changed their faces.

Especially the Prime Minister of Japan, he did not expect that there would be such a dangerous existence among Japanese citizens. The 50,000,000-ton nuclear bomb is simply not enough for their little land area. In other words, if Hydra’s target of attack is Japan, then this island nation will be destroyed in an instant. This fluke was mixed with fear, and he really squeezed a cold sweat in his heart.

And also European countries with the same heart as Japan. Europe looks very big, but there are many countries that stand in great numbers, so virtually every country is not particularly large. And this makes them look as small as Japan before a threat of this level.

A clean terrorist organization that can destroy them with just a fingertip, this kind of existence is enough for them to treat it as a natural enemy. Not just them, even Russian Ross can’t stand up in this situation.

Being a hero is simple, but the consequences are so serious that no one can eat. No one wants to put the own country into peril, so in the face of Hydra alone with a dead end, most people have made the smartest decision.

“President Stark, I think we can talk about it. Build a cooperative alliance to jointly deal with the problem of Hydra.”

When the Asian powers that have never happened say such things In fact, the tone of this meeting has already been determined.

Build a cooperative alliance, gather the entire world, the power of all countries, and completely remove Hydra from in this world. And this is Tony’s purpose.

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