Sun God Marvel

Chapter 768

Hearing this question, Vasily’s eyes were certain, and he immediately replied.

“Reporting sir, besides me, the technician in charge of transferring records at the time also knew about this news. But I don’t think he knew who the executor of the mission was!”

” That’s good, that’s good.” While nodding his head, he looked towards Vasily opposite oneself. Nick Fury asked suddenly. “Now, tell me, Vasily, who do you work for?”

“Who do I work for? Sir, I don’t understand what you mean?”

Vasily complexion stiffened, but replied standing straight. Just looking at his appearance, you can’t tell whether what he said is true or false. But no matter what he said is true or false, for Nick Fury, this is no longer an important issue.

Quietly, he buckled his finger, and the thick glass steel directly covered Vasily’s body. And looking at Vasily with a look of astonishment inside, Nick Fury said with a cold face.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to tell me, because now I don’t care about your identity at all. It’s nothing more than the people of those organizations, no matter which one, for me It’s all the same. I wanted to play with you, but now it seems that it’s no longer necessary.”

“Sir? What do you mean?” His face has become very serious. It’s ugly, but Vasily still insisted on performing his own identity. And as an impatient audience, Nick Fury didn’t want to watch his brilliant performance in this weak spot anymore.

With a press of his finger, the entire fiberglass prison was directly separated from the Helicarrier, and he took Vasily and fell directly from an altitude of 20,000 metres. This is the trick he wanted to deal with Hulk at first, but he has never had a chance. But now it is used to deal with suspects like Vasily, but it is not profitable.

Even a super soldier, it is impossible to survive this situation. There are no exceptions for Vasily, and like him, those who entered SHIELD with the same identity.

Coulson has already noticed something wrong, and he has been monitoring the behavior of these guys. And now, when Nick Fury is determined to eradicate these guys, he will naturally have to act.

It didn’t take long for Nick Fury to get a call from Coulson.

“Sir, it has been resolved. With the addition of yours, a total of three suspects were killed.”

“Very well! Coulson, contact Vasily Technician, please check if there is any problem with him. No matter what the result is, let him forget everything oneself saw, understand?”

For Coulson’s efficiency, Nick Fury has always been very good. satisfying. He immediately nodded, and then issued a new order. For this order, Coulson naturally had no objections.

“No problem, sir. Also, about the mission. What do you plan to do?”

“Hide it up and never let anyone know it. Especially Tony, do you understand what I mean?”

On this question, Nick Fury obviously has his own idea. And in order to implement this idea, he even said to Coulson in a commanding tone. But this does not prevent Coulson from having the idea of ​​owning.

“I understand what you mean, sir. But don’t you think this is really unfair to Tony? After all, it’s his father and mother. Killing own parents don’t know, and they have to be kept in the dark, then is it a bit too sad.”

“Are you sympathizing with him? Coulson?”

“Yes, sir.”

Coulson replied frankly, but immediately greeted Nick Fury’s head-and-face scolding.

“Coulson, you give me a clearer mind. Don’t you know what this means? Once Tony knows that his parents died in the hands of Lieutenant Barnes, you know what will happen Don’t you? Don’t need Hydra to do anything to us, we will have a huge chaos oneself.”

“With Tony’s character, he would never tolerate Lieutenant Barnes living in this World. As Barnes Lieutenant’s best friend, Captain America is absolutely impossible to let him do anything to Lieutenant Barnes. The relationship between them is bad enough, and now all this will only make them more incompatible as fire and water.”

Speaking of this, Nick .Fury’s voice has been getting higher and higher, as if he was roaring.

“When the angry president of the United States and the alliance commanding a lot of Superhero take action, do you think the situation will expand to what extent. At that time, can you still be Do you control them? Don’t be whimsical. No one can control them at that time. It will only be the beginning of a disaster, a disaster that none of us want to see. In this case, Coulson. Do you still have your boring sympathy?”

I imagined everything Nick Fury had described in my mind, and a deep wry smile immediately appeared on Coulson’s face.

“I know what I should do, sir. You are right, this kind of thing should be firmly locked in the bottom of the vault, and never be known.”


“It is tight-lipped, Coulson. This matter is very important, and it is best not to have anyone else know about it except us.”

“Yes, sir.”

Hang up, Coulson sighed. Then he lit a cigarette for oneself and quietly walked into an interrogation room.

At this time, there is already a middle-aged man who looks a little elegant and somewhat decadent in this interrogation room. He was firmly locked on the chair back, and looked like a prisoner being interrogated, or that he is such a prisoner now.

“Matt Price, born in Seattle. Mother died young, father is alive, there are two big brothers, a younger sister. CIA elite agents, specializing in computer technology, fighting and shooting He also has a good foundation. Pay respects to several important CIA missions in the Middle East. He has been injured and won medals. He is a typical outstanding United States agent. Because of his outstanding performance, he has been promoted several times by his superiors, but because he likes to be on the front line Work and stay on the front line voluntarily. Fortunately, for this reason, you have not been infiltrated by Hydra and escaped the great cleansing. Now you have joined the new SHIELD and continue your own business. Regarding everything about you, I am not wrong. “

As Jiazhen said everything that oneself knew, Coulson squinted his eyes, staring at the man handcuffed on the chair like an eagle. Faced with such a question, the man raised his head and licked oneself’s somewhat dry lips before replied it after a long while.

“Sir, can you tell me what mistake I made? Why do you want to copy me here and interrogate me?”

“I think you should know that our enemy is Who. And unfortunately, one of your bosses has just been confirmed by us as a spy that Hydra lurked in. Now he has been shot dead, and in order to confirm if there are more people like him lurking in, we must Check all the people who have been in contact with him. And you are one of the most suspicious.”

With his eyes open and talking nonsense, Coulson casually made up a reason and confronted the agent. Special explained. Hearing this, Matt immediately spit on the ground, and then fiercely cursed fiercely.

“Fucked by a damn bitch.”

Anyone who incurs injustice because of this kind of thing will have this reaction. Coulson understood it well, so he indulged him a little, and after that, he immediately spoke to Matt.

“Now, I will ask you to answer. During the assault mission in Siberia two days ago, did you have any separate contact with your boss?”

“No , Sir. I act with everyone.” Matt replied not even think, but immediately received a heavy punch from Coulson.

“I don’t like violence, but sometimes violence is the only way to tell the truth. Now, tell me if you think of something?”

As an agent, it is normal to use violence at critical times, even for good old people like Coulson. Although he rarely does it during interrogation, it does not mean that he can’t do it. In this special situation, he naturally has to choose the most convenient way.

“Wait, wait. I remembered. During the mission, the officer asked me to cut off a piece of information alone. It was a piece of mission information, with related images and papers. Face record. I have handed over all those things to the officer. I swear!”

A spit of blood came out of his mouth, and Matt immediately dug it out of own’s mind as quickly as possible. The most correct answer came out. Faced with such an answer, Coulson immediately saw cold light flashed in his eyes, and then continued.

“How much do you remember about the content of that mission?”

“I remember the name of the mission, sanctions and recycling. Then the content of the mission, I remember something from Hydra The killer attacked a gentleman who seemed to be a little older. He killed two people in the car and then took something from the trunk. I’m pretty sure, sir. That must be important because he checked it more than once. .”

Said all the things oneself remembered like pouring beans, but this ushered in a more severe question from Coulson.

“That’s it? How much do you remember about that killer, and how much do you remember about the victim?”

Faced with such questions, Matt could only He shook his head desperately, then looked at Coulson eagerly and said.

“I don’t remember anything, sir. That record is very old, and I have never touched the people inside. It is impossible to identify the people inside with that glance. No matter what. Whether it was the killer or the two victims, I can’t confirm who they are. Even if you kill me, I’m impossible to say their identities.”

The flustered words expressed it. oneself the most true mood. For his reply, Coulson laughed suddenly.

“Very good, Matt. You did a great job.”

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