Sun God Marvel

Chapter 769

Coulson’s reply made Matt’s heart almost touched his throat. As a member of the CIA, he knows very well how their business solves those prisoners who have finished interrogation, and because of this, he feels scared.

This is a business without justice and compassion. After interrogating the prisoner, most of the problems are solved more easily, especially for guys like him who can’t provide any useful information. Even if it’s for own face, these guys may take advantage of now to solve oneself.

So, he can’t help but not worry, but he’s not afraid.

However, to his surprise, what Coulson not at all did to him. Instead, he opened his handcuffs and pushed a cup of coffee in front of him by the way. This surprised him, and just in his surprise, Coulson spoke.

“I know you are very strange now, but listen to me, Matt. Forget everything that happened today, forget everything you saw in that base. This is good for everyone! I’m because I trust you and feel that you are a ethical agent, so I am willing to give you a chance. Otherwise, as a CIA dispatcher in the Middle East, you should know what methods we generally use in this situation.”

“Yes, sir. I know exactly what we will use. So, I know what I should do!”

I smiled bitterly, but faced Coulson Matt, who had just received a punch, wisely chose to compromise. And seeing him behave so sensibly, Coulson immediately smiled.

“I’m sorry that I just used violence. Normally I don’t like it. But you should know that it’s a big deal. So, in order to compensate you, I decided to take your one-week vacation. Go and rest, Matt. I think you must not worry less about being afraid during this time.”

“Thank you for your kindness, I think I do need a vacation.”


Shaking a handshake, Matt left the interrogation room under Coulson’s watch. Then obediently and honestly walked to the deck position, waiting for the arrival of the plane transporting them, the Low Level agents. And while he was waiting bored, he suddenly found that a Kun-style fighter with a special marking was slowly docking on the deck.

This made him immediately ask a little curiously to his companion who was also waiting for the plane.

“Who are they, it seems that the pomp is really extraordinary.”

“They?” Looking up, the agent next to Matt immediately looked enviously. Said. “That’s the Avengers’ special plane, wake up, Buddy, don’t look. We don’t have the qualifications to use such planes to pick up and drop off.”

“Avengers, you mean those Superhero?”

Hearing this name, Matt not only didn’t listen to his own eyes, but looked at it more curiously. This was his first contact with this team, so he was inevitably a little bit more excited.

“Yes, the Avengers. I heard that Commander Hill is also in the Avengers now. This is really good news. We finally don’t have to worry about her every day.”

A guy who looked like a civilian interjected with some rejoicing. Obviously, he had not received less reprimand from Commander Hill before. Hearing this, he had been working in the CIA, and Matt, who had only recently been transferred in, asked in a puzzled way.

“Commander Hill, isn’t that the highest officer of the original Helicarrier? Why is she in the Avengers, also, isn’t the Avengers a private organization?”

“Don’t think too much Many, Buddy. Many things in this are not just casually stated. Like the relationship between the Avengers and the top, who can say that they have no connection at all. Anyway, I don’t believe it!”

A few simple words, but Matt immediately understood the connection between the organization where oneself works and the famous Superhero team. This gave him a little bit of luck and hope. Maybe he can still cooperate with these Superhero one day? If that is the case, he can brag to oneself’s future child for his entire life.

This unrealistic fantasy in his heart made him stare at the direction of the plane almost all the time, and soon he saw Superhero coming out of the plane.

The first Captain America holding the shield, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch beside it, SHIELD’s ace existed. In addition also Falcon, this special soldier who used to pass word of mouth between them. When he saw the characters that appeared next, he was completely confused, and then immediately set off a stormy sea in his heart.

Black’s tight-fitting combat suit, silver’s metal arms, and also the mask that covers half of the face. All this surprised and shocked him. At this moment, he seemed to understand something in his heart, and he seemed to be aware of something. However, after years of training as an agent, his expression did not show any fluctuations, and he even showed a look of curiosity and asked the people around him.

“Buddy, who is that guy? How come I have never seen it?”

“That? That is Lieutenant Barnes, who is said to be Captain’s good brother. Super Soldier, which has been frozen for 70 years. Don’t tell me, listen to those Buddy who have worked with Lieutenant Barnes say that this guy is not an ordinary vigor. Holding a sniper rifle is as accurate as shooting a fixed target. The most important thing is that he still uses the rate of fire of the automatic rifle.”

“It sounds very difficult to deal with, but I still prefer Captain. That guy is a model for soldiers.”

With a move in his heart, Matt simply changed the subject. And hearing him say that, the people nearby immediately laughed wryly.

“I like Agent Romanoff better. The figure and appearance are really nothing to say. Even if I drink her bath water, I am willing.”

“Come on , Buddy. How can this kind of good deeds be your turn.”

In the sound of hehe haha, Matt and these guys easily became one. And he also learned more things oneself wants to know in this kind of communication between men. Soon, the air shuttle that these people were waiting for arrived, and Matt began his own vacation trip.

Like previous vacations, Matt behaved extraordinarily casual. Have a drink with the two big brothers of own and have a family dinner. Then he took his own nephew to go fishing and camping in the wild. He showed almost no abnormality, but only he himself knew what oneself was thinking.

And one night during the vacation, he finally made up his mind.

He recognized Lieutenant Barnes from the moment he saw him, the Hydra killer. While this shocked his heart, it was inevitable to think more.

Hydra’s killer appeared in the Avengers camp, what does this mean? The senior management of SHIELD solved the relevant insiders, and even oneself, a guy who didn’t know anything, was almost killed. What does this mean? Who is the killer and who are the two victims? What exactly are they recycling?

All of this entangled in his mind like a mess, making his thoughts confused. However, after so long of pondering, he has already got an answer, one that belongs only to own. And this answer gave him the feeling that it was crazy!

In his judgment, the so-called Lieutenant Barnes is simply not a Superhero, but a member of Hydra who is inserted in the Avengers. Just like his previous identity, a cold blooded and emotionless killer. Then, as a good friend of Lieutenant Barnes, Captain America, said to be Life and Death Friends, his position seemed to be unbelievable.

Since even Captain is doubtful, what about SHIELD? Those high-level people of SHIELD, do they also have this problem? Thinking back to all the clues that oneself encountered, Matt felt more and more suspicious, especially the reactions of the SHIELD executives.

They are trying to hide something. The true identity of the so-called Lieutenant Barnes, also the mission he performed. They don’t seem to want anyone to know his past, everything about him. For this reason, even at the expense of launching a purge.

The former Russian officer of oneself, Matt knows very well. That was a real warrior, a good guy who dared to take the lead and never abandoned oneself’s men. And such a guy actually said that he was a member of Hydra, he really didn’t want to believe it.

And now, if the news is false. He is not a Hydra person. Then why he was purged, that is a very questionable question.

There is no doubt that a guy like the Russian chief must be a good player in SHIELD, and the people he can contact must be much wider than oneself can contact. And this also means that he must have had an intersection with that Lieutenant Barnes. And this can also explain a problem, that is why he will deliberately notice the unremarkable mission during the last mission. He must have noticed the presence of Lieutenant Barnes and learned his true identity. And this may be why he was washed away.

Want to understand this, he became more and more sure that the so-called ruling recovery mission must be very important. And the key is that the victim inside is also the recovered thing. Who will the victim be?

While thinking and struggling like this, I picked up the pen and paper and started writing and drawing. Soon, a somewhat vague outline appeared on the paper, and when he saw the figure on the paper, he was immediately surprised.

He knows the current American president naturally, but the outline he drew is eight or nine points similar to him. father and son? Wait, Mr. President’s father is one of the founders of SHIELD, so if he is the target of mission, who will be the person who made this goal? So who is the person most worried about this mission being known?

All the spearheads are finally clear, but this is what makes Matt only feel that oneself has insight into a great secret. He began to panic, and then suddenly felt the weight of the burden.

He must announce this, he must not allow a Hydra lurker to control a huge monster like SHIELD. That would be a huge harm to humans.

For United States and for humanity, Matt Price has made the final decision, even if he saves his life, he will never let the most terrifying things happen.

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