Victor. Feng. In front of Zhou Yi, Dum desperately beautifies his own company’s research projects, but as an investor who is quite researched in these cutting-edge science industries, Zhou Yi discovered that he has said a very important problem.

He just described the advantages and beauty of his research project blindly, but never explained to him the risks of this project and the true prospects of market applications. So Zhou Yi had to frown to interrupt his speech.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Doum. I just want to confirm one question now, not to listen to you about the division of interests after the success of your energy project.”

“Uh!” Victor, who was interrupted by the boastful talk, stopped his own statement a little unwillingly, and said with a smile a little embarrassingly.

“Excuse me, Mr. Zhou. I promise that as long as I can tell it, I will have no reservations.”

“Very well, you said your energy project is Make a new breakthrough in the utilization of nuclear energy. Does that mean that the energy you are studying now is still a backward nuclear fission energy?”

When you hear Zhou Yi’s question, Victor looks on Yizheng, explained: “Mr. Zhou, I think you may have some misunderstandings in energy. You must know that the mainstream energy in the world is nuclear fission energy, and the use of nuclear energy is still a very beginner. Status. My research project can increase the utilization rate of more than 20% on the basis of the current nuclear energy utilization. This kind of technology is absolutely unique. As long as you invest in our technology, the return you can get is unimaginable. “

shook the head, Zhou Yi looked at this freshly baked Billionaire, and rarely said with kindness.

“Mr. Doum, you may be misunderstanding in this regard. After all, you are just a newcomer in this area. You may not know some news. Tony. Steck’s Ark Energy Plan has arrived. The final stage of conquering, it is estimated that results will be obtained soon. In addition, Otto. Gunther. Octavius ​​Court Academecian has just completed a paper on nuclear fusion energy. This paper is quite feasible. I estimate that in the future one or two In the middle of the year, Otto Court Academecian may start working on this project. When the time comes, I’m afraid your nuclear energy plan will really be worthless.”

“So, I’m really sorry. I’m so sorry. He won’t invest in something that is destined to be eliminated by other projects.” At this point, he has no longer paid attention to the tragic Mr. Dum, but turned his head to Reed, who has been watching. Richards.

“Mr. Richards, as far as I know, the United States Space Agency has very limited funding in this area, so if you are interested in getting rid of the boring bureaucracy, you can always contact me. This is My business card!”

Speaking of which, Zhou Yi handed over a business card. That is a special number that can be used to contact Zhou Yi’s personal assistant, and this number simply means an inexhaustible amount of money for many researchers who need to invest.

“Thank you, if necessary, I will!” He hesitantly accepted Zhou Yi’s business card, Reid. Richards shook hands with him and stopped mentioning any topics. Obviously, he still has great concerns about accepting Zhou Yi’s investment.

But this is not Zhou Yi’s concern anymore. What Reid has studied may be helpful to Zhou Yi, but it is not enough to be impossible without it. Therefore, Zhou Yi has planned to change a place and take Clarice to evacuate.

However, a blonde beauty who walked over dismissed his idea.

It was a beautiful man full of scholarly aura. Golden’s wavy long hair was combed and stuck there with a violet crystal hair accessory. She showed her smooth and full forehead and blue eyes.

The eyes looked like blue lake water, calm and deep. Makes people immersed in the charm. Coupled with her elegant and confident beauty, it reveals the same dignity and grace as the wisdom Goddess.

And her figure is also very attractive, the elegant lines outlined in the black dress are moving arcs. It makes people look straight in the past as if seeing Venus with a broken arm. The beauty and temptation of women are simply revealed everywhere.

Such a beauty, even Zhou Yi, who is used to seeing beauties, has to be amazed. Especially when he recognized this beauty, he became more and more urge to recognize her.

This woman with intellectual beauty is no one else, but the beauty Zhou Yi rescued from the plane with another identity. It was completely beyond his expectation to be able to meet her again in this place, and when he recognized the exquisite shawl on her, his astonishment became more profound. The fine-textured shawl that exudes metallic luster but is as soft as a silk scarf is nothing else, it is the cloak made by Nanominium on the armor of dawn. It just seems that it has been artificially reprogrammed and has become a feminine garment.

“Long time no see, Reid, also Victor. Didn’t expect to meet you here!” Looking at the two acquaintances of own, the beauty showed obvious joy. As for Zhou Yi, it was not as conspicuous as Clarice beside him.

“Long time no see, Susan.” Reid showed a dull smile. “I just came out of the lab and heard that you have returned to the United Kingdom for something, so I flew over directly. But Johnny said you were invited to Paris, so I can only come here.”

This recognized physics genius seems to be not good at communication. Anyway, Zhou Yi only heard one meaning from his words that he came to this Susan Young Lady. As for the others, he didn’t hear it at all.

“Susan, are you okay. I heard that there was an accident on your flight, but I was very worried about your safety. Fortunately, the matter was finally resolved safely. I really don’t know the guy named Dawn Knight. What the hell is going on with the clown, how can it just make you the biggest accident.”

In contrast, Victor’s language is much more brilliant, at least he can be heard in his words. I still care about this Susan Young Lady very much. But his words did not make this Young Lady happy.

“Victor, please pay attention. Dawn Knight is a hero who saved me, not the clown you said!” Susan seemed very unacceptable to Victor’s analogy, so much so Direct export refuted.

At the same time, Zhou Yi also issued a rebuttal. He is not the kind of guy who is yelled at and submitted to humiliation. Although the identity of the owner cannot be revealed, he still has the right to speak from the standpoint of an ordinary person.

“I agree with this point very much. Mr. Doum, please pay attention. The Knight you mentioned is the hero of our New York, who saved hundreds of lives. When you slander him Please think about how many people have accepted his help first.”

The gold master and the admiring woman who wanted to be attracted by oneself both refuted because of one thing, Victor. Feng. Dumu’s expression instantly became very ugly. Since his success, few people have treated him like this. But the two people in front of him were both guys he couldn’t afford to offend. This gave him a feeling of breaking his teeth and swallowing in his stomach, which was really unbearable.

And the person who rescued him at this time was Reed who he could not think of. Richards. Of course, he didn’t relieve him because of the alumnus who has been a rival since the university, but because of the conversation just now.

“Susan, did you have an accident? Oh! God, when did this happen. Why didn’t anyone tell me. Are you okay, also what happened to you?”

He interrupted like this, but it made Susan, who was the center of the event, a feeling of didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. She thought that Reid had been chasing to Oneself all the way because he heard that Oneself had an accident and came over to ask for help, but in the end he didn’t expect that he didn’t know this at all.

Although she has a certain understanding of the dullness of this friend, she is still deeply disappointed to hear such words.

No matter how you look at such a person, he is not the kind of person who can walk hand in hand, Susan, you are really a fool. Susan, who was completely desperate for oneself’s previous naive thoughts, thought to herself with mockery. But she still asked unwillingly.

“Reid, don’t you really know what happened?”

“Sorry, Susan. You know, my research on quantum storm has just entered the key Stage, so I have been busy solving this problem. I don’t even know if you go back to United Kingdom…”

Interrupting Reed’s chatter directly, Susan pointed to the center and asked.

“So, is there anything you come to see me so far? Reed?”

Reed. Richards took a deep breath and asked: “I just want to ask you about the answer to the thing I asked you before!”

“Just for this?” Susan looked disappointed. After he took a look, he said with a sigh. “I’m sorry, Reid. I don’t think we need that, as long as we maintain the status quo. I can’t tolerate that I am not the most important one.”

She said very briefly, but the meaning was obvious. Hear her, Reid. Richards’ body shuddered suddenly, and the whole person seemed to have lost a wave of anger and became depressed.

Looking at him like this, Susan said apologetically: “I’m sorry, Reid. We are really inappropriate! Excuse me and also do other things.”

After that, she has decided that Danger Land is gone. She must make the most simple understanding of this matter, otherwise things will get worse.

“Sorry, Buddy! I think you should have two drinks!” Patted the frustrated Reed’s shoulder, Zhou Yi took Clarice and walked away quietly. He didn’t want to stay with a broken-hearted man for too long, that would really affect his mood.

While Victor was caught in an inexplicable pleasure. He looked at the old rivals of this college period and rarely smiled.

“Do you want me to accompany you for a drink, old classmate!”

After leaving the frustrated man for some distance, Clarice hugged Zhou Yi with some excitement. Arm, asked in a low voice, “Hey, did that count as a broken relationship just now? Would you say that Reid jumped off the building sadly, or turned into an evil Court Academecian who revenges for love?”

Flicking Clarice’s forehead, Zhou Yi asked rather helplessly.

“Can you tell me what you do every day, Clarice. Don’t you think what you are saying is outrageous?”

“Is there?” Clarice asked with a grin. But isn’t it all like this in TV series?”

“So there are more dead people in TV series than you see!” Clarice’s worldview was concisely criticized, but Zhou Yi’s eyes were The silhouette walking towards the garden was attracted by Susan just now.

Looking at her appearance, it seems that she needs someone to comfort her. Of course, this idea is Zhou Yi’s own judgment. As her younger sister, Clarice is clearly aware of the disposition of oneself big brother. She pulled up Zhou Yi’s left hand, pointed at the watch above, and said angrily.

“I only give you half an hour, understand?”

“No problem at all, Clarice. You are my angel!” I gave her a hard kiss on the cheek , Zhou Yi walked quickly to the location of the garden. On the other hand, Clarice touched his own cheek and looked at the silhouette of the oneself big brother leaving, and her eyes showed something she shouldn’t have at her age.

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