In the garden, a somewhat distracted Susan walked to a quiet place alone. What she experienced today made her feel that her previous own ideas were a mistake.

until now She thought that Reid would be her life partner, but only now did she discover how naive and ridiculous the idea of ​​own is.

The partner who can spend a lifetime together can not be determined by just a little ridiculous goodwill, it will take the test of time to be truly determined. As for Reid, he didn’t even pass the first test.

This discovery disappointed Susan, not only for Reid, but also for oneself.

And just as she was feeling disappointed by the choice of own, Zhou Yi had walked behind her and coughed vigorously.

“Sorry, this Susan Young Lady. Are you okay?”

Susan turned her head and saw Zhou Yi who was smiling at oneself. The mood is not so good, and the words spoken naturally will not sound too good.

“Sir, I think if you have the slightest discriminative ability, you shouldn’t ask such a thing.”

“Of course I can see it, but I need to be sure Click.” Zhou Yi smiled apologetically. “Make sure Susan Young Lady you need a friend to enlighten you.”

“I’m sorry, sir. I don’t think we even know each other’s name, so how come we became the friends you mentioned “

“I think, if you need to know the other person’s name to be a friend. That’s good. I and all the influential figures in the world have walked halfway on the road of friends.” Susan’s topic, Zhou Yi teased. The skill of arranging the flowers for so many years has made him always have an own set of closer distances with women.

Listening to Zhou Yi’s remarks, although Susan is still a little depressed, at least she feels better than at first. Perhaps it is that the behavior of oneself at first is a bit too ladylike. So she began to apologize for the behavior of own before.

“Sorry, sir. I had some lost self-control before. Thank you for your kindness, I am Susan. Storm! May I ask you who are you?”

“Call me Zhou Yi is fine!” Zhou Yi introduced oneself with a smile. “I’m a businessman. I just talked to the two gentlemen about some business issues. Didn’t expect I met a lady like Susan Young Lady. So I couldn’t help but rushed out?”

“Can’t help but rush out?” Susan tilted her head when she heard Zhou Yi’s strange explanation.

“Well! You can think of me as the kind of sad guy who doesn’t look at beautiful ladies. Although I don’t know what role I can play, but if possible. I still hope that oneself can make The gloomy heart of a beautiful lady is cheered up again.”

“Thank you, you are such a gentleman.” Susan. Storm finally smiled. “You didn’t say this to every female child, right.”

“Although I really hope that oneself has such a philanthropic mind, it is a pity. This level has completely exceeded my ability. Within. So, I only target those minority groups!”

“Oh! It seems that I have become a minority group. Then this gentleman, your former female partner seems to be one of the minority groups too. .Why, don’t you worry that she will be unhappy because of your behavior in coming to me?” Although Susan is grateful for Zhou Yi’s purpose, it doesn’t mean that she can just be with someone so casually. Strangers get in touch. Especially a stranger who has obvious harboring malicious intentions to her.

For this, Zhou Yi is shrugged naturally.

“Although for me, Clarice is definitely the most important person in the world. But I believe that as a younger sister, he should bless his own big brother in the pursuit of happiness and beauty!”

“What, that Young Lady is your younger sister?” Susan who put on an oolong suddenly showed an embarrassed expression. But Zhou Yi said with a smile understandingly.

“To be precise, Clarice is my half-born younger sister. And I watched her grow up a little bit. In a way, she is indeed a minority to me. Minority in China.”

“Really? Your relationship with your younger sister is really good. I also have a younger brother. But he is not as dignified and polite as Lingmei. Sometimes I really doubt it. Am I a qualified elder sister who turned my own younger brother into this look!”

Maybe because of the oolong just now, or because the two people have similar identities. Susan actually started to vomit bitter water at Zhou Yi. This is good news for Zhou Yi.

So he naturally started to draw closer the relationship between the two people through this topic.

“I have troubles like you too, Susan Young Lady, please forgive me. I think it might be more appropriate to call you Susan, can I?”

“Of course, sir. I also hope to get rid of this unnecessary courtesy. After all, I am not your business partner.” Susan nodded understandingly. “If possible, I will also call your name directly. Zhou Yi, according to the Chinese pronunciation, it should be correct!”

“Of course, I didn’t expect you to study Chinese culture. You must know me My friends around me almost straightened their tongues in order to pronounce the name.” Zhou Yi expressed his admiration for Susan in a timely manner with surprise, woman! Always a creature that needs praise.

“You may not know that Clarice is pretending to look like this now. Her usual appearance can make me schizophrenic.”

“Is it? I really can’t tell.” Susan showed a certain degree of suspicion. After all, Zhou Yi said it was completely different from what she saw. Clarice’s noble and holy look is even envious of her, how could it be the look he said.

“Although I still don’t understand how much women can change after putting on makeup, Clarice has really created the limit in my cognition. You will never believe that she has just passed 16 years. Old birthday is not very long!” Zhou Yi’s words were so earnest that Susan could not believe it. And part of it quickly attracted her attention.

“You said make-up, can you tell me the identity of the makeup artist who applied her make-up?” What women pay most attention to is always the issue of beauty. Susan has already begun to inquire about some of these issues .

“Of course. If you need, I can introduce my mother and her team to you. I believe she will also like to visit a beautiful girl like you.” Zhou Yi smiled Handed Zhou Lan’s postcard, Zhou Lan always likes to put this thing on his body, and now it really comes in handy.

“Oh my God, you are actually the son of Ms. Zhou Lan. I have admired her for a long time. Her creativity is simply unique. It’s just a pity that most of her works are customized, I I tried to make an appointment, but I have never had a chance.”

“Maybe I can introduce you to me. I believe you will be familiar with it. My mother will never refuse you.”

The more the two talked, the further the relationship became closer. In this case, time was lost quickly. Until, Clarice appeared beside Zhou Yi.

“Dear big brother, although I don’t want to disturb your interest. However, the banquet has already begun, and Mr. Alfred seems to have something to ask for you.” Clarice’s face is not very good-looking, especially When she saw Susan and Zhou Yi having a very happy conversation.

“Well, Clarice.” Shrugged, Zhou Yi said apologetically to Susan with a smile. “It seems that the owner here needs something like me to help him. Then, I will leave first. If you have any needs, you can contact me at any time.”

“Of course !” Susan lighted up the two business cards in her hand, Zhou Yi and Zhou Lan. “We are already friends, aren’t we? And I still need you as a key person to recommend!”

“Very well, that’s it!” With a bright smile, Zhou Yi pulled over Clarice’s Little Hand, turned and walked towards the hall. As a guest, he can be sorry to the host here.

Seeing Zhou Yi’s departure, Susan smiled slightly. For her, Zhou Yi is indeed a good person, but she just experienced it and doesn’t want to have a new beginning at this time.

Thinking of this, she fell into own contemplation again at the garden in the night. The cold air made her pull oneself’s clothes, but neither her dress nor the magical shawl could allow her to keep her own body temperature in such a night.

A blast of cold wind blew her, causing her to shake her body unconsciously. And at this time, a coat with sunshine aura was draped over her.

“Sorry, I forgot that it is not suitable for breathable weather. It is a shame for a beauty like you to catch a cold. So, no need to say thank you. Who told you to say that I am a gentleman Yeah!”

Zhou Yi, who turned back, gently put on her own coat, teased a little bit, and left here again. This time, Susan watched him walk into the hall with his a little angry younger sister, and really didn’t turn back.

She pulled oneself’s clothes, the thick suit jacket brought her unusual warmth. And the above also has a pretty good smell, just like the smell of the sun.

Feeling this strange warmth, Susan discovered it for the first time. If you change a perspective, maybe all of this may not be a bad thing. Thinking of this, she couldn’t help showing a relieved smile. At this moment, the loss that Reid caused to her no longer exists, she has come out.

Because everything has gotten a new start.

And now, on the other side. Zhou Yi does not have the same mood as Susan, because what is placed in front of him is not a very beautiful thing.

“Mr. Alfred, can I be sure again? You want me to invest 100 million yuan in your Antarctic Research Laboratory. In exchange, you plan to use Umbrella Part of the core secrets of the company are exchanged, is that right?”

At this time, Zhou Yi, under the guidance of Steward of Asifford’s family, has been brought into Alfred’s private Inside the study. Apart from him, there is only the current owner of the Asifford family.

“You heard me right, just like you said.” Alfred smiled confidently. “I can guarantee that the confidentiality I said is far more valuable than your investment, and you will not suffer from this matter.”

“But, Mr. Alfred. You know that what you said has violated the law, and why do you think I will agree to your deal.”

“It’s very simple, Mr. Zhou Yi. Because that’s what you’ve been looking for Things are also the core of that group of Vampire research.”

Hearing this, Zhou Yi has narrowed his eyes.

“Mr. Alfred, I don’t know what the hell are you talking about?”

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