“Mr. Zhou, there is an old Chinese saying that Ming people don’t speak secret words. You don’t have to be so cautious.” Alfred expression took out the cup easily and poured it. Two glasses of wine were pushed in front of Zhou Yi. “Your identity can’t stand scrutiny, isn’t it!”

“Let’s listen!” Zhou Yi sat down. Now that he has been discovered that own hidden identity, he can only take one step. Up.

“There are not many people in the world who have the ability to develop that kind of metal armor. Mr. Tony Stark doesn’t have such time. And little Osborn is still studying in England, so there are not many goals left. “Alfred confidently said with a smile. “As long as you monitor the relevant scientific research institutions a little bit, you can easily come to such a conclusion.”

“Say, what do you want from me, so that you can keep this secret forever In the belly.” Zhou Yi asked with a cold face. “Is it just 100 million USD?”

“no no no, Mr. Zhou may not understand what I mean. I am not blackmailing.” Alfred waved his hand and made a An innocent look. “I’m just seeking cooperation. That identity is just a stepping stone for me. I don’t want to use this thing to get anything from Mr. Zhou. I have already said that all I want is a deal.”

“Transaction, you say transaction. I don’t think any information can be worth 100 million USD.” Zhou Yi lifted the glass directly and relieved a little after a sip of wine.

“For an ordinary person, this news may not really be worth that much. But for the Superhero in New York, or a billionaire like you, it is definitely worth the money.” Al Fred picked up another cup. “Of course, the credibility of someone like you is worth paying in advance.”

“Please, if you really have a fair trade mentality.” He raised the cup in his hand. Zhou Yi made a listening posture. He was waiting for Alfred to tell him news worth 100 million.

“Maybe you already know the experiment that Mr. Damaskinos has been conducting. He once obtained a virus sample, and that sample is the key to all his experiments. And you seem to be looking for Is the source of this virus sample?”

nodded, Zhou Yi agreed with Alfred’s guess. But Alfred continued.

“This virus sample comes from the Victor family of the Vampire family in United Kingdom. Of course, you need to find further clues by yourself.”

“You think this information is worthwhile Is it 100 million?” With a sneer, Zhou Yi expressed his dissatisfaction. To exchange such superficial clues for 100 million funds is simply wishful thinking.

“This is just an appetizer. For you, it just represents a little bit of my care. The reason for mentioning this clue is because he and the dinner I’m about to mention have a lot of Relationship. But…”

“I will arrange it, and 100 million USD will be on your account within 24 hours.” Zhou Yi, who was already impatient, directly opened his mouth and gave him The price you want. Of course, he also has the confidence to do so. After all, the Asifford family is a nobleman who has existed for hundreds of years, and it is not enough to cheat him for this little money.

“You are a sincere businessman. Of course, so am I!” Alfred laughed. “The rest of the big meal is not ordinary, trust me. If you do it properly, maybe Umbrella will be in your name.”

“Umbrella is not simple Are you sure you are not cracking a joke?” Zhou Yi got serious this time. If Alfred hadn’t cracking a joke. Her news is indeed worth the price. Of course, the premise is that the details of his message can achieve the effect he said.

Alfred showed a confident expression, and he began to explain the own news to Zhou Yi in detail.

“Umbrela is a company with huge capabilities. I believe Mr. Zhou Yi must be very clear about this. His industries include medical, biological research, and five weapons development. Although It’s not as big as Stark and Osborn, but it’s definitely one of the great big shots in the world.”

“How many shady things are there in such a company, like ours The National People’s Congress knows some inside information. These things may not be suitable for public exposure, but they are not secrets to us.”

“However, Umbrella’s project has a dangerous project. It is a The real secret, many people don’t know much about it. But as a descendant of the founder who founded this company, I do know some of it. This secret poses a huge threat to the world.”

“Threat, you are not cracking a joke.” Zhou Yi felt that Alfred was a bit alarmist. Threatening things in this World are everywhere, and even several huge nuclear power plants under Osborn’s name are operating. They have problems, and they are also a huge threat.

“The real threat is more terrifying than the threat of a nuclear bomb.” Alfred said the own comparison. “A few nuclear bombs may have little effect on this World, but if the secret results are leaked, the number of deaths for humans may be much larger than nuclear bombs and so on!”

“Biochemical weapons?” Zhou Yi sat upright. If it is an internationally prohibited biochemical weapon like mustard bullet, it can indeed become the capital to shake this huge monster. It’s just vacillating. It’s not that easy to go further.

“Yes, biological weapons. More specifically, biological viruses. A biological virus that can create a new situation!” Alfred gave a clear answer.

As soon as he said the answer, Zhou Yi thought of the monster that Asaph had become, which was also a terrifying transformation through virus experiments.

“Decades ago, my grandfather, Edward Asifford, and a few of his friends discovered an ancient biological virus in the deserted Africa area. This virus is derived from the plant sun ladder. A virus that has never been discovered in, this virus has the ability to change the chromosomes of biological cells. From some perspectives, it can even promote biological evolution.”

” After discovering the virus, my grandfather and the others founded the Umbrella company. They have always regarded this virus as the company’s top secret and have been developing it day by day for decades. Unfortunately, since my grandfather passed away After that, my incompetent father was no longer able to retain his grandfather’s position in the company. By now, the Asifford family has been reduced to Umbrella’s peripheral zone. For the development of the virus, we have been squeezed out.”

“So you can betray Umbrella’s secret without hesitation?” With a mocking face, he can be regarded as having a new understanding of this noble son of Upright Sect in Europe.

“Betrayal is never because of lack of loyalty, but because the price is too high! For Asifford, Umbrella has no value anymore, why not use his inevitable death result for oneself to seek more What about the interests of people?” Frankly acknowledging the idea of ​​own, Alfred showed a real aristocracy, the kind of demeanor by fair means or foul.

“Sorry, until now, I haven’t seen any sign that Umbrella is about to die.” Not wanting to discuss this issue with Alfred, Zhou Yi interrupted him with a sneer.

“My friend, patience is a virtue.” To the owner of the owner, Alfred seemed very tolerant, he said tirelessly. “What I just said, yes. The core of Umbrella is the ancestor virus.”

“Its ability is very powerful, but it is difficult to fully develop it according to current technology. Umbrella Ra has been working hard, and has already had results in some aspects. Do you want to guess what it is?”

“It will definitely not be the medical aspect.” As a weapon businessman, Zhou Yi Naturally knowing what to do for a company is the real profiteering. “They used this virus to develop biological weapons?”

“Yes, my friend. You are very wise!” Alfred smiled with harboring malicious intentions. “Under the temptation of interest, they have long since abandoned the most correct path of the ancestor virus and chose a dangerous route. Umbrella’s current authorities have reached an agreement with the important figure of the US military, and they want to take advantage of this virus. Improve the U.S. military’s Super Soldier program. But I didn’t expect it, but developed a dangerous thing.”

“This biological weapon is extremely terrifying and pathological. At present, I have The information available proves that if there is no effective containment, only a slight outbreak can make a city a dead city!”

Some were shocked by Alfred’s news, Zhou Yi first tried to sort out own thoughts, and then asked.

“For such a dangerous thing, I don’t believe Umbrella does not have a sufficiently rigorous protection against this thing. As long as they protect well, the problem you said does not exist.”

“It’s like this in theory! But there are always exceptions, aren’t they?” Alfred laughed. “I know that the idea of ​​this thing is not only me. Those people are not just selling news, many of them have the idea of ​​destroying Umbrella. For this, they sent elite spies. You know, no matter how solid the castle is, it cannot withstand the internal collapse. Think about it, once the secret is leaked and the crisis breaks out, what will happen to Umbrella who needs to take this responsibility?”

” If what you said is true, then I am sure that this transaction is barely fair. Now I only have one last question?” Standing up, Zhou Yi asked while pressing the table.

“Please tell me, my friend. I am very happy to complete the last part of this transaction!”

“Where is the place for research on biological weapons, don’t say you don’t I know. I know that you still hold a part of Umbrella’s security force. In such an important place, Umbrella must have strong security. This thing is impossible to pass you!”

“You’re right. I know there. But does that make sense to you? My friend, in fact, you just have to wait and see what happens, and then wait for Umbrella to be acquired. There is no need to know the answer to this question. “

“I need this answer!” Zhou Yi was very determined.

In this regard, Alfred chose to compromise. This completely unimportant issue is not worthy of affecting his friendship with Zhou Yi.

“Laken City! Friends, in the depths of the city built by Umbrella!”

“Very good! Then, goodbye. Alfred Sir, if you can. I really don’t want to do this kind of deal with you again.”

“I also hope that the Asifford family can’t survive on others forever.” Look Alfred muttered to himself as Zhou Yi turned to leave the neat silhouette. “I promised Alexia, I want to reinvigorate Asifford.”

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