Sun God Marvel

Chapter 776

Tony’s face was a bit scary, and even Nick Fury didn’t even think that he would be so angry with this old thing. Howard died, how many years, 20 years? Hasn’t he forgotten this hatred for such a long time?

Nick. Fury, who was surprised, seemed to have forgotten, who had slapped Tony’s deepest skills several times and uncovered his long-forgotten scars. He only cared about the present and hated his cruelty.

“Let’s talk about it, how are you going to deal with me?”

“From now on, all of your duties will be mediated, and you must also accept the relevant All investigations by the personnel.”

Listening to Tony’s indifferent reply, Nick Fury opened his eyes and immediately asked in surprise.

“Do you want to put me under house arrest?”

“It’s not just you! Phil. Coulson, also those trustworthy people around you, even the agents who are related to you will be File an investigation. Don’t you want to help Captain them? That’s the price you paid to help them. Nick, your scheming is too heavy, and your selfishness is too heavy. Do you really think that the entire SHIELD belongs to you?”

“I brought SHIELD to glory!”

Hearing this, Nick Fury inevitably retorted loudly. However, Tony is coldly smiled for his rebuttal.

“It’s ridiculous, SHIELD was founded by my father and Carter Peggy. It was supported by the United States Government and developed through the efforts of the past chiefs. Only in your hands, Nick Fury! In the hands of you and Pierce, SHIELD has become so rich and useless. Just like this, you dare to say this to me. I really underestimated your face.”

Almost all of Nick Fury’s past achievements have been wiped out, and even his past efforts have been completely denied. Such a thing, how could Nick Fury swallow it. But the reality is that even if he can’t swallow this breath, he must swallow it. The situation is better than others, and now he obviously has no room to compete with Tony.

So he could only stare at Tony with a face like the bottom of a pot black, and whispered to him.

“Tony Stark. What else do you want to do, tell me everything. I don’t believe you will treat us this way. With your temper, you must also use other means.”

“You’re right, I did use other means. But what does that have to do with you?” Holding down Nick Fury’s shoulder, Tony’s eyes showed the deepest disdain. “You are just a criminal now. Do I need to explain anything to a criminal?”

“Tony, I warn you. SHIELD is the brainchild of Howard and us, and it can’t help you ruin it. “

Tony’s answer made Nick Fury feel a deep anxiety, and because of this anxiety, he immediately yelled at Tony. However, what effect did this clamor not at all do, but it made Tony even more angry. He even disregarded the image of own, slamming his hand with a punch in the face of Nick Fury, and then said bitterly while looking at his swollen cheek.

“You are not qualified to mention my father, Nick Fury, think about everything you do. Are you worthy of him?”

“I just did The most correct choice, even if your father is here, he will never want to see you asshole make things so bad. Tony Stark, you are now a mad dog, a mad dog who bites whoever catches it “

The words between them quickly rose to the level of fierce conflict, and facing Nick Fury’s statement, Tony was even more furious, and uncontrollably rushed towards him. .

“I told you, bastard. I don’t allow you to mention my father’s name, or use my father’s name to make excuses for oneself.”

Under anger , His movements naturally did not converge at all, and soon Nick Fury was beaten to the head by him. But this is not a big deal for Nick Fury, who has experienced the battlefield. On the contrary, this violent behavior also aroused the blood in his heart, making him growl desperately even when he was under control.

“I just said, what can you do with me. Tony Stark! You are sorry for your last name, all you have done is just embarrassing your father, you listen to me, if you To ruin SHIELD is to ruin your father’s life’s efforts. He will never forgive you, absolutely not!”

“It is you that my father will not forgive, you are the one who shelters the murderer Guy.” He grabbed Nick Fury’s collar and stared at his drenched with blood face with scarlet eyes. Tony growled as if bursting out all the strength of oneself. “Do you know what my father said before he died? He said, let Maria off, let off my mother. But what did that bastard do? He killed her in front of my father. Such a bastard, you dare to protect him. Nick. Fury, you are sorry for my father, and you are sorry for me.” After all this, Tony only felt that oneself’s heart was rising. , I can’t wait to kill these guys in front of me immediately. But his reason was still there, and he quickly suppressed this kind of thought that shouldn’t be there. He just pushed hard and almost pushed Nick Fury to the ground. Then, without looking at them again, he said to the supervisors.

“Let them stay. Attention, no one can touch them without my order, understand?”

“Yes, sir.”

The most elite personnel from the CIA and FBI naturally obey the president’s orders. So soon, Nick Fury in a panic and Coulson and the others with a wry smile were taken away. What awaits them will be severe scrutiny and cruel judgments. After all, he was a special agent, and as long as he was willing, he could always find one or two obvious evidences. So, their fate will not be particularly good.

And after all this, Tony not at all left Helicarrier. Instead, he waited here until a plane landed slowly on the deck.

The hatch opened, and several figures slowly walked out of the hatch. Looking at these figures, Tony immediately greeted them.

“You just came here, and I just solved the trouble here.”

“Didn’t expect you to deal with this problem yourself. Seriously, this It made us a little frightened.”

We shook hands with Tony, and one of them, British, who was full of gentlemanly demeanor, immediately became polite. Tony, who wasn’t very cold, just shook the head and immediately replied.

“This is a ruin left by the United States, and naturally should be cleaned up by me. But it’s all right now, a clean SHIELD, I will completely deliver it to your hands .Mr. Cameron, Mr. Osborn, mister Wang, also Peter Love. The world’s largest intelligence agency is now in your hands. I hope you will not let us down. Especially, it will not be like your predecessor. That’s it.”

“Of course you can rest assured, His Excellency President Stark. Now that the four of us are coordinating and coordinating, even if we have this mind, I am afraid we have no such ability.”

With a little warning, Tony smiled slightly and said to him. Tony hearing this is frowned.

“It’s better not to even think about it. SHIELD has great authority. After you have other thoughts, there is no possibility that you just want to look back.”

The guy who was just trying to ease the atmosphere immediately stiffened his face, and then responded awkwardly. At this time, the elegant man surnamed Wang stepped in, smoothing everything with a gentle smile, and asking Tony at the same time.

“This is nature, Your Excellency President Stark. We are here naturally with the mind of serving all mankind. How could there be any other minds. In addition, a bit presumptuous, That is about SHIELD’s future direction. Don’t you know what special requirements Stark and other leaders also have?”

“There are no other requirements. I want to come to your country before you come. The leaders should have explained to you clearly. But I also have a few small problems that you need to solve!”

Thinking about it, Tony raised three fingers and said to them.

“The first thing is about the name SHIELD. This name is no longer suitable. It used to be too thick. If you keep this name, it will be very detrimental to your supervision and management. So I It is proposed to change the name and replace SHIELD with Skyhammer? What do you think of this idea?”

SHIELD was originally re-established, and everything was overthrown and re-created. So it doesn’t matter if you change the name. Several people glanced at each other and quickly nodded, showing a completely correct appearance.

While holding tight, Tony said again.

“Secondly, it’s about the Avengers. In addition to such a big mess, SHIELD has a lot to do with the Avengers. And one more level is that there is no Super Ability User that deals with the Avengers. This is a special organization. So, this is also the focus of your attention. Form a new, absolutely obedient Avengers team. Of course, this is an order, and it is unanimously decided by all the allies. I think you will not object to it. .”

Although they control SHIELD, in the final analysis, they are actually the guys who support the upper ranks of the big countries. So naturally, they would not have too many opinions on this order.

At this time, Tony put his third finger up and called Osborn.

“Mr. Norman. Osborn. You are the person selected by me, and I have high hopes for you. So I give you a special mission to form a new avenger as soon as possible, and then The original guys were arrested for me. I think this shouldn’t be a problem for you.”

“Of course, Lord Stark. I will try my best.”

With a slight smile, Norman Osborn slightly lowered his head and gave Tony a satisfactory answer.

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