Sun God Marvel

Chapter 777

In Japan, walking on the bustling streets with a layer of other people’s skin. Seen one by one ordinary person whispering, Captain sighed, and quietly walked out of the crowd, pointing to the wanted announcements played on the screen of the building.

He thought it would be a long time before the situation was expanded to this step, but he didn’t expect that in such a fast time, Tony would have done all the work and directly forced them into a desperate situation. in. This made him couldn’t help but sigh with Tony’s methods and how spicy it was. At the same time, he will inevitably become worried about the future direction.

Soon, he returned to the hiding place of oneself and his teammates. This is the back hand of Nick Fury, and it is also a place that only a few people know. If it weren’t for Quake here, I’m afraid it would be Captain. They would have difficulty finding such a place to hide.

As soon as he entered this hiding spot, someone immediately surrounded him and asked eagerly.

“Captain, how is the situation outside now?”

“Sorry, Buddy!” shook the head, Captain took off his own mask, revealing a bitter and helpless Emoji. “It may take some time to grievance everyone, so stay here for now.”

“This grievance doesn’t matter, but I am worried about other issues.”

He just finished talking. , Someone interrupted immediately. At first glance, the others seemed to seldom speak, but the extremely intelligent Wanda spoke, and immediately held her breath, waiting for her to speak clearly. Wanda glanced at all around before speaking.

“I’m worried that this place won’t last. Stark has obviously done a lot of work this time, and it’s said that even Nick Fury has suffered from seedlings, and the entire SHIELD has been completely reorganized. Such things It undoubtedly shows his determination, and under such determination, although this place seems to be hidden, it is estimated that they will soon discover the clues.”

Hear her this remark, several people After thinking about it carefully, I felt a little heavy in my heart. Because she didn’t say something wrong at all, but she told the truth. In this case, this place really won’t last long. But if even such a secret hiding place is useless, where can they hide?

This is an incomprehensible answer, and Pietro, the most grumpy among the Avengers, said immediately.

“Why don’t we just go out just and honorable like this. I don’t believe it. With our ability, they can do what we can do. As long as they taste the pain, they won’t Dare to pester us again.”

These words sound reckless, but they are justified. But for Captain, this is the final choice that will only be made under the condition of a last resort. Because if he did that, it would be tantamount to starting a battle. And once he and Tony officially go to war, it will obviously involve countless innocent people.

He never wants to see such things, so he has been avoiding such things from happening.

“If this kind of thing is not in the end, it is better not to do it. Wanda, since you have this kind of insight, don’t you know any good solutions?”

“The way?” He lowered his eyelids and thought for a while before Wanda finally raised his head. “There is one way, but the probability of implementation is not too great.”

“Let’s listen?”

“Let’s turn to those Mutants. If they are willing to be nodded , Even Tony and the people around him may not be able to do anything with us.”

Wanda’s suggestion moved Captain’s heart, and immediately began to speculate about the feasibility of this suggestion.

In all fairness, this suggestion from Wanda is indeed very good. As a result, Mutant is now so powerful that even the world’s major powers do not dare to easily provoke these Mutants who have completely gathered together. Secondly, they also helped the Mutant group once, and had a lot of friendship with them. If you seek asylum from them, it is very possible to come.

However, the crux of the problem is that there is also a shadow of a person behind all this. Zhou Yi, the real master of Huiyao City, can also be regarded as the nominal ruler of Mutant. His existence is what Captain fears most.

Although Zhou Yi’s identity may not embarrass them, and on the other hand, their relationship with Zhou Yi is barely justified. However, the relationship between Tony and Zhou Yi is much stronger than between them. He will not forget the fact that Tony is Zhou Yi’s best friend. Once Tony asks for help, even if he doesn’t do anything but just moves his lips, I’m afraid it will make the oneself group unhappy. So really, he is really hesitant now.

However, hesitation cannot solve the problem, especially in this situation. Instead of hesitating, it is better to make a decision as soon as possible and try something. At this point, Captain quickly figured it out, so he immediately made a decision.

“That’s it, just follow Wanda’s instructions. We request assistance from Mutant.”

With a decision, the group of avengers who have been suffocated immediately Start to act. And because of the matchmaking between Wanda and Pietro, they soon got in touch with Magneto and Professor Charles.

However, they thought it was a very simple thing. But the response is not all satisfactory. Because these two Mutant leaders neither agreed nor opposed, but showed an indescribable embarrassment.

This difficulty was quickly seen by Captain, and he immediately asked.

“Is there any difficulty in this matter? If there is, we will not make it difficult for others.”

When he heard him say this, Charles immediately gave a wry smile.

“If it’s normal, help Captain, you guys are not a big problem for us. But now, we Mutant oneself also have some very important things to deal with, I am afraid it will be difficult to take action for a while How can you help?”

This sentence sounds like a little evasive. But Captain knows very well that Professor Charles is not such a person, and there is also a proud and arrogant Magneto on the side. They are even more impossible to fool oneself with such words. So he immediately determined that Mutant might have really encountered some trouble.

And this made him even more strange. You must know that behind Mutant is a real God, and according to Thor, who has been busy with oneself, this God is likely to be since ancient times, the most powerful God ever seen on Earth. With such a backing, they will still encounter trouble. This is simply the most incredible thing in the world.

As a psychology master, Charles can naturally guess his current thoughts through the changes in Captain’s face, which made the wry smile on his face deeper.

“Speaking of which you may be a little unbelievable, but we don’t at all tell that person about this matter. Because someone has already said, there is no need to disturb him. But to be honest, it’s only by relying on Our strength, I am afraid, really cannot solve the problem in front of us.”

When he said that, Captain felt even more incredible.

It is important to know that Mutant’s background is not trivial, especially those Mutants with Peak ability, which are even more desperate and fearful. With that kind of existence, even among their Avengers, only Hulk, Thor and Wanda can barely fight. The others are at best clay chickens and pottery dogs. But now, such Mutant thinks that the problem they are facing cannot be solved by own ability alone, which makes him have to wonder what kind of problem they are facing.

“Can you tell me what it is? If you can, I think we might be able to help a little bit.”

Take a look at the Avengers, especially focusing on it. Wanda and Pietro standing behind Captain, Charles and Magneto glanced at each other and made a decision.

“Well, if you are involved, maybe there is really more hope. It’s like this, I don’t know Captain, what do you think of the origin of Mutant?”

“The origin of Mutant?” Hearing this question, Captain was immediately frowned. He thought for a while before speaking. “Before my time, I don’t seem to have heard much about Mutant. The only Mutant I remember is a pair of brothers, a pair of guys who can regenerate at a speeding speed. If I insist, they should be considered as I have seen. The oldest Mutant.”

“You are talking about Logan and Victor, in terms of age. They are indeed the oldest group of people in Mutant. It is said that during the Civil War, they They already exist. However, they cannot be regarded as the origin of Mutant. The true origin of Mutant should be traced back to 3600 BC, when the first dynasty of ancient Egypt ruled.”

Listen to this Then, let alone Captain, Wanda and Pietro, who are Mutants, are a little confused. It was the first time that they knew how much the origin of Mutant was related to ancient Egyptian civilization. If someone else said this, they must think it was talking nonsense, but they had to believe what he said because they were speaking from Charles.

Seeing that this group of people have been attracted by the own topic, Charles smiled slightly and continued.

“A guy named Eun Sabah Nur, he is the first Mutant that has appeared in history. He is also one of the most powerful Mutants ever. Regarding the origin of this guy, we Little is known, only that he had notified the whole of Egypt and fell into a deep sleep when he knew that some accident happened. At the same time, we also know his ability, he is the only full-ability user since ancient times, about him It’s still unclear how much of his ability is. But just in terms of Psychic Power, I am afraid I am no longer his opponent.”

“Such a guy should have been sleeping. But now He regained consciousness and wanted to rebuild his own glory. Turn oneself into an omnipotent, omnipotent God who rules everything. And his 1st Step is to unify all the powerful Mutants under the command of own and become his pioneer in the world. “

“And now, just such a guy has become a problem we must solve.”

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