Sun God Marvel

Chapter 787

In the sky began to appear with a thick long white line of fire, with a harsh whistling sound, the strategic attack missiles from European countries near Egypt were only given to Scott After a short respite, they struck indiscriminately towards Cairo, a city on the Nile River.

As soon as these missiles appeared, Scott immediately turned his attention and intercepted the missiles in the sky.

For him, this is not difficult. When he was a student, he had the training of intercepting flying discs in the air with the ray ability of own. Later, he and Jean Grey formed a partner. Even in this usual training, one person uses Telekinesis to control the Frisbee, and the other uses laser light to intercept it.

How unpredictable the Frisbee controlled by Telekinesis is, and its movements are strange. He can smash it one after another. Not to mention these huge long-range missiles. So just in a blink of an eye, in the sky, bursts of bright fireworks burst out immediately. The crimson flames are like fire clouds hiding the sky and covering the earth, dyeing the entire sky into a crimson of flames.

This kind of scene cannot be said to be rare, but it cannot be said to be seen frequently. At least for the old Osborn who was in charge of the Skyhammer game, this was something that was completely unexpected.

He was very clear about his investigation in advance. The enemy oneself encounters right now is simply not a powerful guy. Even if he recruited a few Mutants, he was just the kind of fool who defected from Huiyao City. Even if you kill them, it may not be able to cause an excessive reaction from Huiyao City. So this operation should be done beautifully as easy as blowing off dust.

But the fact is that he gave him a loud slap in the face. Obviously it was just a handful of Mutant. However, all his methods have become a joke. One face-to-face loss of that many planes and missiles, even if the loss is his wealth background, he will inevitably feel painful. Compared with this loss, this is a greater blow to his prestige.

He has great ambitions and tried all means to get his current position. Therefore, of course he will not be satisfied with the current situation, and go one step further. It is his desired goal to be the top spot in the Sky Hammer game. To achieve this goal, he must establish sufficient prestige in the Sky Hammer Bureau.

And now, the prestige has not yet been established, he ushered in this blow. Then in the future, if you want to be in power alone, then it is even more impossible.

He absolutely does not allow this to happen, so there is only one plan for this. Then ignore the current loss and force the battle to continue until the target is completely defeated. Even if you can’t get a beautiful victory, it can’t end in embarrassing defeat. This is his only plan now.

So immediately, he immediately took out the communicator and said to the agents who were ready to go.

“Continue to increase the intensity of fire coverage. At the same time, the special forces are preparing to sneak in. Assassinate the Mutant that can emit laser light. Once the assassination is completed, immediately send a signal. Let Russia The missile base over Ross is ready to launch, and all the pyramids are blown up for me!”

As soon as he gave the order, someone immediately asked him incomprehensibly.

“Sir, is this order somewhat inappropriate. There may be civilians living in Cairo. If we strike there indiscriminately, then their chances of survival are extremely slim. .”

The SHIELD incident is ahead, and now the Skyhammer Bureau dare not make any crazy moves just because of the orders of one or two people. After all, if things go wrong, no one can escape. So even as a subordinate, you have the right to question Shangfeng. This can be considered a new system introduced by the Tianhammer Bureau for stability.

However, for this subordinate who questioned the old Osborn, he really picked a role that was the least suitable for opposition. Almost immediately, Norman Osborn growled loudly at him like an angry lion.

“Why, do you have any opinion on my orders? If so, stand up and oneself roll to that battlefield for me. Go and find out the civilians you think are still alive. . If you have this ability, I don’t mind giving you my current position. But if you don’t, just give me obediently and honestly shut your mouth and accept my order.”

“Sir, you are difficult for a strong man, I…”

“Shut up, this is the last chance I give you. If you don’t give me the order, or let me go In the past. You don’t have a second choice, and I don’t want to hear your nonsense. Now, tell me what your answer is?”

The violent yelling made all the opposition come to an abrupt end, and no one stopped. Have the courage to refute anything to him. This also allowed old Osborn to regain his prestige temporarily.

“Is there no objection? Since there is no objection, then give me the order immediately. Even such small things can’t be done well. What use do we want you to also. Act immediately and listen If not, act now!”

Amidst his roar, a group of special forces immediately logged in from the Nile River to the old site in Cairo, and at the same time, they were facing the ten thousand man but without a match Scott. Just touched it.

With satellite monitoring, they quickly figured out Scott’s location. And just when they were about to find a favorable position to attack Scott. The harsh rubbing sound suddenly rang from their ears.

This abrupt sound made them immediately stop their own actions and looked in the direction where the sound occurred. With this look, they immediately found a guy who was slowly coming out of the shadows.

The sloppy black leather jacket and the fluffy long hair like vagrant. also his eyes, hidden in the hair, exude strange brilliance like cats. All this makes Victor special. And what he most surprised these special soldiers was his fingers.

Like the lion Old Hu’s sharp claw, five sharp nails protruded directly from his fingers. And the shiny silver luster shows the extraordinaryness of these five nails. They are no longer bone structures, but a solid texture like metal, which makes his nails so sharp and strong that even the hard rock that makes up the pyramid is under his sharp claw They are easily torn out like tofu, one after another with conspicuous scratches.

Almost immediately, these soldiers confirmed the identity of his enemy. Without any hesitation, they pulled the trigger at Victor who walked out of the shadows.

The bullet swept across Victor’s body instantly like a storm. In the face of such a sudden attack, Victor could do nothing except stretch his hand to block his eyes. This made the special soldiers breathe out immediately. In their opinion, the guy in front of them who couldn’t even dodge should be a small character in Mutant. Such small characters can be cleaned up quickly without even delaying their mission actions.

However, what they didn’t expect was that although they always maintained the cross suppression of firepower, every bullet hit the target. But these bullets do not at all effectively kill. Although there were huge blood holes in Victor’s body one after another, and also a lot of flesh and blood was broken into pieces by the rain of bullets. But his body is still strong, and with time. Unexpected changes began to appear in his body.

First of all, in terms of sound, the sound of puchi puchi, where bullets were shot into flesh and blood, gradually turned into an unusually crisp sound like a steel impact. And then, in appearance, the wound on Victor’s body began to heal at a speed visible to naked eye. Those areas covered by leather jackets are not very conspicuous. However, the palm of oneself’s shiny metal white bones and the constantly squirming flesh and blood on it, hidden in front of oneself’s eyes, made this characteristic of him clear.

This made the special soldiers who had seen it clearly exclaimed immediately.

“It is a Mutant with super-speed regeneration capability, ready to use white phosphorus incendiary bombs. Prepare, launch!”

The well-trained special soldiers immediately burned two white phosphorus on orders The projectile fired at Victor through the external pendant of the weapon. As the two incendiary bombs burst out with dazzling fire and smoke, Victor’s entire body was covered by flames gushing from the white phosphorous bombs.

This is not an ordinary flame. As a weapon, the white phosphorus incendiary bomb has lethal damage to creatures. Not only because of its temperature of thousands of degrees Celsius, but also because of its corrosive properties. Once the organism is contaminated with white phosphorus, the substance that will burn when encountering oxygen will penetrate the flesh of the organism, directly penetrate into the muscles and even the skeleton, and burn the victims horribly from the inside out.

It can be said that this is a terrible punishment for any creature. It is more terrifying and cruel torture than killing. Even Victor, like a monster, couldn’t maintain a state of indifferent amidst this flesh-eating flame.

He began to roar, and soon, this roar turned into a wailing like a dilapidated bellows until there was no sound. That doesn’t mean that Victor is dead. The body twisted crazily in the flames proves his exuberant life force. It was only because the vocal cords were completely burned that he could not make any sound. But he was still alive, even if the flame on his body completely swallowed his flesh and blood, only a silver skeleton remained, and he was still alive.

And when the silvery bone head is like a skeleton in a weird story, walking towards them step by step through the blazing flames. No special soldier can maintain the most basic calm.

We have encountered demons, and they are sure of this.

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