Sun God Marvel

Chapter 788

When the white phosphorus bomb lost its effect, these special soldiers had completely lost the courage to be an enemy of Victor. They began to retreat, like hyenas threatened by a lion, and ran wildly towards the way they came. However, they wanted to leave, but Victor would not let them leave so easily.

Although he was just a pair of bones, but he still made a tiger pounce. He rushed towards the deserters and chased them down.

As he ran, scarlet flesh and bruise veins grew out of his body at a speed visible to naked eye, and in almost a blink of an eye, his whole body was transformed from a Blink The white bones with cold light turned into a bloody monster. And this also made those who had been terrified become even more terrified.

Someone shot him sporadically, but not at all for what purpose. On the contrary, because of a delay, he was quickly chased by the hideous Victor. And Victor didn’t have any nonsense. It was a claw that went up, like grabbing tofu, and directly plucked the back of his head.

This naturally makes the bad luck guy die and can’t die again. Victor, after licking the blood on his nails, slowly revealed an expression of excitement on his face that had returned to a human shape. He looked at the direction in which the other people were escaping, and then rushed into the shadow of the pyramid like a cheetah.

His alias is Sabertooth, he has the nature of cats, and the biggest hobby of cats is to play with own prey. Obviously, he had regarded the deserters as prey for oneself to play with. And hunting them down, hunting them down, is oneself’s game now.

He played with keen interest pleasure, but for those deserters, this is undoubtedly a huge torture. When the psychological pressure and the psychic panic completely sever the nerve in their brains, they immediately collapsed and sent a signal for help to the own command.

“Save us, save us. There is a devil here!”

“Come and save us, that bastard is coming. Damn!”

“Don’t come, don’t come! Ah!”

The crazy call was mixed with screams and fierce gunfire, so that the whole command staff could feel the desperate madness. When all this subsided, someone swallowed and asked old Osborn.

“Sir, what should we do now?”

“What should I do?” Hearing this question, even the old Osborn was unavoidably chaotic in his brain. He doesn’t know what to do now. In theory, those special soldiers should be able to complete this simple mission. But in fact, not only did they fail to complete the mission, they took their own lives instead. And their call sign before death casts a gloomy shadow in everyone’s heart.

This is not the first time they have failed, and the previous ones are enough to deal a heavy blow to their confidence. Even if the old Osborn insists on anything, it is impossible to change more. His prestige has dropped a thousand zhang in one fall, but he himself has always insisted on it and is unwilling to give up.

“Let the missile unit stand by, and also continue to send special forces. In addition, get in touch with Ultron and tell him that I need him to send some omnic to support us!”

” Sir, this will expand the scope of sacrifice. And if you mobilize nearby omnics, you also need to seek advice from neighboring countries. Are you sure you want to do this?”

For his orders, someone immediately gave A relative opinion was given. And this is not so much an opinion as it is a metaphorical opposition. For this boss who caused a lot of casualties as soon as he took over the mission, many people have already developed own ideas in their hearts. It was just taken of his identity, they haven’t made it clear yet.

Old Osborn naturally knew what they were thinking. If he changed to the past, he would have let these two-minded guys go straight away. But it doesn’t work now, not to mention that every agent here has a different background and a different identity. The three people behind him who are responsible for restraining him are impossible to let him do this.

So he could only gritted his teeth, suppressed the anger in oneself’s heart, and said again to them.

“Follow my orders, and I will bear all the consequences alone.”

With this sentence, the agents naturally showed the meaning of compliance. And soon, the omnipotents mobilized from several surrounding countries were transported by supersonic aircraft to the vicinity of the pyramid. They cooperated with a team of trembling with fear agents and slowly penetrated into the pyramid. Carrying out what the old Osborn called the beheading plan.

As they did something, Ultron appeared directly inside the Skyhammer and got in touch with old Osborn.

“Mr. Osborn, I heard that you are requesting the use of an omnic? Can you tell me what kind of dilemma you are facing now?”

at first excludes Ultron. In other words, when the Pyramid was built and all Cairo’s omnipotents were dismantled by Apocalypse into pieces and built into the cornerstone of the pyramid, he had completely lost the monitoring of the situation in Cairo. So that at this time, he had to ask for information from the Skyhammer Bureau.

As for this so-called super artificial intelligence, Osborn is not as optimistic as the others. Unlike those guys who think Ultron is the future of mankind and a symbol of the opening of a new era of mankind, in his eyes, Ultron is just a tool. A tool beyond control. This kind of thing will cause harm sooner or later, so if it is not as a last resort, he simply does not want to have any relationship with it.

But it is different now, and the current situation has reached the point of being a last resort for him. Without the help of omnic, he could not complete the own plan. So he could only grloomy face and said to Ultron.

“Our fighter group has just been wiped out, and also a team of elite special soldiers was killed. The enemy’s strength is beyond our imagination, and our strength alone cannot stop them from coming. Action. So, we need your help now, Ultron!”

“I understand! The omnipotent has already begun to act. I will monitor the movement of the omnipotence throughout the process. Also, Mr. Osborn, I think I I should give you an opinion. Evacuate your staff and let the omnipotent take over all issues in Cairo. This is the way to minimize casualties. You should think about it!”

Ultron’s flat voice immediately Osborn’s objection was attracted, and he replied to Ultron almost sparingly.

“If everything allows you to come, then what do you need our agents, the police and the army? Just do your job, Ultron. Don’t care about things you don’t care about. Nosy.”

“My job is to protect human life, Mr. Osborn. I’m trying my best to help you reduce casualties. Isn’t this the right thing? Is it?”

Ultron’s voice was calm and innocent, but for Osborn, it was the most malicious mockery. He couldn’t control his own temper at once and growled.

“I said, do what you should do. This is my order, my action, you don’t need to be nosy.”

“Well, sir. If this is your wish.”

After a moment of silence, Ultron disappeared before Osborn’s eyes. At this time, the omnipotents in Cairo suddenly stopped the human special forces around them and said to them word by word.

“Gentlemen, in order to ensure your safety, please cooperate with our work. We will open a safe path for you. Before that, I hope you don’t move forward rashly!”

“What the hell?” As soldiers who frequently haunt the front line, it was the first time they heard such a ridiculous request. And just when they wanted to oppose it, the omnipotents had already advanced at a speed comparable to that of a sports car. Without giving them any opportunity to object, the omnic started the own action in accordance with the own code of conduct. But below their speed, they soon encountered Victor who rushed over after hearing the movement.

“Sabertooth Victor, Level 3 Mutant. I am arresting you for murder. Please give up all ideas and behaviors of resistance and cooperate with our actions.”

Victor, several omnipotents immediately said something like this under the red light. Then the first two omnipotents strode towards Victor. They wanted to arrest Victor directly, but Victor did not want to be arrested by them so easily. So when the two omnipotents approached, he immediately stretched out the own sharp claw, and slammed into the omnic.

Apocalypse injected super alloy into his body, just like his brother Vajra Wolf Logan, he now has the same metal sharp claw that no stronghold one cannot overcome, so in his sharp claw Below, even the metal casing of the omnic did not play any defensive role, but was torn into a pile of tatters in an instant.

If it’s an ordinary robot, maybe it can be turned into a pile of broken copper and iron immediately. But omnics are not ordinary robots. Their predecessors were sentry machines, and to some extent, sentry machines are difficult to be destroyed by this simple means of destruction. Of course, the same is true for omnics.

Like some kind of flowing liquid metal, the body of the omnic immediately surging around Victor’s hands, and when Victor realized something was wrong, he wanted to force his hands to be pulled When he returned, the two omnipotents had stretched out their hands on the left and the right, and pressed his shoulders. All his actions were forcibly stopped.

Victor’s power is great, but compared to the omnic, it is still much worse. So soon, he felt like he was being pressed on his shoulders by two big mountains, and he was forced to the ground. And he immediately heard the cold voice from the omnic.

“Mr. Victor, you have been arrested!”

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