Sun God Marvel

Chapter 789

Victor, who was suppressed by the omnic, wanted to resist, but it was not easy for the flesh and blood to resist the power of steel. Especially for a guy like him, it is even more unlikely. So soon, he was like a subdued piglet, grabbed his hands and feet by the omnic, and walked outside.

He is roaring again and again, but the omnic does not eat his suit. When he was about to be taken out of the pyramid and onto an airplane. A frivolous voice came from the side suddenly.

“Hey, isn’t this a big cat? You look so miserable now, do you need my help? For the sake of my colleagues, I can give you a 10% discount. Hundred Thousand USD, so you don’t have any worries. This is my guarantee as a mercenary. How about, do you want to think about it?”

“Asshole, save me!” At this time, Even if he has more opinions and dissatisfaction with Deadpool, Victor can only call for help. When he heard this, Deadpool laughed immediately, as if celebrating oneself’s completion of another business. Then at the next moment, he touched him and appeared in front of Victor. The Adamantium Katana in his hand brushed out two radiances of unrolled bolt of white silk, and directly slashed the arms of the two omnipotents.

This made Victor immediately roll to the ground, but he didn’t complain, but turned over and kicked a omnic next to him to the ground. And just when he was about to make up for two, Deadpool had already appeared by his side, piercing the head of the omnic.

There is an integrated chip as an information transmission device in the brain of the omnic. Although this chip is only the size of a fingernail, ordinary people cannot find his existence at all. But for the experienced player of Deadpool, this is simply not true. So with just one shot, he stopped the omnipotent from working completely.

“It’s a virtue with sentry robots. I guess they must be fathers brothers produced on an assembly line. By the way, Buddy. When are you going to pay the bill, cash or online? I suggest you better. Cash, because I don’t want to provoke those guys from the tax bureau. Since they bombed my apartment last time, I don’t want to provoke them anymore.” After solving the two omnivores, Deadpool confronted them immediately. Victor said so with a surprised look. When he heard this, Victor’s face suddenly changed, and then he turned away.

Use your ass to figure out if a guy who lives like a vagrant can take out the money, so after seeing his actions, Deadpool immediately raised his own knife and stopped. In front of Victor, he solemnly asked.

“Buddy, you are not kidding me. Don’t tell me you don’t even have hundreds of dollars!”

“I don’t even have ten dollars.” Patted oneself light With a slippery body, Victor directly showed the fearlessness of a pauper. In this regard, Deadpool rarely showed a look that hated gnash the teeth.

“Buddy, can I give you a knife? It won’t hurt. I will only dig out one of your kidneys and see if I can find a channel to sell them. If you are lucky, Maybe this can offset the interest between us!”

Victor ignored him, but disappeared into the shadows along the walls of the pyramid like a real cat. In this regard, Deadpool just wanted to say something, but at this time he just saw the omnic coming in pairs. This made him swallow everything he wanted to say.

One or two omnipotents Fortunately, a group of omnics is not a problem that can be solved casually. Although he has full confidence in oneself, without any motivation, even he is unwilling to get in so much trouble. So immediately, he disappeared in place with a touch, causing these omnipotents to immediately lose their own target.

Although the goal is lost, it is only a temporary problem for the omnic. Ultron has realized what kind of opponent oneself is facing, so immediately, more and more omnipotents began to rush to Cairo.

It will become more and more lively here. In this regard, Scott, as the parties involved, already has obvious feelings.

Deadpool has already returned to them, bringing them news about omnic. Of course, in terms of his temperament, it is naturally indispensable to add fuel and vinegar. But even if it is modified, the truth still exists. This also allowed Scott to understand what terrifying power the enemy facing oneself is accumulating.

He wanted to stop all of this, but in terms of his ability, it was too difficult. Just coping with the forces of the military has already made him use almost all the means. And now there are more omnics, which originated from the dangerous existence of sentinel robots. This made him even more uncertain about whether he could stop them.

Apocalypse is busy presiding over the own ceremony, which makes them lack the most necessary pillar of strength. Without him here, Scott couldn’t even be sure that oneself could win.

After all, it is because oneself is too weak. This thought flashed through his mind, and Scott immediately showed a wry smile on his face. And at this time, a sigh rang in his mind.

“Scott, it’s really disappointing for you to think so!”

“Charles?” With his familiarity with Charles, just by hearing this voice, Scott knew it was Speak in the own mind. This made him respond immediately. “Where are you? What do you want to do?”

“We have arrived here. Scott, you have no chance of victory. Surrender and tell us the position of the child Apocalypse also took away. , Maybe you still have a chance to look back.”

Scott has heard such words countless times, but he never thought that one day they would be said to oneself. This made him feel a sense of absurdity immediately. Then, he even laughed at Charles in his head.

“You don’t know anything, Charles Teacher. Do you think I won’t win? No, you’re wrong. Fate is doomed and I will be the final winner. Because I have seen the future , The future where I had the last laugh. Apocalypse will surely succeed, and I will get everything I want.”

“You are crazy, Scott. Now you don’t have any reason at all. Say!”

Charles’ sigh deepened again, and this sympathetic and even compassionate tone immediately irritated Scott yelling.

“I’m crazy, I’m irrational. But what? I won’t be like you, begging for that guy. Sooner or later, I’ll defeat him and take back what I have. All that is lost. Apocalypse will fulfill our dream, and by that time, you will all regret it. Listen, you will regret it.”

He emphasized again and again, and when he In stress, Charles sighed and broke the connection with him. And when he lifted the head again, he immediately saw his old friend Magneto Erik’s slightly sarcasm smile.

“How? Your proud disciple rejected you again?”

“It seems that I really made a wrong choice. I just didn’t expect that feelings can actually It’s crazy to this level.”

Sighing and making a comment, Charles immediately welcomed Magneto’s rebuttal.

“Emotions make people crazy, and feelings make people strong. There is nothing wrong with this, and I will not deny it. But your student is more than just an emotional issue that can be said in the past. Simply in his heart There is no ethnic group, let alone what to be grateful for. He only sees the woman in his eyes, or he only sees himself in his eyes. This is just a selfish villain, he is not worthy of you giving him that Many comments. Sometimes I even wondered what exactly was in your mind when you chose him as the heir to own.”

“Okay, Erik. Let’s just talk about it. Sentence.” shook the head, preventing oneself old friend’s emotions from venting. Charles looked at the Mutants who were ready to go next to oneself and said. “I will talk about who is right and who is wrong later. Now we should consider how to rescue the child!”

“I think before saving the child, you should find a way to get your student And my traitor. I don’t think they will let us find Apocalypse, they will definitely stop us at all costs.”

For Magneto’s statement, Charles just wanted to refute. But thinking of Scott’s reply to him, he sighed inevitably.

“You are right, they will stop us desperately. So we can only find a way to hit them first. This matter…”

“Leave Victor to me. I think there should be a lot of things to talk about between me and him!”

As soon as the professor spoke, Logan got in. It expresses that oneself wants to compete with Victor. When the professor who knew about the past between their brother heard him say this, he immediately nodded and said with approval.

“Well, Victor will leave it to you, Logan. Also Scott! Hank, Ororo, he will leave it to you two. Think of a way to make him sober, as long as you don’t make it You can do it whatever you want.”

When he said this, Charles was inevitably angry. Obviously, he was more than disappointed with Scott.

“Captain, the two guys we don’t know will be handed over to you. There should be no problem.”

“Don’t worry, Charles. Our people should take it. This situation is more than enough. In addition, I can lend you Quicksilver and Wanda. I think their capabilities should be able to provide you with some help.”

On this issue, Captain is very cooperative. He even said that he sent out two of the main battle strengths from oneself. This is certainly a confidence in oneself’s strength, but also a friendship with Charles and the others. After all, what they have to face is the most powerful Apocalypse, so it is understandable to increase their strength.

And his approach naturally ushered in Charles’s approval. Nodded, he cast his sights on the deepest part of the pyramid. Then there was a heavy smile.

“Let’s get started, old fellow. It’s time to face that ancient origin!”

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