Sun God Marvel

Chapter 792

Shirley’s threat really moved Apocalypse’s defenses. Because he really didn’t have the certainty to keep oneself under this insidious and vicious magic and not fall into a desperate situation because of this.

The body of undying is always just a relative term, just like the way humans have developed for over-speed regeneration, if it is not because Victor within the body is implanted with super alloys, Some of his bone cells were reconstructed into sub-grade alloy cells, so he could be completely wiped out by the destruction of the organism by the white phosphorous bomb. The same is true for Apocalypse, the advantages brought by his undying body are almost completely gone in front of Shirley’s heavenly demon method.

So he immediately wisely gave up the idea of ​​using undying as a barrier to protect oneself, and instead used other abilities to build a line of defense for the mind.

This move is useful, because Shirley’s next attack was immediately blocked. His flame-like protective shield easily dismantled Shirley’s heavenly demon method, making her attack completely useless. And this is why Shirley, who is constantly attacking, can’t help curl one’s lip.

“Really hell, why the heavenly demon method should be restrained by this Attribute Power with light and fire. Obviously as long as he is beaten like that, he is not my opponent.”

“Uncle said that your heavenly demon method is just a trick. You believe it this time.”

The unmanned communication between the two girls made the Mutants around them secretly stunned, they are really true Unexpectedly, a guy who was just an ordinary little girl actually had this level of power, and even suppressed Apocalypse’s prestige for a while.

This makes their hearts full of curiosity, but they can’t express the curiosity due to identity issues. However, Rogue broke their scruples at this time. Because it was good to have a personal relationship with the two girls, Rogue asked them directly.

“Shirley, what are you? How can you have this ability?”

“Father found me a good Teacher, a very interesting guy.”

Gazed at each other, and the two Little Brats concealed a part of their uncle information at the same time, and then broke out the irrelevant part. This is even more surprising to these Mutants.

If learning can gain this degree of power, then this news is really too much. But when they thought of Zhou Yi’s identity, they soon let go of their hearts. The guy who can be invited to be a teacher by God is impossible to be an ordinary person, and this means that this power is almost impossible to be learned by an ordinary person. So naturally, for these Mutants, this will not become a universal threat.

Mutant can’t accept that a considerable number of human beings become powerful existence like Shirley, and it will only have a huge impact on their existence value. That is definitely not a good situation.

Of course, also Apocalypse who heard this. He guessed something almost immediately, and then snarled at her.

“This is your current God’s method. Do you really think that such a Demoness who has received a little care from God can be an enemy of me? Wishful thinking!”

When he said this, he immediately waved his hand to amplify the strength of the oneself molecular level to the extreme, and rushed towards Shirley and the others like a dust storm. For this, Wanda had to hold on to Magneto’s shoulders and support the defensive barrier with him.

“This guy’s strength has become stronger, how long we are impossible to support!”

The warning sound made Charles start to turn his own mind. He first glanced at Shirley, Then got this answer.

“Sorry, let me attack him, but let me defend, especially to protect so many people. My heavenly demon method does not have this ability yet!”

This answer disappointed Charles, but it was not desperate. Soon, he put his gaze on the ceremony’s table, and when he saw the boy who was still sleeping on it, he immediately had an idea in his mind.

“Pietro, find a way to take that child out of here.”

“Are you sure?” After a glance at the direction of the table, Quicksilver curl one’s lip. “Okay, but I need some help. Wanda, help me!”

Hearing the call, Wanda immediately burst into force and forcibly tore a crack in the dust of the sky, and Quicksilver It turned into a flash of lightning in an instant and rushed over.

The ability to accelerate own in disguise by slowing down time is very rare, even Apocalypse has no way to deal with it. So soon, Quicksilver rushed to the side of the target. With the little boy above, he evacuated from the pyramid in an instant.

Seeing that Quicksilver succeeded, Charles immediately turned to Wanda yelled.

“Now, let’s leave here.”

As soon as he heard this, Wanda immediately opened the own Primal Chaos Demon method. Before the molecular storm of Apocalypse swept over, the risk Zhi left here with all his companions dangerously. At this time, Apocalypse discovered their attempt.

Losing the key child, all his plans have gone to nothing. And such a result was completely unacceptable for him, so at the moment, he burst out his own power with full strength, and the storm of molecules instantly swallowed the pyramid he had created.

In an instant, the huge pyramid seemed to have experienced the destruction of millions and millions of years. From the inside out, the whole land became dust, and the dust was surging and rolling like the sea Like a surging wave, it spread unscrupulously towards all around.

Greater than any sandstorm that has ever appeared in nature, and more terrifying than any storm. This molecular-level destructive power swept across Cairo in an instant, completely destroying everything that could be destroyed in this once city.

As if being wiped by a huge palm, the whole ground began to sink. And above the ground, all the soldiers and wits who came in were affected. Destructive power at the molecular level is naturally not something humans can fight against, and even special machines such as omnics have no ability to persist. Like those humans, they were quickly disassembled into tiny molecules, becoming part of this huge, spreading sandstorm.

After they were completely destroyed, Ultron suddenly appeared on the Helicarrier of the Skyhammer, and brought them unfortunate news.

“Mr. Osborn, you need to pay for your mistakes.”

“What do you mean?” Upon hearing Ultron’s speech, the old Osborn immediately turned gloomy. . Being accused by a so-called intelligent system is equivalent to an insult in terms of his social status. If it weren’t for Ultron’s identity is too special, maybe he had already let people destroy this so-called intelligent system. Up.

However, he can restrain oneself, Ultron will not do that. From a human point of view, Ultron is equivalent to honesty, so he completely ignored Osborn’s face and said to him ruthlessly.

“I once advised you, Mr. Osborn. I warn you that it is a dangerous place, in order to reduce the casualties as much as possible. You should be rational and it is better to evacuate the soldiers there. But you have not Do this, and now, huge casualties have occurred. And through my logical judgment, you need to take a considerable part of the responsibility for such casualties.”

This kind of straightforward speech made Osborn instantly rise. The owner’s face turned red, and it also attracted many people’s whispers. And just when the old Osborn wanted to break out and suppress the commotion forcibly. Those three people who had the same status as him stood up.

“Ultron, what happened in Cairo, do you have a detailed report?”

“I only have a partial data record!” Ultron said, he forcibly intervened On the Tianhammer Bureau’s network, the video he saw through the omnic was broadcast. “This is what I saw at first. There seems to be some powerful combatants in Mutant. They have engaged with our hostile targets. There is a relationship between positions. I have temporarily marked them as allies. “

“In addition, I also found a group of wanted Avengers. Because they are also fighting the hostile target of this operation. So I have no intention to intervene for the time being, but I am ready to mobilize enough Power, arrested them at the last moment. But at this time, out-of-specification energy fluctuations erupted from the inside of the pyramid.”

“Everything was destroyed instantly. According to data analysis, this It should be a molecular level blow. In this blow, all my omnipotents and the soldiers who were mobilized by you have received a fatal attack. They lost their life reaction in an instant, and the omnic I also completely cut off contact with me.”

The influence began to change according to Ultron’s statement, from the battle between Mutants to the participation of the Avengers, and finally to the huge unimaginable horror Sandstorm. Until the impact ended, Ultron immediately inserted another satellite image.

“In between, I mobilized satellites to remotely monitor the area. Then I found this! The molecular-level destructive power sandstorm has completely covered the entire Cairo area, and with the central point The movement began to move towards the bay area at a high speed. Calculated according to the extent of its coverage and growth, soon, it will spread to several nearby human cities. This is a devastating blow, enough to hit tens of thousands in an instant Humans caused casualties. Therefore, I hope everyone here can make countermeasures as soon as possible.”

The severe situation caused the three Chief-In-Charge to look at each other one after another, and then they skipped the old Osborn asked Ultron.

“If we conduct a fixed-point and long-range strike at the center of this sandstorm, will it work?”

“The data is not clear, but you can give it a try.”

Listening to Ultron’s answer, the three immediately nodded. A new order was issued. And when they ordered, old Osborn had a hideous expression on his face.

He knows that oneself is out of this kind of power struggle. But wanting to make him surrender easily, it is not so easy.

People of the Osborn Family never give up easily. They are the most vicious and cunning fighters. Whether it is to others or to oneself.

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