Sun God Marvel

Chapter 793

The huge sandstorm looks like an earth-yellow disk from space, slowly moving towards the Middle East.

According to its movement speed, it is certain that in less than half an hour, this sandstorm that can destroy the molecular structure can spread from Cairo to Ismailia, Suez, etc. . Then two hours later, it will proceed to the Jerusalem area and destroy everything along the way.

This is a serious incident no less than United States New York. If it cannot be stopped in time, then Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and other countries will all be destroyed. Most of the Middle East will be gone. Therefore, just after a little understanding of the seriousness of the matter, the countries headed by Israel began to cooperate with the Skyhammer, launching a large number of long-range strikes against the ever-moving destruction of sandstorm.

However, no matter what kind of attack, even if Russia’s Ross and even several NATO countries used all the weapons of the own bomber formation and sea fleet, they did not play the role they expected.

All missiles, missiles and even all kinds of prohibited weapons of mass destruction have all become a joke in the face of molecular storms. Not even a fire star sputtered, they had already been swallowed up by the molecular storm, turned into flying ash in the sky, and became a part of countless dust.

This situation is beyond everyone’s imagination. As a result, the Ismailia and Suez regions, which were the first to meet this kind of shock, immediately had unprecedented riots, and those who were notified by the government began to flee away from the sandstorm. At the same time, the same thing began to happen in neighboring Israel.

When lives are in danger, everyone starts desperately seeking a glimmer of survival. No matter how many guarantees the Israeli government has made, and even if it does not hesitate to use military force, it will not be able to restore order to these desperate people. The situation is getting more and more chaotic, and the whole of Israel has fallen into a state of paralysis in a short time. At this time, almost no one could help them, and the entire Skyhammer Bureau and the Alliance were completely helpless.

“President Stark sent a call, asking us to find a solution as soon as possible.”

“The Allies are holding an emergency meeting, and they demand that we must find a way to stop this damned thing.”

“The President of Israel called, if we have not resolved this thing before it enters the border of Israel. Then in order to ensure the safety of Israel, they will use oneself all nuclear weapons to destroy this thing.”

One news after another spread to the Skyhammer Game, causing the Chief-In-Charge who had just taken over the Skyhammer Game to be overwhelmed. Originally, they wanted to consult Ultron about countermeasures, but Ultron is already not in here at this time. With a people-oriented principle, he at this time has devoted himself to the evacuation of people in the affected area. Of course, to put it another way, the fact that Israeli civilians can understand the disaster of this molecular storm so quickly is also inseparable from the propaganda of omnic.

In short, the situation is very bad. Apart from using nuclear weapons, they now have no more options. But nuclear weapons really cannot be used casually, especially in the chaotic region of the Middle East. Therefore, at this time, they can only hope for the existence of miracles. I hope this storm can stop oneself, or move towards the sea.

However, the probability of this hope is really minimal, especially since they don’t even know what the principle of movement of this sandstorm is? However, they do not know, does not mean that others do not know. A group of guys like Professor Charles who are running for their lives is very clear that the target of this sandstorm is them. Although they don’t want to believe it, the fact is that Apocalypse discovered their existence, and they are indeed moving towards their position.

Danger has been behind them all the time, and it is not that simple to escape Apocalypse’s tracking. Even at this juncture of life and death, Captain desperately shouted at Magneto, who was manipulating a large piece of metal and leading them to escape by magnetic levitation.

“Erik, we must change course. We can’t go in this direction anymore. Keep going. The territory of Israel is ahead, and the humans living there will be completely killed in the storm of Apocalypse.”

Hearing this, Magneto couldn’t help being frowned. If it’s in other countries, he really doesn’t care about the life and death of ordinary persons. But Israel is a different country. For him, this country really has a special significance. He will never forget his own mother and father, and he will never forget the identity of oneself before becoming Magneto. A Jew, this identity has been imprinted on him for too long, even if he has gone through most of his life, he has not forgotten everything that oneself has experienced.

So for him, this country composed entirely of Jewish people is really special. It made him feel unbearable at this moment.

However, if you change lanes at this time, then the danger will inevitably increase. Behind him is a monstrous sandstorm, once you turn your head, there is only a dead end. Therefore, they can only move toward the sea when changing lanes, but once they leave the land, the effect of geomagnetism will be greatly reduced under the interference of the ocean. It’s usually fine, but now with Apocalypse’s interference, Magneto is really not sure that they can escape safely in this situation.

So he was caught in a dilemma for a while, and worse, there was not much time left for him to think. However, Charles, who knew everything about the old friend well, saw the hesitation in his heart, so Charles immediately gave his advice.

“Move to the sea. I don’t think most of us would like to see any human tragedies happen because of us. So, take a little risk, I think everyone can accept it. Yes.”

After hearing this suggestion, I saw the expressions of other people. Magneto revealed a complex expression, and then quietly pulled the magnetic levitation flying saucer in the direction of the Mediterranean. And such a move was immediately caught by those who were monitoring the trend of the sandstorm.

They took a long breath one after another, especially the President of Israel. As soon as the sandstorm changed its course and began to move towards the Mediterranean, he immediately suffered a heart attack and was sent to the emergency center. The situation is said to be a bit serious, but compared to the destruction of the entire Israel, this is a totally acceptable trivial matter.

However, the Israelis are relaxed. The Europeans are going crazy.

At the speed of this devastating sandstorm, it can log on to the European continent for at most half a day. At that time, the entire Europe was facing the disaster of extinction. The molecular level of a micro-level attack has really exceeded the current limit of human science and technology. So soon, they came up with the only possible solution. That is to take advantage of this devastating sandstorm to move to the center of the Mediterranean Sea, and destroy everything with a large-yield nuclear strike.

This is a big bet, without a doubt. But it was the only way they could think of. In terms of the current civilization coverage of human beings, they must never lose Europe. So in order to protect Europe, making this decision is also as it should be by rights.

So soon, all neighboring countries began to mobilize nuclear weapons intensively. They didn’t know Charles, who was busy escaping for his life. All they think about now is to escape, escape from the terrifying sandstorm. On their way to escape, an unexpected situation happened. That is the child who was rescued by them came back to life.

Little Brat is only 5~6 years old, generally speaking, children of this age are more afraid of life, especially when they suddenly appear in an unfamiliar situation. It can be said that certain mood swings are bound to occur. But this child didn’t have this reaction. He just blinked his dark eyes and turned around everyone’s faces before falling on Shirley and Aretha.

“Shirley, Aretha? Why are you here? Also, where are we, why do you look weird?”

One mouth called two The name of a girl, the appearance of the little boy is really weird. In this case, Aretha and Shirley looked at each other in surprise, and then said to this Little Brat.

“Little brother, who are you? How do you know the names of Shirley and I?”

“What are you talking about, Aretha. I’m Xiaoyu “Puffing his own face, Little Brat said angrily. “You are cracking a joke with me again. I want to tell my father to go.”

“Ha, brat. What are you talking about, why can’t I understand?”

The more confused Shirley listened, she couldn’t help raising her eyebrows, and she scolded this Little Brat without any concern. But her performance made the bulging cheeks on Little Brat’s face become more obvious. At the same time, a special force emerged from him. Although it was just a wisp, the scorching sensation had given the people around him the illusion of being in front of the sun.

This feeling gave Charles and Ororo a little trance, as if they had encountered a similar situation before. But when they were puzzled, Little Brat spoke again.

“Shirley, you are playing with me again. I must tell my father mother and let them have a good chat with you.”

Hearing this, Aretha finally found out Something is wrong. She held on to say something and so on Shirley, squatted directly in front of Little Brat, stared at him closely, and asked every word.

“Hey, Little Brat. Tell me, who is your father mother?”

“Are you stupid, Aretha. You don’t know our father Who is it?”

Little Brat’s answer made Shirley aware of something, and she immediately showed her own fist and said threateningly.

“Say it quickly, otherwise I will beat you carefully.”

“Well, you threaten me.” Little Brat squeezed his mouth in an awkward manner. Little Brat was still obediently and honestly. Said. “Our father is Zhou Yi, and my mother is Jean Grey. You forgot about this. Be careful, Aunt scolds you!”

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